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Zune + Windows Mobile = Better Together?

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What are some ways the Zune player and a Windows Mobile device can work better together? I'm not referring to an imaginary "Zune phone", and I'm certainly not hinting or speculating about a converged device.

Instead, I'm wondering if there are any opportunities for us to improve the experience for people who use both devices (a Zune and a Windows Mobile phone). For example, viewing your Zune Social network in IEMobile, converting a Zune playlist into .WMA ringtones, converting Zune's artwork to Windows Mobile themes, showing your Windows Mobile contacts as pictures in Zune etc.

If you can think of similar interesting or compelling scenarios, we'd love to hear them.




  • Anonymous
    February 17, 2008
    The best solution I can think of is zune software for my windows mobile phone so it will sync with zune marketplace etc and I can leave my zune behind when I only need a couple podcasts and one or two albums with me to listen to directly on my phone. Possibly shop the marketplace from my phone and have the content I buy show up on my zune next sync?

  • Anonymous
    February 17, 2008
    ZunePhone or not - you should offer the ability to have all zune features on a windows mobile phone. For example, make it an application that can be downloaded and then enable the phone to synchronize with the zune account - download music, (using the phones data connection), etc. The current windows media player in the phone is grossly inadequate - Zune should be a replacement for it if a user wants it.

  • Anonymous
    February 17, 2008
    I use my Zune as a music player about 90% of the time, with the AT&T Tilt picking up the slack for when I don't want to carry 2 devices (or just to listen to Audible content, which the Zune still doesn't do).  At 4GB on MicroSD, the Tilt has enough room to be my primary music player, but WMP Mobile is pretty inadequate:  Tiny buttons that are impossible to navigate while moving, tricky menu navigation that makes finding a podcast a chore, having to rebuild library every time I add an album, etc. I can't think of anything here that doesn't venture into the realm of "wishful thinking," but it would be REALLY nice to let WinMo devices sync to the podcast list in Zune Desktop.  I'd love not to have to manage podcasts in both Zune and a 3rd party catcher in order to have them on both devices, even nicer to have them reconcile which ones have been listened to when I connect to my desktop, and just wonderful to have my Tilt (at least) pick up new updates through the data connection without having to use HubDog. As for Zune social features, well... I've got an Xbox 360, so I'll get some Zune Social friends once the limit goes up.  ;-)

  • Anonymous
    February 17, 2008
    I currently listen to Zune Marketplace tunes on my Windows Mobile 5 phone. I wish it were easier. I have to use Windows Media Player to sync the content to the device, instead of Zune software directly. Also, I have to create new playlists on Windows Media Player, since the Zune playlists are invisible to Windows Media Player. Why not let me sync using the Zune host software? I'll pick the playlists that get moved to the phone to keep the volume manageable. And use the same rating system across both devices. I have stars on Windows Mobile and something else on the Zune.

  • Anonymous
    February 17, 2008
    I don't know one way or the other whether this is already the case, but the Zune should be able to partner with a bluetooth phone to fetch music from elsewhere, and/or the phone ought to be able to push files from the WMP library to the Zune.

  • Anonymous
    February 17, 2008
    All of the above suggestions are great. I'd love to be able to play my purchased Zune music on my Windows Mobile phone. I know with the Zune Marketplace and its DRM-free MP3's they are playable on Windows Mobile devices but I also have a subscription for the Zune Marketplace and subscription-downloaded music won't play on a Windows Mobile device.

  • Anonymous
    February 17, 2008
    Zune Desktop podcasts syncing with my Windows Mobile 5 device.

  • Anonymous
    February 17, 2008
    An Windows Mobile application for the Zune Social would be nice.  I mean, anything that will help to enhance both WM and Zune would be great, and I am still hopeful that this will happen...all of the above posts are great ideas, and should be considered.

  • Anonymous
    February 17, 2008
    Since both the devices support WI-FI, I would rather have my WinMo device act as a Zune remote with display. On my WinMo device, I should be able to browse through my  Zune collection and control the player.

  • Anonymous
    February 17, 2008
    Making sure that <i>all</i> Zune content can be synced, not just music and podcasts. Also, I've always thought that a "Zune Personality" for Windows Mobile would be cool. Basically the ability to load up a front end application that mimics the Zune interface. I know that both platforms have the same Windows CE roots, but I don't know the feasibility of such an endeavor.

  • Anonymous
    February 17, 2008
    Since Windows Mobile is tarred with the brush of Enterprisinessitude (and I say this as an enthusiastic but long-suffering WM developer), what about (in addtion to the suggestions above) producing a version of the Zune that supports the hoped-for-eventual mobile version of Silverlight, and let people create applications for it...then promote it as first a media player but second a consumer device that isn't just a one trick pony.

  • Anonymous
    February 17, 2008
    It would be great to be able to send songs from  Windows Media Player on the phone to the Zune over Wifi. Also, there's no reason Windows Media playlists be accessable in Zune software (and player) and vice-versa. It would also be cool if your Zune could tether to your phone over wifi and then use the phone's 3G connection to connect to the internet for wifi.

  • Anonymous
    February 17, 2008
    I love the fact that you guys are thinking about this. I carry my AT&T 8525 and my Zune 30 everywhere I go. If these two could talk to each other, I'd be pretty happy about that. I like Andrew's idea of using a mobile version of Zune instead of the mobile version of WMP, especially if I can browse and buy music from the ZMP using my 3G connection.

  • Anonymous
    February 17, 2008
    Convergence is important. I have been using WM for years but the iPhone has kicked the smartphone industry's teeth in. In 3 years people will not be carrying an MP3 player and a phone. The simplicity of the Zune needs to be on my Windows Mobile phone. The way the Zune V1 and the iPhone can easily update to the next version is important. WM phone need to be able to receive all futures updates.

