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SharePoint 2007 Resource Guide

When working with Partners and Customers there are lot of queries related to SharePoint 2007 installation, development, sample code, administration etc. Most of the queries can be answered by directing them to a relevant webpage on the Internet. For quick turnaround, I maintain an Excel sheet with 500+ links. Besides this, there are many SharePoint 2007 resource lists available on the Internet, like Ian's SharePoint - Technology Resources, Steve Pietrek - Everything SharePoint, Andrew Connell's Web Content Management Links and Resources.

To provide a shorter and more focussed list of links, I filtered down the links in my excel file, categorized the links among different topics and created a document out of it. This "printer friendly" document or resource guide can be downloaded and used a guidance by SharePoint development/architecture teams. Besides the usual application development related topics, I have also listed lot of links related to integration with other applications, interesting codeplex projects and migration. I have also listed down ISVs (which I am aware of) to increase awareness of the great products these guys are building on top of SharePoint platform.

You can download the guide here - MOSS_2007_Resource_Guide.pdf . This guide is still a work in progress and I plan to update the document regularly but the download URL would remain the same.

Was the guide useful to you? Are you aware of some good links which I have missed? Please let me know your feedback and suggestions. 

[UPDATE] Please read the update to this post here: Update: SharePoint 2007 Resource Guide
