.NET Framework Allocation Complexity Graph
A quick graphical view of how the framework measures up.
This graph shows the number of methods of any given allocation complexity on a logarithmic scale. This allocation complexity is discussed in more detail in performance quiz #12 and this summary of my CMG talk on performance signatures.
Remember this is just a rough number, imperfect in many ways, it's only interesting to give you a general feeling about where particular methods are in the food-chain. It's useful as a planning tool but not a replacement for actual measurement. And despite the fact that I think this metric has several flaws, which I'll be discussing them in coming postings, even this feeble metric is actually useful -- an amazing result in an of itself.
January 26, 2007
I want to measure our library this way. Is there any tool for this? Thanks.Anonymous
January 26, 2007
The thing that I used to make the data isn't shipped in any way. I might be able to do something about that but I can't promise anything just yet. Ultimately I think it would be cool if you could compute any cost you like of your own with a little library and some custom code.Anonymous
January 30, 2007
The comment has been removedAnonymous
February 07, 2007
I presented this paper at the CMG 2006 conference. I've previously posted the content of my slides andAnonymous
February 16, 2007
Several people here (you know who you are) have been nagging me to do an analysis similar to the oneAnonymous
March 22, 2007
Well it seems like an eternity ago but at last I'm writing the followup to my initial question aboutAnonymous
December 27, 2007
To rephrase this post (or rant) in a nutshell: Measuring performance is not as simple as people think