  • Anonymous
    February 17, 2008
    At the very least Windows Mobile needs podcast support.  This is still very sadly lacking.

  • Anonymous
    February 17, 2008
    I think to communicate with WiMo new social features are within reach to non Zune users. Stream over UPNP to other WiMo devices that installed this social Zune application and promote Zune and be social at the same time. Some kind of Zune Social Broadcast application. Got more ideas if you are interested. Specialy the social and other devices gives great opportunities to promote Zune. have a nice day! Hendrik

  • Anonymous
    February 17, 2008
    Thanks everyone, great suggestions so far! Keep them coming, people from both teams (Windows Mobile and Zune) are listening. -Mel (Windows Mobile)

  • Anonymous
    February 17, 2008
    Ideally software should be developed and distributed by Microsoft for Windows Mobile 2003, 5 and 6 such that that software alllows Windows Mobile 2003, 5 and 6 mobiles to emulate a Zune device as much as possible.

  • Anonymous
    February 17, 2008
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  • Anonymous
    February 17, 2008
    This would be a non-issue if Microsoft hadn't made Zune player. If you only put in those changes in a new WMP and synced Zunes with that we would have ONE desktop player with many syncing options, including to WMP mobile. So the best thing you can do now is to phase out Zune player, bring all its good features to WMP 12, then allow both Zune and WMP mobile to sync with it. And for heavens sake, update the WMP mobile client! The name of the game is convergence, I fail to see how making separate media players integrate in this vision. Currently you are just making our lives much more difficult with this paralel development and incompatibilities.

  • Anonymous
    February 17, 2008
    I agree with the above. Remove parallel development and incompatibilities by making everyting Zune.

  • Anonymous
    February 17, 2008
    I'd like to be able to sync my zune with media center. That would give me one place to manage my music from for all my MP3 players & media center pc. Also a more zune like interface for media playback on the phone (HTC S710) would also be good - as others have mentioned media player on the WM is a pain :) and please please please can we have gapless playback on both products? Surely that's easy :)

  • Anonymous
    February 17, 2008
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  • Anonymous
    February 17, 2008
    If you could put the zune software on a windows mobile phone I would buy it in a heartbeat.  The only reason I haven't bought a Zune is because my windows mobile phone is sufficient enough.  I don't want to carry two devices.

  • Anonymous
    February 18, 2008
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  • Anonymous
    February 18, 2008
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  • Anonymous
    February 18, 2008
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  • Anonymous
    February 18, 2008
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  • Anonymous
    February 18, 2008
    Given your premise of two separate devices, and also requiring existing hardware, then I suggest an application for the Windows Mobile phone that functions similarly to the Zune PC software.  The application would allow for the downloading of music to the Zune.  The interface between the Zune and the phone would be 802.11 Ad Hoc. With my Zune Pass subscription, I would prefer direct downloading on the Zune via 802.11, but the user interface for that via the Zune seems very difficult.  So, the management of it with my Windows Mobile phone would be useful because it has a keyboard and handwriting recognition.  Basically, let’s get the PC out of the loop for loading new music on the go.

  • Anonymous
    February 18, 2008
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  • Anonymous
    February 18, 2008
    Well the best thing to do is what you guys likely are already doing. Hit the weak points of windows mobile and zune by looking at what you guys do best and worst when comparing to the iPhone and touch. Strengthen the weak points, make the two devices more seamless together. Most important thing would be if there was an easy way to listen to the zune and take calls seamlessly over my windows mobile phone. Some kind of microsoft first party dongle for the zune, that allows me to link bluetooth A2DP to any headset and actually force the zune to pause on an incoming call then resume when the call ends, similar to whats already in place with every music phone out there, but allowing me to link the WM phone to the dongle and the dongle to the headset or something like that. If microsoft is intent on not merging the two worlds then they must become more seamless.

  • Anonymous
    February 18, 2008
    Connect the WM phone to the Zune as a modem and use it to connect to the internet from anywhere, giving you access to your HOME LIBRARY of music/media.  If it does this already, that's awesome (I don't have a Zune).

  • Anonymous
    February 18, 2008

  • Webbroser

  • scrobbeling listened musik to zune sozial (like

  • maybe a msn client?

  • screen the time on zune display.

  • Anonymous
    February 18, 2008
    windows media player for windows mobile should simply  be replaced with a zune app that follows the look and style of the zune device's software.  We Zune & windows mobile users appreciate the thought, but we are all aware that it will be another 3 or 4 years at best before any meaningful zune and windows mobile integration happens.  That's just the microsoft way...a bunch of different platforms that don't integrate well (see Zune + 360, windows mobile + 360, zune + windows media center...and the list goes on).

  • Anonymous
    February 18, 2008
    Zune software on Windows Mobile seems to be an obvious scenario. Also, if you have a smartphone, you could be able to connect to the internet, buy a song on the Zune Marketplace, and send it to the Zune (if the smartphone supports Wifi, or if there can be some cable connection between the 2). Of course, the Zune being able to connect to the internet directly through its Wifi would be could, but sometimes, Wifi isn't available, and a phone would still be useful.

  • Anonymous
    February 18, 2008
    Surur: What sort of podcast support would you like to see in Windows Mobile? It might be something that could be handled by an application. I played around with writing a podcatcher a couple of years ago, but I eventually decided that Windows Mobile devices weren't a good fit, since many of them use cellular connections with expensive data plans...not ideal for automatically downloading large files. But I'd be interested in your perspective (anyone can send my a message about this via the contact form on my blog if they like)

  • Anonymous
    February 18, 2008
    I mean this in the nicest way possible.  First and foremost the Windows Mobile OS needs a total re-haul before even thinking of doing any Zune+Windows Mobile integration.  Windows Mobile 7 should be all touch devoid of any stylus and it should work flawlessly, fast, intuitive and look beautiful, something WM6 does not do.  WM6 is buggy, slow, ugly and unfriendly.  Devote all resources and build a solid foundation first.

