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[Monday Interview] + Special request from WikiNinja Ed Price "Interview with Davut Eren" !

Who are you, where are you, and what do you do? What are your specialty technologies? (Kimsiniz, Neredesiniz, Neler yapiyorsunuz? Size özel teknolojiniz nedir?)

Image: it is me :)

I was born in Balikesir and living in the beautiful city of izmir in Turkey. I have been in the sector approximately for 10 years, and for a long time I have been a part of IT projects in the banking sector. Currently I am working in a corporate firm as a System Manager, and in this position I have managed various projects in the System Center. I have been trying to explain my experience with the articles I have published. From now on I will be sharing my experience via Technet Wiki. Additionally, you can follow me with the following links: and My special technology is Active Directory and System Center Family.

Balikesirde dogdum ve güzel sehir izmir / Türkiye de yasiyorum. Yaklasik olarak 10 yildir sektörün içerisindeyim ve uzun bir süre banka sektöründe bilisim projelerinde bulundum. Suan bir firmada Sistem Yöneticisi olarak çalismaktayim ve bu pozisyonda System Center ürünleri ile bir çok projeler basardim. Deneyimlerimi Technet Wiki üzerinde paylastigim makalelerle açiklamaya çalisiyorum. Ek olarak beni ve adreslerinden takip edebilirsiniz. Benim özel teknolojim Active Directory ve System Center Ailesidir.


What are your big projects right now? Suan ki en büyük projeniz nedir?

(Note: Write about any certifications you're working on, what they are, what you're learning, any events you're planning, any blogs or books you're working, any client projects you want to talk about, any MS projects, any wiki articles you're planning, etc.)

Image: Award of 2014 in Aykanlar – Best Project Award Deployment with SCCM 2012 (Aykanlar 2014 yilinin ödülü – SCCM 2012 ile en iyi dagitim ödülü)

I completed a big deployment project with SCCM in my company for which I was recently awarded. Nowadays, I have been preparing for an MCT certification. I, together with my team, wrote an e-book about Microsoft Infrastructure Management and about System Center Service Manager (SCSM 2012), (I improve it, day one day.)  I have also been preparing to write a new e-book about System Center Configuration Manager. And also planning to give a seminar in end of july 2014 about System Center with my team friends. Really, I love System Center Family.

Görüldügü üzere SCCM ile büyük bir dagitim projesini tamamladim. Son günlerde MCT (Microsoft Sertifikali Egitmen) sertifikasyonunu alabilmek için hazirlaniyorum. Takim arkadaslarimla beraber Microsoft Infrastructure Management kitabini yayinladik. Ve Benim yazmis oldugum System Center Service Manager (SCSM 2012), (Gün be gün gelistiriyorum.) Ayrica yeni e-kitabimi yazmaya hazirlaniyorum System Center Configuration Manager. Ve ayrica 2014 Temmuz sonu gibi takim arkadaslarim ile bir seminer vermeyi planliyoruz. Gerçekten System Center Ailesini seviyorum.


What do you do with TechNet Wiki, and how does that fit into the rest of your job?

Technet Wiki ile ne yapabilirsiniz ve Isinizden geriye kalan uygun zamanda nasil yaparsiniz?

Image: a photo after training (egitim sonrasi bir fotograf)

Generally I spend most of my time in TechNet Wiki and in forums and blogs. Genellikle zamanimin çogunu TechNet Wiki üzerinde geçiriyorum ve  forum ve bloglarda.


On what Wiki articles do you spend most of your time?

Hangi makaleler de en çok zaman harciyorsunuz?

Nowadays, I spend most of my time with System Center Survival Guide and Active Directory Audit Powershell Scripts

Bugünlerde en çok zamanimi System Center Survival Guide ve Active Directory Audit Powershell Scripts üzerinde geçiriyorum


What are your favorite Wiki articles you’ve contributed?

Katkida bulundugunuz hangi wiki makale sizin favorinizdir?

My favorite article is TechNet Wiki Turkish Ninjas Guide Microsoft Infrastructure Management

Benim favorim TechNet Wiki Turkish Ninjas Guide Microsoft Infrastructure Management dir


What are your top 5 favorite Wiki articles?

Top 5  favori wiki makaleniz nedir?

My article except; (makalelerim hariç)


What could we do differently on TechNet Wiki? Technet Wiki için daha farkli nel yapabiliriz?

I wish Technet wiki had a page for event id. On this page people can search event id and try to resolve their problems with the help of other peoples’ past experiences about the same event id.

Technet wiki olay günlügü sayfasina sahip olmasini umuyorum. Bu sayfada insanlarin olay günlüklerini arastirip ve bu problemleri ayni olay günlügü altinda deneyimlerini paylasarak çözmeyi denedigi bir sayfa.


Who has impressed you in the Wiki community, and why?bWiki Toplulugunda sizi kim etkilemekte ve Neden?

Absolutely Gokan Ozcifci and Ed Price,

Kesinlikle Gokan Ozcifci ve Ed Price,

- Thanks Davut for this excellent interview!


  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Davut başarılarının devamını diliyorum.
  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Oh yeah, and next week we'll interview Ugur Demir from TAT as requested by Ed Price!
  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Yay! Thanks for translating this into Turkish, Gokan!
  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    I'm looking forward to next week too! Let's get to know all of TAT! Thank you all for everything you do!
  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Davut is very very good writer. Thanks Mr. Gokan.
  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Davut is perfect man and also helpfulll.. Nice work Gökan, congratulations
  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Thanks again Davut!
  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Gokan eline sağlık Yürü be Davudum :)
  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Teşekkürler Gökan. Davut çok başarılı bir uzman. Kendisine daha büyük başarılar diliyorum.
  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Değerli yorumlarınız için çok teşekkür ederim arkadaşlar. Ellerine sağlık Gokan