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Ten Must-Have Tools for Every Developer

Just came across this article talks on the ten must-have tools for every developer.

1. Snippet Compiler:
It allows you to write, compile, and run code

2. Regulator:
This tool allows you build and test regular expressions easily.

3. CodeSmith:
It is a template-based code-generation tool that uses a syntax similar to ASP.NET to generate any type of code or text  

4. Nunit:
NUnit allows you to write tests in the language of your choice to test a specific function of your application.  [Visual Studio add-in]

5. FxCop:
This tool helps you to create better applications by enabling you to examine an assembly and check it for compliance using a number of different rules.

6. .NET Reflector:
It is a class browser and decompiler that can examine an assembly and show you just about all of its secrets.

7. NDoc:
This tool will automatically generate documentation for your code using reflection to examine the assembly and using the XML generated from your C# XML comments.

NAnt allows you to build your solution, copy files, run NUnit tests, send e-mail, and much more.

9. ASP.NET Version Switcher:
his tool can be used to switch the version of ASP.NET that a virtual directory is running under.

10. Visual Studio Converter:
his tool  can be used to switch a project file from Visual Studio .NET 2002 to Visual Studio .NET 2003.
