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Virtual Earth and Live Search Maps Vintage Educational Videos

Catherine Heller and I did these videos last year for Channel 10 and for some reason I never found out they were published...until today. They're still valid (for the most part) though much has changed with the Live UI. It can provide you with some Virtual Earth API and Live Search Maps the very least you can watch us make fools of ourselves trying to be TV personalities. Get some popcorn. No, get Kettle Corn. That stuff is awesome! Just work it off later. ;-)

Virtual Earth

Virtual Earth Integration - So yesterday Catherine Heller and Chris Pendleton brought you the basics of Live Search Maps. Today is all about the integration. How does Live Search Maps work with other services in the Live Collection? All of those unanswered questions that have been keeping you up at night will all be answered today here on Channel 10.

Live Search Maps

Live Search Maps with Chris Pendleton on Channel 10 - Catherine Heller sits down with Chris Pendleton, he's the virtual earth technical evangelist here at Microsoft who talks about Live Search Maps. It's an integration of local listings for finding places of business, internet based search. It's got an integrated 3D browser. There is so much to Live Search Maps that tomorrow we will be bringing you the second half of this demo which is all about the integration of Live Search Maps.

Feel free to comment on what's changed, what you like and what you don't like over the last year. I should do this again as an update.

