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What would you like to see in future phone APIs

We are in the phone app team. The Phone app is the app that is used to make and manage voice calls.
We are trying to understand how the developers use the phone app or would like to use the phone as a platform. We would like you to answer the following questions.
1. What are the things you wanted to programmatically do on the phone system, that you weren’t able to do?
2. From the things that you were able to do, what were the pain points?
3. What kind of phone (dialer, makecall, incoming calls etc) related apps do you write, such as answering phone call and replying to sender with SMS when in a meeting ?
4. What kinds of phone UI extensibility are you interested in, such as changing the color of the text in the accumulator.
5. What kind of technology (managed/native) do you primarily use for writing your apps?
6. What type of phone related notifications (from the notification broker) does your app listen to, generally, such as signal strength notification?
7. What type of phone related notifications (from the notification broker) do you wish your app could receive?

Can you now also help us prioritize your requests?. If you had $100, how would you distribute it on your requests. (We are looking for inputs similar to here, but only for phone API related stuff)


JJ, Lakshmi.


  • Anonymous
    April 02, 2007
    Any sort of API to get the cell tower ID and other information for ghetto location-based services for the vast majority of people without unlimited data plans. How in the world is someone going to get their location information  from a cell tower ID? Community databases. Other than that, the existing phone APIs are great.

  • Anonymous
    April 02, 2007
    Thanks for seeking the feedback. My top priority item would be the ability to plugin my own call control on top of the native dialer UI. I would like my app to get notified on various phone UI activities and want to be able to do control the call. Basically, I am asking for an API set for the UI alone, I can do the the call control part through TAPI. Thank you!

  • Anonymous
    April 02, 2007
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    April 02, 2007
    I would like to see an API, to make an datacall (GSMData). Now you have to use the complex TAPI, to get this done.

  • Anonymous
    April 02, 2007
    if you wish to make data calls, you can look into the connection manager APIs. Look up ConnMgrEstablishConnection.

  • Anonymous
    April 02, 2007
    $100 for Bluetooth classes! API to search devices, connect, OBEX protocol interfaces

  • Anonymous
    April 02, 2007
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    April 02, 2007
    Currently I'm using the RIL layer intensely (and Broker where possible). What's missing is broad device support (Operators tend to leave out many features) and better documentation for the implemented features. Also USSD on CDMA devices is not supported via API's (GSM is supported) Duplex sound control in call (for Answering machine type app.)

  • Anonymous
    April 02, 2007
    The ability to chose to run at 96 or 192dpi on VGA and bigger screens without having to reset the device. Is this possible. May I remind everyone that VGA based PPC or PPC phones have the poorest graphic performances. Yes ! Even the X51v and its graphic chip. When apps take the graphic chip into account, its fine, but otherwise, it is really really slow. Plus this VGA thing is mostly marketing, because it displays buttons and interface the QVGA way. And all VGA PPC don't have graphic chip, so writing an app just for one or 2 devices isn't really what I want. So I want the ability to get back to 96dpi from 192dpi without having to reboot the device. Thanks.

  • Anonymous
    April 02, 2007
    Make is so Active sync will sync Notes.  Why would you not do that anyway.  You sync mail, calendar, and Tasks?

  • Anonymous
    April 03, 2007
    Attention Windows Mobile developers. Microsoft is looking for input. Posted to the Windows Mobile blog:

  • Anonymous
    April 03, 2007
    Please at least try to stay in the ballpark of Phone APIs. :)

  • Anonymous
    April 03, 2007
    I'd spend $20 on build in text-to-speech (Managed, por favor!) that can be piped to the voice channel of the phone, which could be useful in several dozen ways - phone related and not.

  • Anonymous
    April 03, 2007
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    April 04, 2007
    Hi! Better calling history and logging between the Outlook PIM and the Phone. Tighter integration with the Calendar as well. When a call comes in, it would be nice to have access to any stored information (Notes, Schedules, History, etc.) perhaps as icons on the screen. The ability to color-code the screen for incoming calls. In other words, allow the user to assign colors to contacts (similar to color-coding of contacts by category in Outlook 2007.) Thanks! Michael

  • Anonymous
    April 04, 2007
    $100 adding more controls to the Smart Phone API. Currently, I can not port my Windows Mobile 5 Pocket PC application to the Smart Phone because the Smart Phone API doesn't support tab pages or button controls. I realize Smart Phones do not have a touch screen to select between the different tabs, but a Smart Phone user could scroll to a Tab Page and then tap the Enter Button to select between the different tabs. Thanks, John

  • Anonymous
    April 04, 2007
    Definitly data calls. The ConnectionManager can be really improved. For me and my customers it would be very important to create specific connections (UMTS, GPRS etc.) and also to close them, hen I want them to close and not, like it is now that it get's closed when the ConnectionManager "thinks" when it is the best time for.

