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Service Bus Explorer 2.6 now available!

I just released an improved version of the Service Bus Explorer tool based on the Microsoft.ServiceBus.dll You can find the code here:

The zip file contains:

  • The source code for the Service Bus Explorer This version of the tool uses the Microsoft.ServiceBus.dll that is compatible with the current version of the Windows Azure Service Bus, but not with the Service Bus 1.1, that is, the current version of the on-premises version of the Service Bus.
  • The Service Bus Explorer This version can be used with the Service Bus 1.1. The Service Bus Explorer 2.1 uses the Microsoft.ServiceBus.dll client library which is compatible with the Service Bus for Windows Server 1.1 RTM version. You can download the source code of the Service Bus Explorer 2.1.3 from my OneDrive.

This version introduces the following updates:

  • The tool now uses the Microsoft.ServiceBus.dll v.
  • Completely refreshed support for dynamic relay services and added full support for persistent relay services. For more information on persistent relay services, see How to handle Service Bus Relay Services in a multi-tenant environment.
  • You can select dynamic and persistent relay services in the main treeview and view their properties in the main panel.

  • You can create, delete, update persistent relay services. In particular, you can define the relay type or binding, the transport security and client authorization characteristics of the persistent relay service in the Description tab of the HandleRelayControl.

Relay service definition

  • You can create, review, update, delete the authorization rules alias shared access policies at the entity level for persistent relay services n the Authorization Rules tab of the HandleRelayControl.

Relay service authorization rules

  • You can query the metrics of both persistent and dynamic relay services in the Metrics tab of the HandleRelayControl. See point 3 in the picture below. For more information on this subject, see Service Bus Entity Metrics REST APIs.

Metric rule definition

Metrics data and charts

  • You can test both dynamic and persistent relay services in SDI and MDI mode.

  • Added support to import/export persistent relay services from/to an XML file.
  • When the saveMessageToFile setting in the configuration file is set to true, the message content of the Test Relay form is saved to file on exit.


Consumer Group / Partition Listener

  • The Consumer Group / Partition Listener control added the possibility to start receiving events from a specific point in time by defining a value for the EventHubReceiver.StartingDateTimeUtc property. Note: you have to specify date and time in UTC format, not in the local date and time format.

Consumer Group / Partition Listener: Listener Tab

Consumer Group / Partition Listener: EventsTab

Consumer Group / Partition Listener

  • Fixed visualization of event data properties in the Consumer Group / Partition Listener control (PartitionListenerControl).
  • Greatly improved message tracking in the Consumer Group / Partition Listener control (PartitionListenerControl).
  • Fixed and extended Clear funtionality in the Consumer Group / Partition Listener control (PartitionListenerControl).
  • Added the All item to Metrics. When All is selected, the tool will retrieve all the metrics for the selected entity. See point 1 in the picture below.
  • Added the possibility to delete a single metric query by pressing the delete button at the end of the row. See point 2 in the picture below.

  • No chart is shown if a metric doesn't return any data.
  • When no time range is explicitly specified in a metric rule, the tool retrieves metric data of the last 7 days.
  • Added Metrics support for the Event Hubs, Consumer Groups, Notification Hubs and Relays.

Event Hub: metric rule definition

Event Hub: metric data and charts

Consumer Group: metric rule definition

Consumer Group: metric data and charts

Notification Hub: metric rule definition

Notification Hub: metric data and charts

Relay: metric rule definition


Relay: metric data and charts

  • If you right click the namespace node in treeview and select Open Metrics in SDI or MDI mode, you can access a dialog where you can select metrics of different entities. For example, this option allows to compare the throughput of an event hub with the throughput of one of its consumer groups.

Namespace: metric rule definition

Namespace: metric data and charts

  • Bug fixed by the developer community on GitHub (thanks guys!):


  • Anonymous
    July 01, 2015
    Hi Paolo, Sorry, maybe a bit off topic, but any idea when a new version of Service Bus for Windows Server is going to be released? I can't seem to find any info regarding those plans.

  • Anonymous
    November 17, 2015
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    November 17, 2015
    Hi Rutger what kind of proxy did you try to configure in the configuration file? Ciao Paolo

  • Anonymous
    November 17, 2015
    HI, when I follow the link to service-bus-Explorer for download, I jump to an azure code sample library, where no service-bus-Explorer exist. Where can binaries be found?

  • Anonymous
    November 17, 2015
    MSDN recently made something that has broken the link. The tool can be found at Ciao Paolo

  • Anonymous
    November 30, 2015
    @Paolo: I've tried a classic proxy and a PAC script as well. <>    <connectionManagement>      <add address="*" maxconnection="50"/>    </connectionManagement>    <defaultProxy>      <proxy autoDetect="false" scriptLocation="" usesystemdefault="false"  />    </defaultProxy>  </>

  • Anonymous
    November 30, 2015
    I never tested this configuration, sorry about that. :( Ciao Paolo

  • Anonymous
    February 03, 2016
    Not sure if this is the appropriate place but, I so want to use this tool with SB Windows Server 1.1. I get an error using SASConnectionString InnerException: The underlying connection was closed: Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel. I am using a self signed cert so could that be the issue? Please direct me to the right place if this is not it. thanks, John

  • Anonymous
    February 08, 2016
    I used to have this working locally but ever since I did an uninstall and reinstall of Azure 2.6 SDK and Visual Studio 2013, I keep getting subscriptions with no controls so every time I try to interact with a subscription I get and exception indicating the index was out of range. Any thoughts?

  • Anonymous
    February 09, 2016
    Hi Chad I've no idea... :) what is the exact error description? Are you using the latest version of the tool? Thanks! Ciao Paolo

  • Anonymous
    February 18, 2016
    Hi Paolo I am seeing the same issue as Chad. I only see the first 100 topics. I can see the subscriptions list but when I click on a subscription the right hand pane is blank and I get error message <11:02:13> Exception: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.           Parameter name: index I have tried a copy of the .exe file that runs fine on a different machine but I still see the same error on my machine. So this looks to be some sort of machine issue. I am running Windows 10. I have tried both latest and verison or th etool and I see the same issue. Applying filters to the topics has not affect on the problem Thanks in advance.

  • Anonymous
    February 19, 2016
    Hi Jude you can find the last version of the tool on GitHub at I never tested the tool with so many topics, but it's also the first time that I receive this kind of feedback in years... is this problem happening only on machine? Ciao Paolo

  • Anonymous
    February 22, 2016
    Hi Paolo Yes just my machine. Other Windows 10 machines in our office are working fine. I'll try the latest from your link and let you know Thanks Jude

  • Anonymous
    March 10, 2016
    My issue is machine specific. I started using the Service Bus Explorer on a fresh VM and it is working fine. I've been continuing to dig but appears that part of the Azure SDK was corrupted on my machine somehow.