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New Edition of TechNet ON: Accelerating Windows 7 Deployments

While Windows 7 last month celebrated its first year with more than 240 million licenses, another big milestone looms: It was 25 years ago this month that Microsoft unveiled its first operating system with a graphical user interface, called Windows. And (gulp!) I was there, as a member of the press, properly impressed by how it looked on those monochrome CRT displays. Heck, you didn’t even need a mouse to use it.

Windows, you wear it well. How many computer products have been around for 25 years?

Yes, there have been a few refinements to Windows since then. One of the ways Microsoft, and the community, continues to improve is in making Windows easier to deploy, and you’ve no doubt heard by now that enterprise deployments of Windows 7 are more streamlined than ever before. I have to believe that is due, at least in part, to the advanced, task-specific tools and resources from Microsoft, not to mention the guidance and best practices which have surfaced in the greater Windows community.

In the latest edition of TechNet ON, we’ve compiled a number of great articles that explain the use of these resources and tools. For a quick run-through of the resources, check out Jeremy Chapman’s Best of compilation of Windows 7 deployment resources.

To familiarize yourself with the new tools and techniques, TechNet Magazine has several new articles, including Joshua Hoffman’s Modern Guide to Desktop Deployment and his Windows Deployment Resource Guide, which explains the differences among the various deployment tools. And for a great how-to piece, Greg Shield’s “Geek of All Trades” column takes you through Windows 7 Deployment in 7 Easy Steps.

There is a wealth of great guidance in this edition and, of course, links to the tools themselves with specific how-to content for each tool.

And finally, we brought back a fan-favorite, the free eBook
Deploying Windows 7 Essential Guidance from the Windows 7 Resource Kit and TechNet Magazine.

We know that many of you are still working toward your enterprise deployment of Windows 7 and hope this package serves as a one-stop resource.

Here’s to the next 25 years of innovation,


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  • Anonymous
    November 03, 2010
    Your links to: Modern Guide to Desktop Deployment and Windows Deployment Resource Guide are pointed to a share on your local machine. Modern Guide to Desktop Deployment file:///C:/Users/miratcli/AppData/Local/Microsoft/Windows/Temporary%20Internet%20Files/Content.Outlook/QDPXO330/magazine/gg299601.aspx Windows Deployment Resource Guide file:///C:/Users/miratcli/AppData/Local/Microsoft/Windows/Temporary%20Internet%20Files/Content.Outlook/QDPXO330/magazine/gg327815.aspx