Fast Search – Unexpected error occurred while communicating with Administration Service
With Fast Search for SharePoint(FS4SP)installation, you might encounter this error at multiple places.
Below are the few places where I have encountered with this error:
1) Navigate to Fast Query SSA from Central Admin à Manage services Application. Click on Fast Query SSA. Then click on “Fast Search Administration” link on the left hand side
2) In a site collection navigate to site collection settings page. And on this page clicking on the links
- FAST Search Keywords
- FAST Search Site Promotion and demotion
- FAST Search user context
To resolve this please follow the below steps:
Adding Application Pool account to FASTSearchAdministrators group
The Application pool account of the Web Application should be granted access to the FAST search engine. On my single server machine installation I followed the below steps:
- Open Active Directory Users and Computers
- Nagivate to domain control in the tree view
- Click on Users and look for group names “FASTSearchAdministratorsGroup” (In generally this group can be found in local users and groups on the systems that have FASTsearch installed)
Note: if you cannot find a group by this name, you can create one with same name
- Double click the group navigate to Member tab, click add and enter the account fo the app pool being used.
Note: Please add the App pool account used by central Admin too this group is not already present
Creating FASTSearchSearchSettingGroup for the site collection
Run the below command in FAST Search Shell to check if the FASTSearchSearchSettingGroup(which manages the keywords, promotions and demotions”) is created. If not created you would get the below error.
To create a group, run the below commands
- In SharePoint management shell: Get-Site https://sitecollectionURL | Select ID
- Now in FAST Search Shell run the below command as pass the ID as Name parameter
>>New-FASTSearchSearchSettingGroup –Name <<SitecollectionGUID>>
Adding Application Pool account to FASTSearchKeywordAdministrators group
The above steps would enable to access all the links, but you might still not able to access the “FAST Search user context” under site collection administrator links.
Couple of articles on internet have mentioned that Creating “FASTSearchKeywordAdministrators” groups and adding the required accounts to this group would enable access, but this hasn’t fixed my issue yet. So, the search is still on.
February 17, 2012
If this still is not working for you then try adding the user account that is running the content application pool to the FASTSearchKeywordAdministrators. Not sure why it works but it solved the problem for me where I couldn’t access the following links: FAST Search Keywords FAST Search Site Promotion and demotion FAST Search user context AndiAnonymous
March 05, 2012
Did you find any solution for "FAST Search user context". I'm still getting "Access Denied" error even if I add app pool user to FASTSearchKeywordAdministrators group.Anonymous
March 19, 2012
The search is still on...Anonymous
May 01, 2012
This can also occur if a firewall is blocking communications out from a SharePoint server to the FAST server on port 13391.Anonymous
October 03, 2012
After reading FAST Installation Guides for hours i've realizied that I did not configure SSL with a CA Cert. So HTTPS could never really work. After i've changed the Connections to the FastQueryAdministration in FAST Query SSA, everything worked fine. Before changing the FAST Query SSA from HTTPS back to HTTP ULS showed me the following error: An operation failed because the following certificate has validation errors:nnSubject Name: CN=FASTSearchCertnIssuer Name: CN=FASTSearchCertnThumbprint: 39ABEC41BA733D16FF2D1638BBCB9C8CF5D99859nnErrors:nn SSL policy errors have been encountered. Error code '0x2'..