  • Anonymous
    April 04, 2007
    Multiple Account support for PPC and Smartphone. Any idea how to do that using outlook transport

  • Anonymous
    April 04, 2007
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    April 04, 2007
    API for reading IMSI and IMEI from the radio module in some standard format. Currently OEM's return whatever they wish. It should also be possible to read IMSI and IMEI in offline mode. This is possible in Symbian phones. Zlib compression/decompression API. Simple API for handling menubar, which works identically in PPC and Smartphone. Status codes to HTML control (connecting, sending n%, receiving n%, error) without using the complicated COM interfaces. API for getting bitmaps used in MessageBoxes, menu/list background etc.

  • Anonymous
    April 04, 2007
    Please let us record phone conversation!!!

  • Anonymous
    April 04, 2007
    I want to use my Cell phone as cell phone when I am out of Wi-Fi area but within my service provider area. AND I want to use my Cell phone as Wi-FI phone when I am within Wi-Fi area (Within or out of my service provider area). VOIP. Ability / freedom to choose....APPLICATION perspective and NOT mobile phone harware perspective. Can mobile phones give out 802.11 related signals... Sculpa:) Mobile service providers....

  • Anonymous
    April 04, 2007
    I know it might sound silly but I'd like the ability to adjust the size of the contact picture that I see when accepting an incoming call and on the call-in-progress screen.  (As in making it bigger.)  Right now the image is tiny and that really annoys me.  Every other phone I've used, the contact picture is big so I can see it.  I don't care much about  playing a video but at least give the option to show a bigger image.  People want to personalize their phone and make it easier to recognize who is calling.  It's all about the little things that boost perception.

  • Anonymous
    April 04, 2007
    !!! PROPER WAY OF (PRIVILEGED) CODE SIGNING !!! If you want more phone applications your first step should be to change the rip off scheme for code signing. Just do it like EVERY other code signing is implemented on the market. Verify the developer/company (you even can ask for money for this process) and then give them the power to do as many signatures they want (even a time based model like developer can create signatures within one year only would be better than the current model). Just answer yourself this question: Why the developer wants to pay for every change/update the phone gets which make adaptations of the software necessary?

  • Anonymous
    April 05, 2007

  • Anonymous
    April 05, 2007
    I would like to see the team STOP and catch up on long overdue documentation updates. On your MSDN site, the "Learn Windows Mobile: Overview" and associated articles make no reference to WM6 and have obsolete info in them.  I am trying to write a mobile app and its a nightmare to sort through all this stuff.  THANK YOU!

  • Anonymous
    April 05, 2007
    Mientras apenas se ven algunos equipos con Windows Mobile 6 en la calle, Microsoft ya está moviendose a Windows Mobile Photon (nombre código de Windows Mobile 7 ) y en el blog oficial del OS se están recibiendo sugerencias para...

  • Anonymous
    April 05, 2007
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    April 05, 2007
    I would like to see better integration with the camera and audio recording. The managed APIs for photos, videos, audio and the gallery are an OK start, but overall do not provide for a smooth flow from app to these OS/device functions. Also, having device metadata in the media files for all new devices should be provided. Providing APIs to access and update this metadata would be useful too.

  • Anonymous
    April 06, 2007
    The next big leap forward has to be made in useability / user interface. The iPhone is setting the new standard. So we need classes for vector graphics and animation, so that more intuitive interfaces can be built. Also, please include a transparancy property to all picture, label and button controls !