  • Anonymous
    February 18, 2008
    Being able to use a WinMo phone as a remote definitely sounds good. A social application would also be nice. The main feature I would like is the ability to create an Ad Hoc connection between the Zune/WinMo phone w/ wifi, and allow the Zune to piggyback on the phone's 3G connection to access the Zune marketplace/sync playcounts, etc.

  • Anonymous
    February 18, 2008
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  • Anonymous
    February 18, 2008
    Allow a Windows Mobile device that has WiFi to be a 'WiFi target' for a Zune device. This would allow the WiFi music sharing feature of Zune to be MUCH more usable than it is today.

  • Anonymous
    February 18, 2008
    As Jasper Teal said, MS seems to be ages behind todays technology. I´d like Zune interface on WM, just like MS integrated MediaCenter in Vista: The people don´t want two different devices, because a WM phone is just as good, although this solution online works for people who don´t need more than 4 GB music. Otherwise Zune 80 etc. should be able to sync per WiFi with a WM-device so I have a bit of my favourite music with me. (I think MS would limit that somehow, otherwise I´d be able to send music to other peoples WM-devices ^^)

  • Anonymous
    February 18, 2008
    Add an Link Layer Topology Discovery (LLTD) to both Zunes and WinMobile devices.

  • Anonymous
    February 18, 2008
    I agree with several here in saying the zune interface should be available on each winmobile device... in the same way that the MediaCenter interface is available on Windows devices.

  • Anonymous
    February 18, 2008
    I should be able to answer my phone from my Zune. I am already wearing the headphones, so it would be awesome if the Zune had a Bluetooth radio and when a call came in I could push a button on my zune to answer it.

  • Anonymous
    February 18, 2008
    Kevin Daly said:   Surur: What sort of podcast support would you like to see in Windows Mobile?

I listen to podcasts every day on my HTC Kaiser. At present I use a combination of iPodder to download the podcasts, Beyondsync to sync the podcasts to my phone's memory card and HTC Audiomanager (which automatically scans the card for new audio) to listen to my podcasts over A2DP connected to my car stereo while commuting. This setup works well, but is pretty cumbersome obviously. Podcasts are not the main focus of HTC Audiomanager, so thats far from slick. It should for example automatically have the latest podcasts on top, and keep closer track of how far into the podcast you have listened to, and give you the option of deleting the podcast when it finished etc. Basically all the nice touches a dedicated app would give. Also BeyondSync is nice, but buggy and has not been updated in a year. iPodder is fine, but due to the way Beyondsync works I have to set it to delete the last day or week's podcast automatically, else it would keep all the copies on the phone. Basically an end to end solution is needed. I know the new Zune marketplace app supports podcasts, and the Zune player software does too. I want some of that for my WM phone. I would not mind downloading podcasts directly to my phone (I have a good data plan too) but syncing should be the default way.

  • Anonymous
    February 18, 2008
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  • Anonymous
    February 18, 2008
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  • Anonymous
    February 18, 2008
    Another vote for a merged WM6+Zune OS.   No need for both.   Apple did it, why can't Microsoft.   I'd pay $$$ for Zune software on my AT&T Tilt.   I'd pay even more if it worked like an iphone.

  • Anonymous
    February 18, 2008
    I think that if you eliminated WMP11 software and replaced it with zune software, people would not react well to it because of the name change and limited power, codec support and editability. Add all the codec support of Windows Media Player into the zune software and just rename it Windows Media Player 12. Or change the name of the zune software to another name so it does not sound like it only works with zune. Make it so that Zune is the default device but also syncs with sansa iriver sony and heck even apple ipods with the software. Make it a deep editable software that chalenges the itunes softwares user control and support.

  • Anonymous
    February 18, 2008
    Take the storage burden away from the design of Zune. Let it use SDHC cards (You can specify a minimum class) like the phones. this will make the base Zune very inexpensive and I can start with 2GB if my needs are not great or go for 32GB if I am craving for space.

  • Anonymous
    February 18, 2008
    Zune needs to be on my Windows Mobile phone, Windows mobile phones will never be considered favorability with an IPHONE. It Will always be a poor also ran,wanna be competitor when it comes to music and UI.

  • Anonymous
    February 18, 2008
    Portable Zune software - one that doesnt work without installing. We spend all day at work and would like to buy songs even at work. However we cannot install Zune software (no admin priveleges). Is it really impossible to have a Zune on a stick?  I dont think there are any DRM issues

  • Anonymous
    February 18, 2008
    Jason Rasmussen said it all, I think.

  • Anonymous
    February 19, 2008
    Visiting the Zune social on windows mobile and the Zune device would be great.

  • Anonymous
    February 19, 2008
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  • Anonymous
    February 19, 2008
    if there's not going to be zune marketplace shopping over the zune, then it could be done through the phone and then send the files to the zune directly(the same way zunes send songs to each other). Also, this would work with my idea of syncing over ip, instead of just ad-hoc(sync with your computer's ip address with permissions all automatically set up by the software) and with this you could use the phone's internet (3G or GPRS/EDGE) and do the same when there's no wifi near by.

  • Anonymous
    February 19, 2008
    Is there a website where i can upgrade from windows mobile 5.0 to windows mobile 6.0 without paying a fee

  • Anonymous
    February 19, 2008
    put both on the new Danger (aka T-Mobile Sidekick) platform that MSFT just bought out.  They already have an up to 2GB Music Player on their Smartphone platform!!  Perhaps integrating their music player into a Zune format and using Danger's OS in a merge with Windows Mobile OS will do the trick - to quote Hannah Montana (my daughter's favorite singer):  the Best of Both Worlds!!

