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Microsoft's Surface tablet a winner in Popular Mechanics Breakthrough Awards.


What do Elon Musk, Leap Motion, Microsoft Surface and Windows 8, Autodesk 123D, and Dow Solar's PowerHouse Solar Shingles have in common?

They are all among the winners of Popular Mechanics magazine's eighth Breakthrough Awards. Awarded each year by a panel of the magazine's editors, the honors go to people and products that are seen to be leading the world of science and commerce forward.

This year's product winners are: The North Face Powder Guide ABS Vest and Backpack; the Lytro camera; Autodesk 123D; Microsoft Surface and Windows 8; Ford's 1-liter EcoBoost engine; Dow PowerHouse Solar Shingles; Cubify's Cube 3d printer; Lehr's propane-powered outboard engine; Leap Motion's Leap motion control system; and General Motor's crash avoidance system.


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Terry Clancy

Developer Audience Marketing Manager