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Exchange 2007/2010/2013 – Gather email statistics like Exchange Profile Analyzer used to give in the past, but now using Powershell !


Want to pull out statistics from Exchange such as :

· messages sent per mailbox per day

· messages received per mailbox per day

· average message size

… And more if you want ?

Use Powershell and Excel now !



I- If you want to pull data from Exchange 2003 to 2007 Exchange versions, then you can use Exchange Profile Analyzer (EPA):

This tool uses WebDAV to interrogate the mailboxes and generates user profile data.


II- If you want to pull data from Exchange 2007/2010 servers, then you have to use Powershell to pull out these data

You cannot use Exchange Profile Analyzer on Exchange 2010 (you still can on Exchange 2007) as in Exchange 2010 and after, we gave up the WebDav protocol.

But we now use Powershell to query and ask the Exchange 2010 (and 2007) message tracking logs to pull out the same data as we had on EPA.

You can use the following TechNet script:

Exchange 2007/2010 Email stats

And here is how to interpret data using Excel functions. Quick and easy:

User Profile Analysis for Exchange Server 2010



Thanks very much to mjolinor and Neil Johnson for their scripts and explanations !


  • Anonymous
    October 06, 2013
    Hi What can I use to get the "messages received per mailbox per day" (or month)on a Exchange server 2013?? Thanks

  • Anonymous
    October 24, 2013
    Hi, the same Powershell script as Exchange Server 2010 can be used for Exchange 2013. Cheers, Sam.

  • Anonymous
    March 03, 2014
    faraz like this profiles analizer

  • Anonymous
    February 16, 2017
    Better $rundate = $($today.adddays(-1)).tostring("yyyy-MM-dd") so it work also in The Netherlands