  • Anonymous
    February 19, 2008
    The only reason I have not purchased an iPhone is due to the lack of EAS support. My WM5 phone works great, but I need more storage for videos, large music files. A Zune with EAS support would be great.  

  • Anonymous
    February 19, 2008
    ok the best way to do this as make it all run faster and smoother gappless play for the zune fix the lag on windows mobile and for the zune allow it to use more that mp4 and wmv donr get me wrong i like the but there is better quality out there and bith allow access to the hdd and or memory card the the mobile device has w/ out software or any 3rd party accessories

  • Anonymous
    February 19, 2008
    I know this is a little off topic, but it bugs me about the zune.  If I buy a song, I want to be able to use it on more than one device.  I don't need the song on more than one device simultaneously, but I would like to be able to move it between my desktop, my laptop, my ppc, and my media player.  I would also like to be able to make permanent trades with other people.  You can trade cds, why shouldn't you be allowed to trade electronic content.  I think a wireless permanent trade option would make a great addition to the zune.  It might be enough to convince me to buy one.

  • Anonymous
    February 20, 2008
    Well, first of all you MUST get the animations that the Zune uses (or something like it) on Windows Mobile. I mean, the Zune has a nice, clean, elegant, beautiful UI. Windows Mobile does not. The Zune's transitions make it really nice to use, I think WM needs this too. As for how to merge the two, why not on the WM home screen have a Zune logo, when you select said logo the Zune player launches, with the bottom bar of WM so you can get back to your normal data. Just my .02

  • Anonymous
    February 20, 2008
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  • Anonymous
    February 20, 2008
    just replace WMP as the default media application on WM6 devices with a Zune application that is the same interface on the Zune including the now playing screen with album art and song info below.  my last PPC phone had a similar interface through an HTC plugin, but a Zune GUI would tie the two devices directly together.  this way its not a zune-phone, but all Windows Mobile devices would in essence have a Zune in them.  I'd like to see standard headphone jacks on the phones, too, so you don't need an adapter.

  • Anonymous
    February 20, 2008
    I would like… – Support the same formats – Share the media wireless – Have similar GUI between the two – WM should be about to send text, SMS and web files to the Zune – See what the other person have on there playlist if they user lets you (Like Napster 1.0) – Vote for Zune+WM in one – When going touch for both device, make a standard screen size. 16:9 :) …have more but will keep it to a minimum.

  • Anonymous
    February 20, 2008
    After 15 years in the wireless industry, the concept of having a single device for voice and data still has not had the wide appeal as the end user experience has real distinction.   I personally use two devices an Iphone and a HTC Mogul from Sprint.  I use the Iphone for music and entertainment and the HTC for Voice and Windows email and other applicaitons.     Having said that, i belive the market would support and prefer to have an option to have a entertainment device for music, videos, community sites, blogging, email and internet applications with voice on another device.  This would be an attractive option and extend battery life on higher speed networks.    The biggest issue with mobile content is discoverablity, and by removing the software associated with voice and battery consumption, you could increase the end user experience tremendously as well as further the adoption rates.

  • Anonymous
    February 20, 2008

  1. Music can be purchased on phones - there should be a way to send it to my Zune directly so it becomes part of my library. (My Zune and my phone could be paired to allow this.) 2. If my Zune is docked and connected to a stereo, I should be able to use my phone to see the music I have on the Zune and also as a remote conrol tell the Zune to play particular songs. 3. Use the messaging/browsing capabilities on my phone to interact with the online Social. 4. Take a photo with my phone and send it to the Zune as the new Zune wallpaper.
  • Anonymous
    February 20, 2008
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  • Anonymous
    February 20, 2008
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  • Anonymous
    February 20, 2008
    I've been excited about Xbox live Anywhere for Windows Mobile since it was previewed almost 2 years ago.  Since the announcement that Zune will be the mobile Xbox Live Anywhere platform (and presumably not Windows Mobile), my only hope then is that whatever is done to bring the Zune experience to Windows Mobile also yields Xbox Live Anywhere for Windows Mobile.   Although clearly MS has pushed WinMo as primarily a business platform, the ability for WinMo users to tap into their XBL world in even the most basic and unimaginative ways (friends list aware/interaction, stat viewing, simple XBL game downloads), would so likely boost cross platform adoption in both directions it's painful that this hasn't happened and likely wont happen any time soon.

  • Anonymous
    February 20, 2008
    Allow Windows Mobile devices to access & stream media libraries located on Live SkyDrive and/or Windows Home Server.  I'd create a Windows Mobile version of Zune Software for playback purposes (no store) and entertainment UI consistency (which should be a goal between XBox, Media Center and Zune).  No media library indexing on the Windows Mobile device...that should all take place on either Live SkyDrive and/or Windows Home Server.  I can see Silverlight technology being utilized to enhance Windows Media Connect and Zune Software. Windows live SkyDrive probably should also be Silverlight streaming enabled.  Just my $.02.

  • Anonymous
    February 21, 2008
    Doing the above would

  • eliminate time consuming syncing
  • eliminate imposing new local storage requirements
  • eliminate DRM hinderence to consumer enjoyment
  • be compatible with the widest array of devices
  • consume more data traffic...which positively impacts the mobile operators core business. To manage DRM, I would modify the Zune service back-end to allow users to register devices to Zune Account.  Perhaps limit that to 5 devices.
  • Anonymous
    February 21, 2008
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  • Anonymous
    February 21, 2008
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  • Anonymous
    February 21, 2008
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  • Anonymous
    February 21, 2008
    The Windows Mobile official blog is toying with the idea of giving their phones the Zune treatment. While

  • Anonymous
    February 21, 2008
    Ian Dixon had Microsoft’s Steve Lindsay on the Media Center Show today talking about various including

  • Anonymous
    February 21, 2008
    Ian Dixon had Microsoft’s Steve Lindsay on the Media Center Show today talking about various including...

