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The Fibonnaci Sequence using C# Iterators

Iterators in C# are probably one of the least understood and most wonderful features the language has. They were added in C# 2.0 and are the magic that gives LINQ its Deferred Execution goodness. Anyway, I was needing an arbitrary length list of Guids today (although, with the recent shortage, perhaps ScottGuIDs would have been a better choice) and used this cute little few-liner to get what I wanted:

public IEnumerable<Guid> Guids
        while (true)
            yield return Guid.NewGuid();

From there you can easily get yourself a list of, say, 5 Guids using LINQ’s Take Extension Method:

var myGuids = this.Guids.Take(5);

Obviously, this made me want to generate some more interesting sequences, like Fibonnaci’s:

public IEnumerable<int> Fibonnaci
        int first = 0;
        yield return first;

        int second = 1;
        yield return second;

        while (true)
            int next = first + second;
            first = second;
            second = next;

            yield return next;

Pretty terse, right?