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EVENT ID 9646 AND CONVERTING MsexchMailboxGuid from the Event Message

If you have seen this error in your exchange servers then you might want to read through this blog on how to get it converted.

Event Type: Error
Event Source: MSExchangeIS
Event Category: General
Event ID: 9646
Closing Mapi session "/o=Organization/ou=Administrative Group/cn=Recipients/cn=Recipient" because it exceeded the maximum of 32 objects of type "session".


Event Type: Error
Event Source: MSExchangeIS
Event Category: General
Event ID: 9646
Closing Mapi session "a3acaee7-cb14-4466-83ce-1dd117b546dc" because it exceeded the maximum of 32 objects of type "session".

If you see the Receipient you are fine, you can always go to that user and check out why is the particular user having so many sessions or you can terminate the sessions. I don't want to go in to the details of this event as lot of information is available on its occurence.

1. To solve this we Disable or Offload the TCP Chimney by running the following command in command prompt:

Netsh int ip set chimney DISABLED

2. More info:

Event ID 9646 is logged in the application event log of your Exchange Server 2003 computer when a client opens many MAPI sessions:

so what if its a Guid how do you know which user is that and to go about troubleshooting. Here is the powershell script that helps you to convert the guid in to the respective DN of the user.

step 1:

You already have the error message from the event id.

Step 2:

You have to run the msechmailboxguid-converter(evnetid 9646).PS1 script. You might have a error if you have not enabled your enabled your assembly microsoft.visualbasic.dll in powershell. Please do this before you proceed to execute the powershell script.

PS C:\>

GAC Version Location
--- ------- --------
True v2.0.50727

Step 3:

Make sure you run the msechmailboxguid-converter(evnetid 9646).PS1 (The reason being the guid that you see from the ADSIEDIT for the user will be manipulated and will look a bit different in the error with the first 3 strings being reversed, you can read more about that from the article

Step 4:Paste the GUid that you have copied from the event id in to the textbox pop up.

Step 5:

You are done, you can see the DN of the respective user as a pop up.

You can find the script attached.

msexchmailboxGuid-Converter(Eventid 9646).PS1