  • Anonymous
    February 21, 2008
    Wifi OTA podcasts and a wifi store. Unleash your device from the pc!! (wifi in a player was done with the ill fated aireo.. of course mine still works to this day) Audible support would be excellent. A simple RSS reader would be the easiest to implement both things as it would support audio and video enclosures as long as they were formatted (in the case of video) properly. Wifi sync is ok at this point but when I'm at work and I want to download the newest podcast.. Since there is some movement on the msn spot service and is broadcast over fm signals, it would seem to me that the rss reader could get weather or other info through that. As to how to implement winmo... since it doesn't have a touchscreen, drop the smartphone os or a scaled down derivative.  There are tons of smartphone apps that could be used. A browser is nice but not really a necessity. How difficult would it be to make it a sideshow device? Just my thoughts.... I think these would be a great starting point although I don't know the technical specs of the processor within the zune. Most smartphones run ok with 200 mhz...  

  • Anonymous
    February 22, 2008
    I'd really like to be able to manage playlists over the wifi connection between my Zune and my WMo 6.1 Kaiser.  

  • Anonymous
    February 23, 2008
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  • Anonymous
    February 24, 2008
    Syncing Zune and WMPlayer playlists would be a great benefit. On another note, I don't think it's fair to assume Zunes (aka the Zune software) and WMPlayer should immediately have the same features just because the MSoft sticker is on both.  I wish MSoft said more about either:  - why WMPlayer doesn't support the Zune or  - when we could expect one of the two product lines to be phased out, but I understand consolidating those product lines would require Zunes (aka the Zune software) support multiple devices or require WMPlayer to support the Zune DRM scheme and the Zunes subscription model.  I don't think either of those choices could happen immediately!

  • Anonymous
    February 24, 2008
    The ability to run the Zune software and interface as the media platform within WM seems the most obvious ideal solution IMO.  The Zune interface is fantastic.  I wish we could run that within WM and sync it with the Zune software. The issues with dual players/playlists/libraries/etc is an obvious headache.  We've got all these different platforms:  Windows, Windows Mobile, Zune, Media Center, Xbox.  They're great platforms individually and some of them play well together.  But there's sometimes a disconnect and still a lot of confusion for the average user.  People are blown away when they see Media Center on my HTPC.  But most people don't even realize they already have that on their own PC. I'd love to see the Zune hardware (while still functioning as a multimedia platform) eventually push into the handheld gaming segment with WM (perhaps in more consumer/Zune and business flavors rather than the current Std/Pro differentiation) serving the phone segment.  But the media platforms need to be the same across the board.

  • Anonymous
    February 24, 2008
    Merge Windows Media Player and Zune Software into one fantastic media player that blows itunes out of the water.  Combine the talents that are independently working on both and just make one excellent product, which would also be synced with Media Center.  That way all our playlists, play counts, auto playlists, ratings, etc., will be the same.   That would also make it so I can sync stuff to both players (WM and Zune)

  • Anonymous
    February 25, 2008
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  • Anonymous
    February 25, 2008
    Expanding on my previous suggestion of using SkyDrive to provide the storage, streaming for non-Zune devices like Windows Mobile.  I think you might want to consider creating a Zune branded version of SkyDrive.  You'll need to offer customers ways to upgrade from SkyDrive's 5GB default.  But for Zune Subscription customers..the storage size should be the maximum of the largest Zune available at the time, (80GB currently).  The Zune PC Software should handle the syncing of content between the local storage, Zune devices and Zune SkyDrive. I'm Windows Home Server customer and all my "local" content is stored there instead of on my local PC harddrive.  So if a Zune SkyDrive isn't deemed a viable solution, I think WHS would be a great remote access/streaming device for Windows Mobile devices.  The advantage WHS has over SkyDrive is that it eliminates an extra step of Syncing and wouldn't cost Microsoft nearly as much for the bandwidth needed in their backend..since the customer is providing the necessary bandwidth.  The downside to WHS, its more expensive than SkyDrive for consumers.  SkyDrive could also drive customers to more Live services.

  • Anonymous
    February 25, 2008
    It's me again. I read something from someone earlier and they mentioned the "Sync Center" in Vista would be great to intergate the Zune player there as well. I think Jason Rasmussen is accurate - this would include Cameras with digital pictures. I hate to say it but the "other company" (whos name will remain nameless) has the right idea of 2 items, looking the same but one is a media with web capabilities and the other device has the same features with a telephony mechanism with a very streamline syncroization center within its OS (with touch screen capabilities). I don't own both devices. I own a Windows Mobile device and I want to buy a Zune 80 really bad but I don't see a need because my phone syncs my music (2 GB), Pictures, Address book. The reason for buying a Zune is I can carry my complete media file on my Zune, which a mobile device doesn't have that capability. So, that's my Scenario! Oh, while I am thinking about it, put a 2 mega-pixel camera on the Zune. What would REALLY be cool is Zune 80 could come optional with radio or XM/Satillite/Sirius radio. Just think, an MP3 player with wireless headset and Satillite radio...awesome!!! One more time - Zune improvements 2 mega-pixel camera XM/Satellite/Sirius Radio Bluetooth for wireless stereo headphone and car stereo. I had to throw that in there.

  • Anonymous
    February 25, 2008
    I really think the biggest upgrade over the short term would be bluetooth. maybe even a plugin that could link with a headset but in later versions bluetooth should be standard

  • Anonymous
    February 25, 2008
    Biggest improvement to zune will be adding the stereo bluetooth stack and that way I could use my zune when I workout without the need for wires. I currenty use my windows mobile phone to listen to music when working out through its stereo bluetooth. Although the quality is not great, I just love the fact that I don't have to deal with wires.

