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Daniel Spoke... To Me!

A word of warning here: You may find this utterly insignificant and a complete waste of your time to read on. I am writing about something that I expect a few others will find interesting: It is about me and my son. It is the same thing you feel when you visit your friend that has just had a baby. You are slightly uninterested in hearing how his dirty diapers are progressing according to schedule. The same will apply here.

So, for some reason totally irrelevant to this, I was riding in the back seat with my son (he in his car seat, me next to him) when we drove home from running some errands. I really enjoy sitting back there with him now that he has reached a stage where he realizes* that the world extends beyond the reach his arms. He smiles. At times, he laughs. Even with all this goodness, communicating with him has been mostly a one way street (or, IsOneWay=true, if you will). At best, he was a flaky server when responding to my requests.

 Today, though, that all changed. While we were riding along, I started making some sounds to him. Not highly complex sounds, about the level that one herring makes to another herring when their paths cross. One thing was that he immediately struck up a big smile. More importantly, he made exactly the same sounds back at me! This was not just a random event. I was able to get him to do so more than once, and each time with the same result: He repeated the pattern I made (albeit, very simple pattern). No longer is he a flakily responding server, he is a server that supports callbacks! In my world right now, that would be equal to put this code in his service interface definition:

[ServiceContract(CallbackContract = typeof(IMakeDadEcstatic))]

public interface IAmDaniel


   [OperationContract(IsOneWay = true)]

   void Sleep(TimeSpan duration);


   Desparation Cry(ReasonType reason);


   Poop Eat(BreastMilk food);


   void BeStimulated(Stimuli theSoundDadMakes); // Invokes IMakeDadEcstatic









* How do I know? It just seems to make sense, and it seems to make my story make sense

Daniel and Dad


  • Anonymous
    February 02, 2007
    Hehe, only a true geek would come up with this. Way to go :-)