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Interesting in taking a test drive of the new features?

The networking team would like to get feedback,    from customers/users of the DHCP Server.       Here's your chance to  to test the new and existing features in MS DHCP Server, ahead of the general  release.             If you are interested,    please send in the filled-in questionnaire to msnetworkteam_AT_live_DOT_com.

Name                                                      :
Organization                                           : 
Industry  (Eg. Telco/ISV/Education)        : 
Number of DHCP Administrators             :
Number of DHCP Servers                        :
Number of DHCP Clients                         : _____ active leases : ________
DHCP Client by OS                                  : Windows  __,  Linux __,   MAC __, Other(Specify) ___%
Number of Scopes                                  :
Tools used to manage or monitor DHCP Servers          :
Customizations/extensions made to the DHCP Server :
Do you plan to use IPv6  : ____     If yes, when  : ______
Tools/Processes, used to manage IP Addresses (including static IPs) (eg. Spreadsheets):
Are you willing to test/evaluate the DHCP Server role and provide periodic feedback : Yes ____   No ____
----------End Questionnaire-------------------


Team Networking