  • Anonymous
    February 25, 2008
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  • Anonymous
    February 25, 2008
    Simply and QUICKLY please just make all the Microsoft stuff work together.  Get rid of Zune PC Software (which is the most feature starved media player software I've ever used in my life) and just let us use WMP which has 10 times the features and already works with Windows Media Center and my Phone. Hey, I love Microsoft stuff but PLEASE just work together more...and quicker within departments. Basic advice, just take a close look at itunes, and if there is a feature it has....we want that too....and more!!!

  • Anonymous
    February 25, 2008
    This is a great forum.. and there are some great ideas here.

  1. There needs to be a fully converged device.. ie: Windows Mobile needs a Zune function. People are just going to purchase a competing device that is converged otherwise.. it would be very silly not to either make a Zune Phone or make Windows Mobile Zune compatible. The Zune function on Windows Mobile needs to support the majority of Zune functionality with similar easy to use interface. I believe keep Zune as a recreational media player and provide Zune on WM.
  2. License out the Zune pad for inclusion on Zune compatible devices.. this way the WM could create a seamless integration of Zune support on WM devices. 3 It would be very nice to see syncing between the two devices.. Share Pictures / Music etc.. maybe even create a Calendar & contacts on the Zune and Sync this as well. Hope this helps Pokey.
  • Anonymous
    February 26, 2008
    I think it's a great idea. No offense but the main problem with Windows Mobile is that you guys just basically shoehorned Desktop Windows onto a phone, and didn't really take into account the difference of mode of input, screen size etc. To be blunt, it was implemented on "the cheap". The great thing about Windows Mobile is that it is a very flexible OS, however, the menu system and the way the user interacts with it, is horrendous - esp now with the iPhone out. It really puts Windows Mobile to shame. Windows Moblie has gotten better, but the OS should have been tailored to the device from the beginning, and I think a hybrid Zune/WM interface would serve the market much better.  

  • Anonymous
    February 26, 2008
    It maybe a few years to late but on the Windows Mobile blog the team are asking how Windows Mobile and

  • Anonymous
    February 26, 2008
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  • Anonymous
    February 26, 2008
    Instead of a surely inelegant quick n' dirty merge of Zune and WM parts with a little "steal" from iPhone interface, REALLY GO IN A ROOM with a BLANK drawing board. Then add all this needed compatibility "layer" but only to the point of being needed (and up to the point that doesn't "hold back" the whole new concept). For example (stupid example from the top of my mind) a bad placed soft-button, doesn't have to stay a bad placed soft-button because there are now many users used to that bad placement and to be consistent with bad software. Also invest in making devices SMOOTH and really feel FLUENT with what they are doing (a detail VERY lacking in WM OS). OK you'll bring up the OEM thing again - so let me rephrase the above: FORCE them to use the proper CPU, to start using 2D (and 3D) acceleration that both big players DO make for mobile market, to use the PROPER RAM and storage sizes (why don't we have MORE devices with 1, 2, 4, 8 + GB storage when Apple already sells 16GB iPhones?). But what am I talking about... it was not long ago before MS themselves (and OEM) declared that new (back then) WM5 doesn't need more than 64MB... I was yelling back then. So tell me today: Was I wrong to yell? You know what is good for us and what we really want. Maybe you always did. The most painful detail about this is that you always decided based on "donkey follows carrot" policy (give them a bit and save more for the next season). iPhone at least pushed you fast forward a bit. Hopefully.

  • Anonymous
    February 27, 2008
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  • Anonymous
    February 27, 2008
    Device convergence is such a logical focus for this topic that it has to be the first thing this article immediately discounts. Why choose to deny the obvious reality that convergence should be addressed? Practicality aside, it is silly to pocket a Zune and a Windows Mobile device. They are nearly the same thing technically (wince kernel running on an ARM) except for a cell modem, so why should I be pocketing two ARMs powered by two batteries and carrying two screens when I can only look at one at a time? Adding the zune application/shell to WinCE or Win Mobile seems to be what most have in mind here, but why not think more boldly here and lead the industry instead of playing catch up. Maybe create a vision to take the Zune beyond media playback, evolve the device with the changes in the market; just because the paycheck says Microsoft doesn't mean you have to limit yourself to being creators of software anymore. Think (and create) solutions.

  • Anonymous
    February 27, 2008
    I think that it would be great if you would be able to use Media Player to synchronize the Zune much like you can synchronize the Windows Mobile devices. I have been using the Windows Mobile platform for many years, and I really like the simplicity of Windows Media Player over every other option that people have presented. I tend to look at what would be the simpliest way in which things can be done, and the MSN music store integrated with Media Player worked extremely well, I was very sad to see it go. I despised the Apple model of one device, one store, and very much perfered the many stores, many devices that was present in Windows Media Player. I know that Media Player in Windows is the best media library management software ever developed, and the Windows Mobile works the same way. As a matter of fact I have been using my Windows Mobile 6 Standard Smartphone as my portable media player exclusively, so much so that I have sold my Zune and the Creative Zen that I had.

  • Anonymous
    February 28, 2008
    Please provide a means of some internet access....and it would be awesome if Im somewhere and would like to download a song and not have access to a computer I can download from my device that would be great... if not Im going to sell this and go to an I-touch...right now its too constricting for someone on the go...

