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Join Microsoft Open Technologies, Inc. for an Anniversary Celebration

Posted by Kerry Godes
Senior Manager, Worldwide Marketing and Operations

What do Microsoft and open source have in common? More than you may think, unless you’ve already been following the work of Microsoft Open Technologies, Inc. (MS Open Tech), since the wholly owned subsidiary was created one year ago this month.

MS Open Tech focuses on building bridges between Microsoft and non-Microsoft technologies, including open source solutions. From providing building blocks for interoperable cloud services to launching community-driven services like VM Depot to working with many organizations on open standards, MS Open Tech fosters greater choice for customers with heterogeneous environments.

Later this week, on April 25th, MS Open Tech will gather with many members of open source communities to celebrate the unlikely pairing at the Microsoft BizSpark Lab in Silicon Valley. An open panel discussion will include some storytelling about the road traveled thus far, with high expectations for the months ahead, reiterating how unlikely pairings can have real staying power (think cats and the internet).

RSVP here to be a part of this Thursday’s festivities. Happy one-year anniversary, MS Open Tech!