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Interview With A Developer

In 2005, one of my idols in the blogging community, Robert Scoble, cofounded a Microsoft site called Channel 9.  These people wander around Microsoft with video cameras, interview various people, and post the videos on their site.  The interviews can range from "here's some cool stuff coming soon," to "here's an interesting person to talk with."  Channel 9 shares the general goal that blogs have of putting a human face on the corporation, only in Channel 9 videos you can actually see said face. 

Last month Rory from Channel 9 interviewed me.  Although he originally contacted me as a result of my blog entries here, we ended up talking about a wide range of things, from the video on demand stuff I worked on 13 years ago to the Sega Dreamcast to drivers, and, of course Windows Mobile.  You can see the video here.  I hope you like it.

In other news, as I did last year, I'm taking the month of December off.  I just hopped on to post the link to the video.  Vacation so far has been nice and relaxing.  Unlike last year, I have an xbox now, so I've been playing a lot of Gears and Viva (surprisingly, more Viva than Gears, it's that good).  And my son and I have spent a lot of time snowboarding (early snow this year!).  Although I love the rain (that means snow in the mountains), when it's not doing that, I've also been taking nice long walks with my wife.  I'm keeping busy, so I probably won't end up writing a bunch of apps like I did last year.  I also haven't been checking in here very much.  It really wouldn't be a vacation if I did....

Have a happy holiday season and see you all in January.

Mike Calligaro


  • Anonymous
    December 16, 2006
    Fantastic video! Personally, I'd rather have watched you fire up that 'ol cassopeia and hold a lighter to it until it smokes ;) Happy holidays! C

  • Anonymous
    December 18, 2006
    I'd like to contact any developer directly, could I? I have a question and a suggestion. Thank you.

  • Anonymous
    December 18, 2006
    I'd suggest using the contact link on the left side. Those mails go to all of us.

  • Anonymous
    January 03, 2007
    I don't know, Chris.  Those old devices were pretty tough.  I don't think a lighter would have done much damage.  (-: Mike

  • Anonymous
    January 04, 2007
    I’m back after taking the month of December off. It’s always hard to come back. I love my job. I’ve been

  • Anonymous
    January 08, 2007
    Can U help me please, I have an Acer N35 Pocket Pc,  I have just loaded the new Anquet O.S maps Which I understand requires the net compact framework to Open and  I get an error message as follows Ms Net Compact Framework2.0 Failed to install on your devicebecause the installation file is not intended for the version of the device.   Can U help please Thank u Guy My email address is