  • Anonymous
    February 28, 2008
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  • Anonymous
    February 29, 2008
    Most of reasons I see to use them together are to overcome shortcomings that should be fixed anyway. For example Zune should be able to use wifi to purchase music and download it. So, the one thing I think would be useful is to have the Zune connect to the phone and use it for network access when there isn't a hotspot around. BTW: I had a friend recommend we create a Zune + phone hybrid and call it "Zhone" :)

  • Anonymous
    March 01, 2008
    I just want to add more pressure on what most people have already said: [b]1. Integrated Media Player [/b] - Having two software to manage two device from one company is really a turn-off. I'd be favoring WMP 12 is the way to go since the UI for WMP is already established and everyone is familiar with it. [b]2. Device-to-device connectivity [/b] - if Zune can connect to other Zune through WI-FI why not to WinMo phones? They're Wi-fi enabled too. [b]3. Tighter Windows Live Integration with both devices[/b] - Integrate Zune Social to MSN Spaces? Kinda like universal profile for MS Social networking. Or Skydrive as external storage for these devices? Or Live Messenger on your Zune (that'd be so friggin' awesome!)?

  • Anonymous
    March 04, 2008
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    March 05, 2008
    This has all been said before so my piling on is really in the name of voting.  Here's what I need: ZUNE In priority order, highest to lowest

  • a Bluetooth stack with A2DP and AVRCP profiles
  • a standard mini-USB charging port
  • device integration (perhaps Bluetooth again) so that my music is muted when I place or answer a call.
  • a way to send music to a WinMo device (wifi?  Bluetooth?) without going through a PC. This assumes that both devices have the appropriate DRM licenses
  • Ability to create and save playlists on my Zune WINMO
  • Ability to signal call status to a device over Bluetooth without that device being a headset (so that BLuetooth muting would work)
  • A Zune player to replace WMP
  • ability to download from Zune Marketplace directly, and (with appropriate license in place) to play Zune-DRM'd content. ---end---
  • Anonymous
    March 06, 2008
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    March 11, 2008
    I think you should have some sort of Windows Mobil Firmware on the Zune...Not as a phone but to like check your mail through Wi-Fi and have the Windows Mobil Start Button on the Zune. And other stuff like that. And like the ability to have weather on the zune you know check the weather using the wi-fi internet.  You should also be able to connect to any Wireless broadband router near you.  Like on the windows mobil phone(if you have wi-fi on it.)it will notify you when your near one. And you can connect to it from your zune not the computer.

  • Anonymous
    March 13, 2008
    windows mobile device is PC (pocket)? why not it sync with zune? why cannot install zune software on WM devices? MICROSOFT MUST PROVIDE UPDATES for this?

  • Anonymous
    March 14, 2008
    AUDIBLE SUPPORT.  AUDIBLE SUPPORT.  AUDIBLE SUPPORT. If the Zune had this, I'd have bought one already.  Until it happens, I absolutely will not buy one--which pains me, because I really like the device!

  • Anonymous
    March 15, 2008 Check out WM 7.  You telling me this isn't going to have great media support?  There's really no point in asking ms to give us zune support in wm as it's on it's way, or at least a better media experience is.  MS know they have to compete with iPhone as it starts to eat into it's market.  Like it or not, iPhone is making in-roads in the business world, so MS has to compete on all functionality. So the question is, will there still be  a place for a second music only device, and I think the answer is yes. WM phones are tough on battery, and will always be bigger to accomodate godd form factor for phone use. So while i will want my phone to have zune functionality for playback, audio books, video etc, I would still like to have a music only device that is a whole lot smaller and not bogged down by mapping, contacts, calendar, photos, etc. My 2c.

  • Anonymous
    March 15, 2008
    One more thing... What is up with Microsoft Points?  This is utterly redic, let me buy music the traditional way, i.e. with a credit card!!  i've no intention of buying MS Points so it's amazon mp3 for me.

  • Anonymous
    March 18, 2008
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  • Anonymous
    March 24, 2008
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  • Anonymous
    March 27, 2008
    As soon as MS is ready to extend Zune wirelessly, the mobile industry is ready and waiting....waiting....going on 2 years now ;-)

  • Anonymous
    April 02, 2008
    Watching Microsoft twist in the wind as the iPhone steals its thunder in the smart phone market is interesting

  • Anonymous
    April 19, 2008
    I'd like to send music from my huge music collection to my Windows Mobile phone. That's all. Per default I use the Zune for listing to music (superior music quality!), but when I go outside I use my WM phone. It would be very nice to update my phone directly from my Zune. (Note: i don't have a 30 gig phone...)

  • Anonymous
    April 23, 2008
    This is a really important point: Any software that you make for Windows Mobile MUST be available as a download and not just packaged into a future version of WM. I could imagine some OEMs and mobile operators would be very quick to take Zune out of their version of the WM ROM and replace it with something that they can make money from themselves. p.s. I'm pleased to hear that Audible support is coming to Zune.

  • Anonymous
    April 30, 2008
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  • Anonymous
    April 30, 2008
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  • Anonymous
    May 10, 2008
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  • Anonymous
    May 30, 2008
    "Since both the devices support WI-FI, I would rather have my WinMo device act as a Zune remote with display. On my WinMo device, I should be able to browse through my  Zune collection and control the player." This is an interesting idea - how about if you could use the space on your zune as a mobile hdd for your mobile device?  Basically extend both devices into the other as a virtual machine.  You gain space and audio fidelity with the zune while preserving a single interface...  of course you could just converge the devices which seems the better way to go, but shared resources is next best thing...

  • Anonymous
    July 23, 2008
    How do I sync my music from my media center to my zune?

  • Anonymous
    July 23, 2008
    How do I add playlists on my media center?

  • Anonymous
    July 29, 2008
    I think that the Zune 2 software would be very thumb friendly and using cues from it for the contacts on winmo and the program menu would be awesome.

