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Get your applications ready for the first Smartphones with 320x240 screens

The Motorola Q and Samsung i320 bring the first landscape 320x240 screens to Windows Mobile Smartphone devices. These devices will be in the hands of many new and existing users. Is your app ready?

Adapt Your App now with the new Landscape Smartphone emulator image and Microsoft's guidance, tools, and resources. They'll help you ready your code for the latest announced devices and be well prepared to support additional form factors as they hit the market.

Visit the new Adapt Your App page in the MSDN Windows Mobile Developer Center; it's a one-stop source for all the latest information and resources you need to build resolution-aware applications. Among the resources, you will find this handy chart listing all the resolutions currently supported by Windows Mobile devices:

Windows Mobile Resolution Chart


  • Anonymous
    June 12, 2006
    Question for you on this related topic of Smartphones....

    OK, previously we had just a 0-*# keypad with some letters assigned to them.

    Now we have Smartphone and PPC with QWERTY keyboard, and in many cases, some letters on the keyboard are shared with numbers.

    Let's say user presses "R", and perhaps "4" is also on the "R" key.

    How can a developer determine, when "R" is pressed, that "4" could also be generated from the same keypress.

    With numeric keypad, we have the possiblities of "2,A,B,C" all on one key and we have lookup p tables to figure out that a "2" press might also mean A/B/C when doing a search (like you guys do in Contacts app.)

    So, the big question in which I hope you can help is....

    Given a WM_CHAR or WM_KEYDOWN, we need to figure out "What other characters/symbols could be generated from this same keypress?"

    This would apply for PPC or SP for WM5

    There has to be a way, unless this is all managed by the OEMs per device.

    And we also noted that on the Moto Q, that the Contacts app handles some of the key combos a little funny.

    We've beat our brains out on this and could really use your help.

  • Anonymous
    June 13, 2006
    John, won't using the Alt key let you know if the user means R or 3?

    What have you noticed about the key combos when using the Q's Contact app?
  • Anonymous
    June 13, 2006
    This would be useful for avoiding requiring the user to press the alt key. i.e. I have an input field that can accept only numerics. When the user presses an apla key, that could maybe be a numeric if they had pressed alt first. Being able to get that numeric value anyway would save that keypress. For something taking all numeric input, such auto-substitution could save a lot of time for the users. Is there a way to either switch the keyboard mode programatically or to ask that numerics are given?

    For an example of this in action, look at the today screen of a Treo 700w. Type a letter that shares a numer key and you get the number itself if there are no contacts starting with that letter. Palm can do this easily as they know the keyboard layout. Where they have the numbers doesn't match other OEMs so an ISV cab't do this as simply.
  • Anonymous
    June 14, 2006
    Hi Matt, hmmm, I don't believe so.

    Here's the scenario we're trying to replicate.

    1. Say I'm on the Moto Q.
    2. I press "R" key (no shift/alt) just plain R
    3. The built-in contacts will immediately check/search against both "R" and "3".

    This is all without the user specifying either "R" or "3".

    i.e. if we receive a VK_R in WM_KEYDOWN or "R" in WM_CHAR, can we programatically query the system to find out what other possible characters may be generated by this key?

    For devices like the Motorola Q or Samsung i320, there are most likely two different characters/symbols that can be generated by a given hardware key.  For other WM Smartphones, you have 4 or more characters per key.  In this case, if given a VK_T5, how can we programatically determine that the "5" key could also contain J/K/L?  (i.e. user just presses "5", but we want to know, what other characters could be generated by that key)

    Is there a standardization on the 'Function' key action?  On different devices, it seems quite different.

    We've went so far as to dynamically load the current keyboard dll and use functions like KeybdDriverVkeyToUnicode () and a bunch of other things, trying to figure out this, but it doesn't seem there is a clear answer.

    Again, the built-in contacts app does this job, and somehow it's aware that when you press "2" on the smartphone, that you want to search using one of 2/A/B/C (or any additional characters that may be assigned to that key)

    Same goes for the phone dialer on the Moto Q.

    If you are on the home screen, and you press "R" which also has "3" on the key, you get a "3" to dial with, not an "R".  How can an application figure this out?

    Is there a function at the keyboard driver level that the OS calls into to query the possibilities?  Or is there a map based on the current keyboard/locale somewhere?

    Thanks for your time.
  • Anonymous
    June 18, 2006
    The comment has been removed
  • Anonymous
    June 19, 2006
    Java Devoper X:

    Never, they created .NET for your use instead. Microsoft once tried to 'embrace' Java (by that I mean implement their own flavor that's not quite compatible) but got smacked down in court. So, now you have something else to use (C#) that looks and feels a lot like Java (at least more than it looks or feels like C++). I doubt you'll ever see them go out of their way to support Java when they couldn't even manage to get the current version of the .NET framework into Windows Mobile 5 before release, and we constantly here of nice things simply being left out to save ROM space. Never mind why a phone OS should take 50MB or whatever, but when they can't seem to scrounge up 200K for a decent whatever at the moment (e.g. XML parser) how are they going to fit the 10MB or so of bloated garbage for a JRE if they even wanted to? Put in .NET frameworks 1.1 and 2.0 (because, you  know, backwards compatibiilty is hard so we'll just bring along both), as will be required soon with applications for various versions, and you're about out of storage space already.
  • Anonymous
    June 19, 2006
    you are having the good information about the mobile phones.

    cheers.... lizzie
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  • Anonymous
    April 08, 2008
    The 'Adapt your app' link no longer works. I don't understand why MS keeps changing all such useful links.