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Unplugging from #almrangers to enjoy the Boundary Bay airshow

I unplugged from the digital matrix and the ALM Rangers for a day to walk to and enjoy the Boundary Bay Airshow’15. The B17 bomber was the highlight of the day … seeing and hearing its raw power, beauty and grace took us all back to the 1940’s …

A big THANK YOU to the veterans from all sides, the airshow organizers and volunteers, and the Delta municipality for inviting the local community to the airshow for “free”. Not often that you get so much history and quality displays in one event.

Alexander you were with me all day and the sounds, the smells of aviation fumes and oil, reminded me of the precious days I watched you fly at Rand Airport. vHUG!




Apologies for the background noise, but the wind from the Boundary Bay ocean side was strong … cooling off the day Smile The B-17 Flyingfortress bomber was gob-smacking beautiful …

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