  • Anonymous
    April 06, 2007
    Why on earth were Notes removed from the mobile version of Outlook?  This makes it impossible to sync desktop Outlook with a portable device. Many many people simply want a Razr-sized phone that can sync with Outlook.  Period.  Year after year, vendors ignore the fact that many people simply want their PDA-type information with them for reference, NOT for intensive updating.  My Palm PDA has what, 8 megabytes of memory, and syncs perfectly with Outlook.  Yet my Motorola phone, with half a gigabyte, doesn't even have ADDRESSES in the contact list!  Nor does it have tasks.  Or notes.  Or any way even to sync the paltry data it supports with Outlook CORRECTLY. So here comes Windows Mobile, currently supported on a whopping ONE clamshell phone (Pantech PN-820 at Verizon) since Cingular discontinued its 3125.  And what do we find?  Microsoft has removed Notes.  Come on, guys, this is a simple block of text. Why on earth remove it? And in case you can't envision scenarios that come up for things like Tasks and Notes on a phone, here a two real ones:

  1. I keep my grocery list as a task category in Outlook.  Under "Groceries", each item is a task.  If I'm driving home from work and decide to stop at the grocery store, I have my list right on my phone.
  2. I keep all my recipes as Notes.  I'm on a ski trip in Tahoe, and we decide to cook in one night.  No problem: I have my lasagna recipe right here on my phone, so we can pick up the ingredients at the store. Besides situations like these, the other obvious use for a Windows Mobile phone is a simple backup for your desktop Outlook.  So why make that impossible?
  • Anonymous
    April 07, 2007
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    April 08, 2007
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    April 09, 2007
    Extension commands in the phone UI. Allow adding buttons to the dial pad. Allow adding menu commands in the call history. One missing feature in the call history which I can find in every phone around is to add the incoming phone number to an existing contact. I have to create a new contact, copy the phone number, delete the contact, and paste to the existing contact. This is a pain.

  • Anonymous
    April 11, 2007
    I'd like to see two things: First, an API call to get the current time from the cell network.  This is useful for apps that want to sync with whatever timezone the phone finds itself in, i.e when I land in a new city and turn on the phone, I'd like to be able to get the current time in that city from the cell network. Second (peripherally related to the telephony API), higher performance access to the soundcard.  Currently, I need to go through delegates to the native Wave API.  On constrained machines, this can be too slow for doing sample read and writes every 20 ms for example.  It would be good if the Wave API were exported through a managed API that had better performance.

  • Anonymous
    April 12, 2007
    The ability to have your own TAPI application manage incoming calls on the device.  Cprog.exe is very hard to work with/around/over when trying to handling incoming data calls.

  • Anonymous
    April 12, 2007
    $100:Phone service API! Encourage manufacturers to allow someone to mix and match the OS, phone parts, network service and the applications. Currently, phones (smart or PDA) are not available until after the phone company lag time. Once they deliver their phone with their service it seems it is 2 or more revisions behind current technology (how long did phone companies only deliver a rotary phone). Then if you want to upgrade your OS you have to wait until the next phone comes out (often a year after phone company lag time). I pay Phone company for their service and a card or code I can load on any phone. Some GSM is like this but it's the exception not the rule with major US carriers. Thanks, Stephen

  • Anonymous
    April 12, 2007
    Two connected touch-screen UIs. Implementation of Microsoft Office 2007 Fluent UI. Personally, I'm developing a cell PC platform -

  • Anonymous
    April 13, 2007
    Can anybody tell me that when call is coming in phone can I get info abt the caller from webservice and can I override that incoming window?

  • Anonymous
    April 16, 2007

  1.       What are the things you wanted to programmatically do on the phone system, that you weren’t able to do? Access to IMSI numbers and Cell Tower information. Events when calls come in and when calls are answered.
  2.       From the things that you were able to do, what were the pain points?
  3.       What kind of phone (dialer, makecall, incoming calls etc) related apps do you write, such as answering phone call and replying to sender with SMS when in a meeting ? Answering machine stuff :-)
  4.       What kinds of phone UI extensibility are you interested in, such as changing the color of the text in the accumulator. N/A
  5.       What kind of technology (managed/native) do you primarily use for writing your apps? 100% Pure Managed code :-)
  6.       What type of phone related notifications (from the notification broker) does your app listen to, generally, such as signal strength notification? Unanswered calls...
  7.       What type of phone related notifications (from the notification broker)  do you wish your app could receive? Cell Tower Changes, Incoming Call, Answered Call
  • Anonymous
    April 17, 2007
    Hi, I have worked with PhoneApp whilst trying to integrate several deep Telephony based extensions.  I am currently under NDA with Microsoft so do you have a private email address where I can respond to your questions.

