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“You Make IT Smart: Code – Play – Win” Game Programming Competition Closed

The “You Make IT Smart: Code – Play – Win” campaign has been inviting Swiss students to find out how to program their own Xbox game, download free* software, complete free online learning courses and take part in competitions with great prizes. As a part of the campaign, we are distributing up to 150 free Xbox 360 Arcade consoles.

Out of the 150 Xbox 360 Arcade consoles were promised to distribute 120 consoles via Game Programming Competition for the 120 first students completing the Game Programming Exercise with Microsoft XNA Game Studio. We have now received 120 XNA games that have been programmed according to the instructions and have awarded consoles for all these 120 lucky winners. This means that the “You Make IT Smart: Code – Play – Win” Game Programming Competition is now officially closed. We thank Swiss student for their active participation and warmly congratulate the 120 winners.

We are still distributing up to 30 Xbox Arcade consoles as a part of the campaign:

Compete in Imagine Cup 2010**

Imagine Cup is a worldwide student competition with categories ranging from digital

arts to software design. For Imagine Cup 2010, students are challenged with important

themes under the United Nations Millennium Development Goals. If you participate,

one of the 15 Xbox 360 consoles can be yours.

Get lucky at Microsoft Switzerland events for students**

We will be giving out 10 Xbox 360 consoles at Academic tech•days Basel and Geneva in early April. Stay tuned, registration to the event begins in early February 2010.

Do an IT Academy course and get certification**

IT Academy enables you to do free «hands-on» online courses on Microsoft technologies.

If you continue from IT Academy to complete a professional Microsoft Certification, you

can win one of the 5 Xbox 360 console.

Read more how to participate:

Kind regards,

Sanna Kuusisto

Academic Audience Manager, Developer & Platform Group, Microsoft Switzerland

*Special terms of use apply

**As defined in the campaign rules by Microsoft