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Monday - Interview With Benoît Jester

Merhaba  Wiki Ailesi ve sevgili bilisim sever arkadaslarim ;

Bugün sizlere tanitmaktan gurur duygugum  SharePoint MVP olan Benoit Jester ile olan röportajimi paylasmak istedim.
.Kendisi SharePoint yaninda , Yammer ,Office 365 ,Windows Azure uzmanidir.Fransiz Wiki ailesinin üyeleri arasindadir.Ayrica Sharepoint alanindaki uzmanligini MVP olarak da tescillemistir.Bilisim gönüllüsü olan Benoit uzman oldugu alanlarda bizlerle makalelerini ve tüm tecrübelerini paylasmaktadir.Kendisine bilisime yaptigi katkilardan dolayi tesekkür ederiz. Benoir Jester daha yakindan tanimak için profilini ve blogunu inceleyebilirsiniz.

  • Who are you, where are you, and what do you do? What are your specialty technologies?

(Kimsiniz, Neredesiniz, Neler yapiyorsunuz? Size özel teknolojiniz nedir?)

My name is Benoît Jester, I live in Paris (France), and I’m a SharePoint addict!

I was recently awarded SharePoint Server MVP by Microsoft, and I’m really honored of that!

I work on SharePoint since 2005, and work (since 4 years) as an independant SharePoint expert for a multinational, in Paris La Défense.

My other skills are Office 365, Yammer, and Azure.


  • What is your big project right now?

(Suan ki en büyük projeniz nedir?)

Actually, I have multiple projects in sight. I think the main one is to manage my little boy J Otherwise, I work on my blog (, dedicated to SharePoint and all related technologies. I also participate in writing eBooks (2 of them should be published in a few months), publish and translate articles on the TechNet Wiki, and I recently spent a lot of time to prepare a session for the TechDays (Best practices to migration to SharePoint 2013).

I don’t know if it should be considered as a project (ah ah), but I met Gokan during this event – See here for more details ! J From a professional point of view, I’m actually preparing our SharePoint migration (2007 to 2013), and am preparing to welcome a big SharePoint 2013 enterprise portal (150.000 potential users).


  • What is your top 5 favorite Wiki articles? (Top 5 favori wiki makaleniz nedir?)

This is a hard question, because they are so much good articles on the Wiki!


Here are my (recent) top 5 articles:

  1. SharePoint: The ULTIMATE White Paper Gallery by -Anthony Labriola-
  2. Office 365 Knowledge Base Library by MS2065 [MSFT]
  3. SharePoint 2013: Deep integration of Yammer Search with SharePoint search by Rahul A Shinde
  4. SharePoint Online: A no-code Solution to Create and Customize Access Service app using Access 2013 by Dan Christian
  5. SharePoint 2013: Creating a Development Environment by Margriet Bruggeman



  • What is TechNet Wiki for? Who is it for?

(Technet Wiki'nin yanisira, baska nerelere katkida bulunuyorsunuz?)

I’m active on the TechNet Wiki since a few months now, and I can say without hesitation that the TechNet Wiki is a place where EVERYONE can fin a HUGE amount of qualitative information. You can find information on almost any Microsoft technology, articles being written by skilled people, MCC or MVP as well. And don’t forget that you can contribute and join the community!


  • What is it about TechNet Wiki that interests you?

(Technet Wiki üzerinde sizin ilginizi çeken nedir?)


Apart from the content, I was surprised to see that the Technet Wiki is highly structured, by having for example councils, meetings where projects and ideas are discussed, or active moderation to avoid spams and advertisements. The TechNet Wiki is a real community, with people talking to each other, and not only a place where people write their articles.


  • Do you have any comments for product groups about TechNet Wiki?

(Technet Wiki ürün grubu için herhangi bir yorumunuz var mi?)


Just one comment: Keep up the good work! J


  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Thanks Hasan! :) Great work Benoit!
  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Thanks Hasan! Great work Benoit!
  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    The new SharePoint logo looks a lot like Benoit! =^)

    Thanks, Hasan!
  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    thank you hasan, congrats benoit.
  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Thanks Hasan for this article :)

    I like your image !!
  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Congrats Benoit, thanks Hasan
  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Teşekkürler Hasan. Congrats Benoit .