  • Anonymous
    April 20, 2007
    Tighten what the cell providers can do to break the OS level operations. Having worked directly with providers I can say they have too much lee-way in ruining your OS and giving it a bad name. The separation between kernal space and user space needs to be cleaner i.e. bad Motorola apps. or versions coming out of platform builder shouldn't be crashing a phone. The OS needs to be tight with a light layer of customization. Windows Mobile is paying the price for this flexibility. No one says, "My Motorola [or Samsung] crashes" because they refer to it as Windows Mobile.

  • Anonymous
    April 20, 2007
    With removable storage being what it is now, I'd LOVE to see device-based voicemail.  THAT feature in itself would be worth it's virtual weight in gold!

  • Anonymous
    April 24, 2007
    how about some acknowledgement/thoughts on the feedback you have received?

  • Anonymous
    April 26, 2007
    I would like to see a right click function when a phone call is coming or in the call history to do a reverse phone lookup.   I was trying to look around for such a program but I wouldn't mind creating one but I don't know where to start.  Either create a program or just create a link such as or

  • Anonymous
    April 26, 2007
    I would like to see a right click function when a phone call is coming or in the call history to do a reverse phone lookup.   I was trying to look around for such a program but I wouldn't mind creating one but I don't know where to start.  Either create a program or just create a link such as or

  • Anonymous
    April 27, 2007

  1.       What are the things you wanted to programmatically do on the phone system, that you weren’t able to do? 40$ - I want to receive a notification when users make an outgoing call and I am able to allow or disallow the call before it is really dialed, and I can change the outgoing number before it is dialed. 30$ - I want to record the voice communication and I am able to play voice clips to remote party. 30$ - When a call is received, the Phone App does not dispaly its UI before I finish my processing.
  2.       From the things that you were able to do, what were the pain points? I have to do API hooks to prevent the Phone App from displaying its UI when a call is received.
  3.       What kind of phone (dialer, makecall, incoming calls etc) related apps do you write, such as answering phone call and replying to sender with SMS when in a meeting ? Calls and SMS firewall.
  4.       What kinds of phone UI extensibility are you interested in, such as changing the color of the text in the accumulator. I don't care.
  5.       What kind of technology (managed/native) do you primarily use for writing your apps? Native.
  6.       What type of phone related notifications (from the notification broker)  do you wish your app could receive? Incoming calls, SMS and outgoing calls, SMS.
  • Anonymous
    April 28, 2007
    DirectShow is the only way to make some camera-conenected application and NO ONE can help for developping Only one very small (and partial) Sample in the SDK for DirectShow. We need or
  1. 5-6 working directshow programs SAMPLES demonstrating frame grabbign and overlay etc
  2. API (like in Symbian) that give total control of the camera. SECURITY: There is not a Platform security in PPC. We're still waiting for some site like symbian.signed . That allow to distribute strong protected proffessionnal application. The "Protected " functions are a joke for now, and everyone can get your code and start reverse engineering on it.
  • Anonymous
    April 29, 2007
    Which part of the Symbian model are you interested in? Are you primarily trying to protect your app against reverse engineering?

  • Anonymous
    April 30, 2007
    $ 50 - Make all APIs maanged. Irrespective of what API, make it managed $ 20 - Notifications for incoming and outgoing calls. Enable event hooks so that additional functionality can be integrated e.g. answering machine or voice mail $ 20 - Access to IMEI nos and cell tower information $ 10 - Access to broadcast information. Most Nokia models list the area one is in but WM phones don't seem to do that.

  • Anonymous
    May 02, 2007
    $100 - I have my personal Outlook calendar and contacts on my home PC and a separate business Outlook calendar and contacts on my work PC. I want both sets of data in my Windows mobile device WITHOUT merging the data. Obviously, syncing for updates for each one separately would be a must. Is there already a solution?

