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Chris RUE is touring America talking EBS

Chris Rue, Essential Business Server MVP, says he’ll be joining the MS Learning crew as they travel on a coast-to-coast tour across the United States starting May 1st. The Career Express Tour, as it’s called, will be making a ton of stops here and there at different training centers and related events as they make their way to Tech-Ed 2009 on May 11th.

In order, the cities in which they will be stopping are: Atlanta, Charlotte, Philadelphia, Cincinnati, Indianapolis, St. Louis, Kansas City, Denver, Santa Fe, Phoenix, Las Vegas, and finally…Los Angeles!

At each stop, the gang will be delivering tons of technical content—including previews of Windows 7, Server 2008, .NET 3.5, and others—and non-technical content, like career guidance, hiring advice and other things essential for building a successful career in IT.

For full details, including the current itinerary, check out Chris’ site: