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October NAV Roadshow Slides & Links

A big thank you to everyone who attended the NAV Roadshows over the last couple of days. Your support is much appreciated!

The feedback has been excellent with a lot of partners interested in following up on hosted NAV in particular.

I have loaded all the presentation decks onto my Sky Drive for you to download. The link is here:

Regards the licensing changes around DCO I have amended my slides to include a useful links to the main resources on partners source. The licensing slides are contained in the agenda slide deck.

Keep your eyes out for the NAV 2009 Readiness activities that will be running over November. You should be able to book in for the both the Technical Training and Sales & Marketing events from early next week. I will send out the links by email, RSS and Blog.

Feedback on the content and suggestions for improvement are always welcome. Keep your ideas coming in!

Have a great weekend everyone.

Phil Newman