  • Anonymous
    May 02, 2007

  1. What are the things you wanted to programmatically do on the phone system, that you weren’t able to do?  Enable/Disable speaker phone. Call waiting in CDMA phones (by using TAPI or other APIs). Manage calls' volume reliably.
  2. From the things that you were able to do, what were the pain points?  Support a device that had broken TAPI support (for making calls). I wish the TAPI support were more complete among all manufacturers.
  3. What kind of phone (dialer, makecall, incoming calls etc) related apps do you write, such as answering phone call and replying to sender with SMS when in a meeting ?  A phone dialer. 5.What kind of technology (managed/native) do you primarily use for writing your apps?  Mainly, I write native applications.
  • Anonymous
    May 08, 2007
    My suggestion is simple and frankly amazing that WM does not have it yet.   Extension Dialing so those of us with extensions stored as "work" in the phone directory can easily call into our companies. Here's how it works: I am replacing a blackberry and my contacts for internal people within my company utilize an extension number for internal dialing. In order to reach someone directly one dials a long distance main number first and waits for a tone. At that point the extension is dialed to go straight to the person's desk. The blackberry has a setting where you tell it the main number for these types of calls along with the default length of extensions. THEN... whenever you dial a number of that length it automatically dials the main numer and waits for you to click the track wheel (for it to dial the extension). Also, any number in the phone book with an "x" infront of it is also handled as an extension (same way). Adding this in a global way into the phone would allow us to set the phone up for "what to do in the case of extensions"  I would not want to have to go back and edit every person in my address book (within my company) and add the main number along with a pause.  The better way is to just have this setting like blackberry does.  Then anyone within your company can be reached by dialing the extension.  People at other companies could just be stored with their main number along with a "x" followed by the extension.  The phone would interpret the "x" to mean wait and prompt the person to click (or something) to have the phone dial the number following the "x"

  • Anonymous
    May 31, 2007
    There should be an api that gives the current xml configuration of the screen that gives detailed information about each object on the screen such as the titles of them and which one is highlighted/has focus.

  • Anonymous
    June 11, 2007
    I desperately need an easy way to trigger a small app when a call ends.  This is so we can write an app prompting people to record whether or not the [support] call was billable or not, and which customer it relates to.

  • Anonymous
    June 14, 2007
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    June 21, 2007
    It appears that setting up silent triggers for email messages does not work in WM6?  Wow..  That's a big seller for me anyway.  Back to WM5 for me.. -Jason

  • Anonymous
    July 12, 2007
    Previously mentioned all in CAPS, I'd love to see the WMDC sync with Windows Calendar, Windows Contacts and Windows Mail.  As a home PC user, Outlook is a lot more than I need and I like using the OS included basic tools.  It would be nice if I could sync them with my Windows Mobile device too.

  • Anonymous
    August 06, 2007
    hello, I'm seeking a way to forbid cprog to launch. By this act, I could manage calls.. My application works on WM2003, but in WM5, cprog catch events and d'ont allow me to manage the events with my own. I would like to replace cprog.exe by an empty programm far exemple, or say to WM5 to not launch cprog.exe when call is coming.. I can't find the solution and it's very important for me to have my own dialer.. thanks

  • Anonymous
    August 21, 2007
    Would like to see extra customisabilty introduced in the Security configuration such that the device can be configured to allow an outgoing call to be made without entering an unlock password. (Password still used to access applications).

  • Anonymous
    September 08, 2007
    I have seen what silverlight can do on both pc and ppc,so my Q is can we have silverlight UI in the next OS (photon) ,in another way can we use silverlight outside the range of web-based applications in the field of WM... Imagine what would we have when we use silverlight experience in WM...

  • Anonymous
    September 10, 2007
    Would like to see a phone API that can switch to "InCall" icon from volume icon in taskbar when making/answering a call in a phone application. (Just like what a native dialer does)

  • Anonymous
    September 12, 2007
    My Absolute #1 Item is:

  • The ability to dial a corporate extension from the address book.   Explanation:  this would be of big benefit for people that work for companies where people are reached by dialing a main number and then (once getting through) dial an extension.  My address book has many people stored with their extension in the "work" phone number field.  In my blackberry I set the default extension length to be 6 digits.  I also set up (in one place) the number to dial for accessing corporate extensions.  This is VERY different from editing 400 phone records to insert the main number and a bunch of pauses. The phone knows that when I dial a 6 digit number - to dial the number stored for corporate extension dialing and then prompt me for when to send the extension.  ADDITIONALLY - since not all extensions conform to 6 digits (either different length extensions at my company or others in my address book at different companies) the phone knows to do the same whenever you dial a number with an "x" in front of it. ADDITIONALLY - if you have anumber stored in your address book as say 555-555-5555 x123 the phone knows to dial the 555 number and wait until you tell it to then dial the 123 extension. This is not rocket science and I frankly cannot believe it has not been addressed thus far.  Asside from having to edit every existing address book record to add the main work number and a pause or two, every new name I bring down from the corporate directory would need to be edited the same way.  Today, all I do is bring them down on the fly and call them.  Worst case I have to edit to add an "x" if they do not have a 6 digit extension. Hope to see this addition soon - or - perhaps some genius could write an add on program.  I know I would buy it and frankly spend more than the typical short money for this one!

