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Where Have I Been?

As you've probably noticed, I haven't made any posts to this blog for several months. Here's why.

Several months ago, my business organization here at Microsoft (Microsoft Visual Studio User Education) made a decision to consolidate our work-related blog efforts. We wanted to present a more focused, centralized, definitive set of business-oriented blogs. The technical information that we were presenting on our individual professional blogs when compared to the teams' professional blogs was being perceived as sometimes repetitive, sometimes confusing, and even in some cases inconsistent.

You can view my current team's professional blog at I'll be adding most of my professional blog posts there for some time to come.

I'm still keeping my individual professional blog here at active. There may be some older posts that you may want to reference. There's also always the possibility that I may change roles or teams in the future, and I'd like some place to present stuff that doesn't apply to Visual Studio.

So, you may not see many new posts here for a while. But don't worry. I haven't gone missing in action.

-- Paul

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