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Enterprise Library Instrumetation

Tom Hollander has a great post on Instrumentation in Enterprise Library.  Instrumentation is something new to the blocks and some of you like / dislike it. Tom goes into details of why we did it, and what you can do about it . Go read it here.

I am working on getting some new content out for you guys.  I hope to have something up Monday.  I know I keep promising something on the design side, but I have dropped that in favor of going deeper into the runtime side.  I really want to cover the ConfigurationContext object and demystify some of the myths out there.  Especially the one that you must have a web.config or app.config file to read and write configuration.  There are many ways to get around this and I want to show you how to do this.

I hope everyone is having fun out there.  I know Ron Jacobs is planning some web casts on the blocks and has asked me to be in on some of them. Some of you will be happy to know that Ron is a great speaker and I will not be driving the web cast, but will be there to describe what is going on in the blocks  [hey I am a big geek, I like code / algorithms / the glow of my monitor, not a great speaker but working on it]. I will post the links as soon as they are available.

Send this link to your friends… tell them to download it!

File this under ‘Something I never thought I would see’.


  • Anonymous
    February 18, 2005
    Hi Scott,

    Do you have any plan of implementing a solution to allow us to encrypt/decrypt individual properties within un-encrypted sections and using the W3C XML encryption standard (
  • Anonymous
    February 18, 2005
    The part "and using the W3C XML encryption standard (", should be ingnored from my previous question, this standard don't allow us to encrypt properties. My mistake.