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.NET Framework 4.0: Parallel Extensions

In this 23-minute video, you'll learn about how the .NET Framework 4.0 allows for better development of parallel and concurrent applications.



4:30 Think about "tasks" now, not threads.
5:25 Coding against the old threading model.
8:30 Coding against the old thread pool model. No easy way to measure elapsed time. API not quite as robust.
9:55 Using the new parallel extensions model. Codes similar to the old threading model, but offers a more robust API, and uses a smarter concurrent scheduler. But, not all developers need to go down to this level...
14:40 New Parallel static class automatically parallelizes tasks with a much simpler API.
16:25 Quick caveat about the Parallel.For method. (Don't rely on shared data.)
17:00 Parallel LINQ (PLINQ): Declarative coding model for working with tasks. Coding with AsParallel.

See also
