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Import database into Azure using Azure Power Shell

Hi All

The below powrshell script gives  you an idea on how to import a Azure Database backup bacpac file into your azure subscription.

The comments are inline with the actions performed.


 $DatabaseName = "MyDatabaseName"
 Write-Host "You have to download the publish settings file inorder to continue with the deployment"
 Write-Host "You will be redirected to the azure site to download the file. the download will start automatically"
 $name = Read-Host 'Press Enter to Continue'
 # Downloads the publish settings file from your azure subscription
 $name = Read-Host 'Press Enter to Continue'
 Write-Host "Browse the .publishsetttings file you have just downloaded"
 $name = Read-Host 'Press Enter to Continue'
 # Use file dialog to browse the publish settings file. I am pointing it to Downloads folder of user
 $dialog = New-Object
 $dialog.InitialDirectory = $home + "\Downloads"
 $dialog.DefaultExt = '.publishsettings'
 $dialog.Filter = 'Publish Settings|*.publishsettings|All Files|*.*'
 $dialog.Multiselect = $false
 $dialog.Title = "Select a Azure Subscriptions Publishsettings file"
 $rc = $dialog.ShowDialog()
 if ($rc -eq [System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::OK)
 $dialog = $dialog.FileName
 #note : overriding the $dialog with file name
 #imports the publish settings file
 # the publish settings file has the certificate which lets you access the azure subscription .
 Import-AzurePublishSettingsFile $dialog
 # Setting the container name. Creates a container in which the database backup file will be uploaded
 # The database backup is uploaded to blob container and then imported to the database.
 # Te database back up file/container will be removed after the import
 $StorageAccountName = Read-Host 'Enter the Storage Account Name' 
 # fetching the Key from the storage account. this is needed to set the context.
 $storageAccountKey = Get-AzureStorageKey $StorageAccountName | %{ $_.Primary }
 #create a storage context 
 $StorageContext = New-AzureStorageContext -StorageAccountName $StorageAccountName -StorageAccountKey $storageAccountKey
 # Creates the container in your storage account.
 # and uploads the backup file to this container
 $DbBackupContainerName = "databasebackupcontainer"
 # The database backup file name. This is the bacpac file generated when exporting the database.
 $DbBackupFileName = ""
 # Getting the current folder from script execution path
 $scriptpath = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
 $dir = Split-Path $scriptpath
 #Appending the subfolder name data to the current script path. All data is should be in data folder of current script.
 # the database backup file is put at in the data sub folder.
 $fqName = $dir + "\Data\" + $DbBackupFileName
 #create the container to upload the data
 New-AzureStorageContainer $DbBackupContainerName -Permission Off -Context $StorageContext
 #upload the current file to the blob
 Set-AzureStorageBlobContent -Blob $DbBackupFileName -Container $DbBackupContainerName -File $fqName -Context $StorageContext -Force
 Write-Host "Enter the Database Server credentials in the popup window"
 $name = Read-Host 'Press Enter to Continue'
 # Prompt user to enter credentials for the database server.
 # The password must follow standard password guidelines
 # It must be a mix of alphabets, numbers and special characters. The error check has not been handled in the script here incase of password not matching standards
 $credential = Get-Credential
 # Create a new Server to upload the database. If you have an exisiting server skip creating new server and use servername directly in the next step.
 $server = New-AzureSqlDatabaseServer -Location "East US" -AdministratorLogin $credential.UserName -AdministratorLoginPassword $credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password
 # creating fully qualified servername
 $fqServerName = $server.ServerName + ""
 # to manage the database we have to add the current ip address to the list of allowed ip addresses to the list.
 # using the .Net web client object to get the ip address ad adding it as firewall rule
 $wc=New-Object net.webclient
 $ip = $wc.downloadstring("") -replace "[^\d\.]" 
 # fetchng todays date
 $todaysdatetime = Get-Date
 # creating a firewall rule name with a timestamp of todays date.
 $firewallRulename = "ClientIpAddress" + $todaysdatetime.Year +"-" + $todaysdatetime.Month +"-" + $todaysdatetime.Day +"-" + $todaysdatetime.Hour +"-" + $todaysdatetime.Minute +"-"+ $todaysdatetime.Second +"-" + $todaysdatetime.Millisecond 
 #add the firewall rule
 $server | New-AzureSqlDatabaseServerFirewallRule -RuleName $firewallRulename -StartIPAddress $ip -EndIPAddress $ip 
 # create a new datavase. which is a web edition/ you can also create database with business edition.
 $database = New-AzureSqlDatabase -ServerName $server.ServerName -DatabaseName $DatabaseName -Edition "Web" -MaxSizeGB 1 -Collation "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS"
 # making the server to allow azure services
 $server | New-AzureSqlDatabaseServerFirewallRule -AllowAllAzureServices 
 #setting the sql context
 $SqlCtx = New-AzureSqlDatabaseServerContext -ServerName $server.ServerName -Credential $credential
 #get the container nto variable
 $Container = Get-AzureStorageContainer -Name $DbBackupContainerName -Context $StorageContext
 #import the bacpac file uploaded into the databse name mentioned.
 $importRequest = Start-AzureSqlDatabaseImport -SqlConnectionContext $SqlCtx -StorageContainer $Container -DatabaseName $DatabaseName -BlobName $DbBackupFileName
 #delete the container with the database backup bacpac file after import.
 Remove-AzureStorageContainer -Name $DbBackupContainerName -Context $StorageContext -Force -Confirm 


  • Anonymous
    February 09, 2015
    Is there any way to know when Start-AzureSqlDatabaseImport has completed? The code you list would remove the bacpac from storage before the imported completed and therefore fail

  • Anonymous
    June 10, 2015
    The Start-AzureSqlDatabaseImport cmdlet emits an ImportExportRequest object that can be piped into the Get-AzureSqlDatabaseImportExportStatus cmdlet. Repeatedly testing the Status property of the StatusInfo object you get from Get-AzureSqlDatabaseImportExportStatus (in a do-while loop with a suitable sleep, for example) lets you wait until the import process is actually finished before doing the storage container clean up work.