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Free Translation Memory module now available for the Multilingual App Toolkit

Microsoft’s light-weight localization editor Multilingual App Toolkit (MAT) has just been updated with a free Translation Memory (TM) module, allowing developers and localizers to reuse translations more efficiently.

MAT already provides free machine translation via Microsoft Translator, access to Microsoft’s official terminology and user interface translations, and now adds the LocShare Translation Memory module. LocShare can be installed as a plug-in free of charge from the Visual Studio Gallery.

If you are an existing MAT user, this allows you to create your own private translation memory to recycle translations. Translation memories can be imported in XLIFF format.

LocShare also enables sharing of your TM with others as well as providing a Search feature for finding specific stings in your TM:

Read more about this new TM feature and using MAT to localize apps into other languages on Cameron Lerum’s MAT blog.