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Come Prepared to Learn

This post is a part of a series showcasing Silicon Valley organizations that champion positive change in our community.

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If science and innovation are the keys to progress, than why is it so difficult to get people motivated to learn about them? The answer, according to Peter Friess, president of The Tech Museum, is not “what” educational institutions are teaching but rather “how” people are being taught. Predicting that the 20th century model of education will ultimately become obsolete, Friess envisions organizations like The Tech Museum as leaders in truly engaging “students” (of all ages, nations and backgrounds) through interactive learning tools.

The Museum boasts hundreds of hands-on exhibits that explore Silicon Valley technologies, biotechnology, clean energy, space exploration and other frontiers of innovation in an effort to immerse – and inspire – visitors in the promise of change in our world. And The Tech Museum doesn’t simply show the public the value of transforming technologies, it also tells the public about it in two big ways:

  • The Tech Challenge is an annual team design challenge for children in grades 5 through 12.  Teams are presented with real-world problems, which they’re challenged to find hands-on solutions to using the scientific process. Learn more about this program and its most recent participants and you’ll feel hopeful that our youth will carry on the torch of innovation.
  • The Tech Awards is The Museum’s international awards program honoring innovators who leverage technology to benefit humanity. More than a token ceremony, it’s a weeklong event of exhibitions, exciting programming and opportunities for innovators to connect with Silicon Valley influencers. 

Microsoft has proudly sponsored The Tech Awards’ “Education Award” for many years, and this video clip tells you more about one recipient who cranked out an educational solution for children with no access to electricity.

We admire The Tech Museum’s celebration of individuals like this who are finding unique ways to change the way people learn, change that Microsoft will continue to support. Inspired to support this nonprofit yourself? “Like” this video clip and encourage members of your social network to also “like” it to increase The Tech’s chance at winning the Microsoft Video Challenge.