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My New Book! (with my teammate Jit Ghosh)

Fresh after publishing Pro ASP.NET 3.5 Server Controls and AJAX Components in March, Jit Ghosh and I were hard at work on Silverlight 2 Recipes, which published December 08.  It is based on Silverlight 2 RTM bits so everything should work.  Jit and I each did four chapters.  Here is a list of the chapters in the book:

Chapter 1 A Quick Tour of Silverlight 2 Development
Chapter 2 Application Design and Programming Model
Chapter 3 Developing User Experiences
Chapter 4 Data Binding
Chapter 5 Controls
Chapter 6 Browser Integration
Chapter 7 Networking and Web Service Integration
Chapter 8 Integrating Rich Media

Please let me know if you have any questions on it.  Would love to hear your feedback as well.
