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Where is everyone? - MEDC consumes Windows Mobile team!

Hopefully everyone was able to take advantage of that sweet MEDC registration discount Mel posted last week.  I noticed that no-one had posted on the blog for a week.

So where is everyone?

The answer for a lot of people is "heads down preparing for MEDC".  For example, Mel is busy working on keynote demos - so busy that he and I haven't been able to get together to practice our session for a couple of weeks.  Aside from keeping the giant engine that is MEDC chugging along, Derek has been working on a sweet little video.  What MEDC would be complete without a new comedy/spoof video?  Lot's of other people who usually blog are preparing sessions, demos and getting ready for the kickoff May 1st.

And you James, what have you been up to?

Of course, the giant monster that is MEDC has been consuming my time too.  I've been working on the Windows Mobile exhibit hall presence.  I've been contributing "opinions" the the process of pulling together the keynote demos - some welcome and others less so!  I've also been updating some of our core materials for Windows Mobile 6 so that we can distribute them for the first time at MEDC.  That means you can expect a new Windows Mobile 6 Developer Resource Kit, a new Windows Mobile developer data sheet and a refresh of our content.

Don't forget that the Windows Mobile 6 SDK Refresh will be available on MSDN and the new resource kit on May 1st as well!  Congratulations to Fernando and team who signed off on the release last Friday.  The Refresh SDK features additional samples, new documentation, several bug fixes and links to resources for building line of business applications.

Those of you attending MEDC in Las Vegas, see you there. I'll also be making my debut at MEDC Japan and MEDC India in June so I hope to see some of our blog audience there as well.

If you haven't already registered for MEDC, there's still time.  Visit for more information. 



  • Anonymous
    April 16, 2007
    I am a full time windows mobile developer and am looking forward to seeing you in India in June.