  • Anonymous
    September 12, 2007
    I am having problems with silent triggers for email messages and WM6.

  • Anonymous
    October 24, 2007
    I need events like call has started and call has ended. For this I use State And Notifications Broker events where in I have registered for an onchange notification of SN_PHONETALKING registry where I get the status using the BITMASK. The problem arrives when I use my application on any Smartphone2005 handhelds.This when I try to get the value through RegGetDword() which as perdocumentation does not require to explicitly open the registry. But if do not open the registry the it will not get the value and sometimes while closing the key it does nt respond. Does anyone know any other solution other than SN_PHONETALKING?

  • Anonymous
    October 26, 2007
    As others have already mentioned, an API to get local time from cell tower

  • Anonymous
    January 14, 2008
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    January 14, 2008
    Mapi synch of sms/mms message - it is ridiculous to have to manually back-up these messages, when they should be visible and shareable like any other messages, both for businesses and personal usage. Proper synching of notes. Ability to add number from received SMS/MMS to new contact or merge with existing contact Ability to merge number from call history to an existing contact Ability to copy a number from call history so it can be pasted into other apps Multiple phone numbers and multiple mobile numbers - in the same manner as the existing ability to add multiple emails. Ability to store and dial extensions, without having to dial n main switchboard number (blackberry has this). (- as suggested by Paul above.) "When ever I get a missed call i have to click on 3 things. Put the text message of the voicemail, voicemail notification and missed call on ONE note/screen PLEASE!" (- as suggested by Sean Guadron above.)

  • Anonymous
    May 05, 2008
    First of all with VC++ 2005 SP1 and mobile sdk is impossible to debug a dll, error with PDB. Anyway for this post, for the future phone APIs, i'v found some bugs and problems:

  1. Issue when Answer to an incoming call with TAPI (or RIL), add a missing call into the log and show a notification about that. (keybd_event is to limitated)
  2. Manage call log (adding and deleting) improvments, Phone api permit only to read it.
  3. Unlock screen can't have the related api
  4. Switch from internal speaker to loud speaker (during a call) need the api,
  5. Wi-fi enable/disable/find must need more msdn help
  6. cprog.exe interface are needed, the 5+ dlg and the notification are undocumented.
  7. Hooking are undocumented such as CallWndProc or CBTProc.
  • Anonymous
    June 16, 2008
    $50 better address book with the ability to add more fields ! in today's era seems everyone has a half dozen of email addresses let alone phone, cell and fax numbers.. a nice feature will be adding the option to add more fields as needed to keep all the emails of the same person in the same file rather than creating 2 or more contacts for the same person !! $50 better search engine that supports even looking in notes.

  • Anonymous
    July 03, 2008
    voice messages and different tones via internal speaker. Need API to access internal speaker.

  • Anonymous
    August 13, 2008
    We need to be able to get a handle on the phone call audio stream, preferably in managed code, for recording purposes. This is possible with Symbian, therefore enterprises that equip staff with phones and needs to record phone calls will have to buy Symbian based phones.

  • Anonymous
    September 01, 2008
    Yes I would like that feature too, where you can add multiple mobile phone numbers under one name Nokia has it!!!

  • Anonymous
    December 15, 2008
    hi, IS it poaaible to play music or by implmenting the text to speech and telling the caller that "i am busy right now please call me later " on windows mobile , when the call is answered on windows mobile

  • Anonymous
    April 15, 2009
    My killer app. Need API to support following. Want a personalized message for some people who calles me. The message is recorded on my phone. When somone calles me I want to be able to give them different predefined voice messages. I press 1 and the phone plays a message like "I have seen you call but is in a meeting, I will call when meeting is over". I press 2 and phone plays a message like "Busy, will call back in 5 minutes" The calling person can have choises "Press 1 to quit voicemessage and continue to have the phone ringing if its urgent"