  • Anonymous
    August 01, 2008
    @Martin and @Jasper... How is MSFT "ages" behind anything?  What magic alien technology are you referring to exactly? I assume you can only mean the iPhone and be UBER iPhone fans. Its a nice device and actually is the first one that has gotten convergance pretty much right (largely thanks to the massive lock-in Apple already has with iTunes), but lets not pretend that:

  1. this level of convergance is something EVERY has got except MSFT, because in reality, NO ONE does EXCEPT Apple
  2. MSFT is somehow in the stone age compared to Apple overall or the likes of RIM, Nokia, etc. In order for criticism to be constructive, it has to be rational.  Live Mesh, Popfly, Silverlight, etc etc etc are hardly "stone age" and, last I checked, Apple and Google arent doing ANYTHING like any of that. You guys just have a clearly myopic anti-MSFT view (as do so many). Agree that WM needs a massive overhaul. Anyone with some sense might read a lot into the Danger acquisition rather than weirdly questioning it.  Why do you THINK they MIGHT have bought Danger?! One thing that all of the devices and platforms need at this point is integration.  MSFT has a massive portfolio of assets, many of which are genuinely interesting, but they are not integrated well yet.  Silverlight/Popfly should be ubiquitous and all devices should be able to access SL/PF resources, as well as files, through the Live Mesh.  If Zune Marketplace is going to persist, then there is no reason a player shouldnt be available for every device platform MSFT provides (including XBox). Net net, there shouldnt be a need for users to puzzle through which MSFT asset they have invested in.  It should all be transparent.  Whether its a WM phone, a VIsta PC, a Zune, an XB360, or even a Mac, all of it should be linked together through cross platform technologies like SL and LM
  • Anonymous
    September 10, 2008
    Most of the ideas suggested are great, especially when it comes to porting the Zune sofware to WinMo so one can sync a playlist when on the go or something of that sort. I personally think Microsoft should replace Windows Media Player with the Zune software or just get rid of the Zune software and move its features into Windows Media Player. This is because there is no need in having two Microsoft media players on your computer. I personally like the Zune software better so if that is what they choose to go with then that is what should be available on WinMo phones as well. P.S. WinMo 7 should be great if all that is being said about it is true.

  • Anonymous
    September 12, 2008
    Zune strengths is a media player. Windows mobile is a general OS therefore lacking on full integration. A good example is looks at the ipod tons of car docks and stereo base with integration to the device ala playlists and IDtags. Now that the Iphone is out you see  how this compliment one another. Rare that I find a car stereo that integrates with zune. and even less with windows mobile.

  • Anonymous
    September 18, 2008
    I love Windows OS's.  I hate using Apple's ITunes (too few adjustments possible).  I use Windows media player to manage my music, and to play Podcasts.  I have a WM6 operating system on my smartphone for listening to my Podcasts.  I'd love to use the Zune Software to manage my music and get Podcasts and then have it sync to my Smartphone.  A good podcast downloader with a file organize like the Zune software AND with the ability to sync to a smart phone would be ideal !

  • Anonymous
    September 20, 2008
    Forget the Zune. You guys should revive and bring portable Media Center to next version of Windows Mobile. Wouldn't that make more sense? You should focus more on integration with Windows 7 rather than Zune. I don't see how they could go together, since Windows Mobile already has a Media player.  

  • Anonymous
    September 26, 2008
    After the Zune 3.0 update, I seriously think that it's the iTunes killer. Being a proud owner of a Zune 80gb and Samsung WinMo phone, I was thinking that it'd be great to sync the songs I bought from Zune Marketplace to my phone! It obviously won't be able to handle as much music as my Zune, but to be able to create a sync group for a WinMo device sounds like a no brainer. Couple that with the ability to browse the Zune Marketplace right from my phone (I have broadband access), that would be uber juicy and nice and would give me warm and fuzzy feelings all day.

  • Anonymous
    October 04, 2008
    Having a more Zune'like interface on Windows Mobile would be a welcome change. I don't have big fingers by any means but a lot of the Windows functions require clicking on very small icons which is frustrating beyond belief. I've seen the mockups of Windows Mobile 7. I'm holding judgement for the final revisions and release. But honestly the Zune interface would be a great style for a windows mobile phone. That's my 2 cents.

  • Anonymous
    October 07, 2008
    Music sharing between Windows Mobile / Zune. Music downloads using Zune Account ( Zune Pass ) on Windows Mobile. Controlling Zune using Windows Mobile might make some things interesting

  • Anonymous
    October 12, 2008
    very interesting, would like to know more.

  • Anonymous
    October 26, 2008
    1 - Zune needs to be ported to WM and replace WMP on WM. 2- Zune needs to replace WM on the desktop. Two apps to pretty much do the same things is absurd, not to mention people really only want to use one app to do everything such as syncing with devices. Combine the capabilities of these two into Zune on the desktop. 3- The Zune UI is much more friendly and crisp on WM and fits with the WM 7 picd/vifs I've seen. 4- Zune marketplace, pass, and social need to definitely be included on the WM version, as well as the social and WiFi capabilities. These are my thoughts and I don't think they are new but I know majority can sway things. Microsoft needs to collaborate more internally and reduce effort by combining teams and workinh toward bringing products together to accomplish similar goals, not creating new programs.

  • Anonymous
    November 21, 2008
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    November 24, 2008
    At the very least, I would like the ability to sync my winMo phone to the Zune desktop software. The dream would be to have a program that makes a virtual Zune on my phone using either the hardware buttons or virtual screen buttons (that can be hidden to show content full screen). Anything in between is great, too. Since you say the Zune team is listening as well, I would like to suggest a feature for the Zune desktop:  I WANT TO SORT BY SYNC STATUS. I would post that somewhere more appropriate but there are no official Zune discussion boards or blogs that I know of.

  • Anonymous
    November 25, 2008
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  • Anonymous
    November 28, 2008
    I have used Microsoft products for years and was blown away when I first touched an iPhone and iPod touch.. but eventually the novelty wore off when I realized how many things I could NOT do with apple products..  In our home we have 2 MediaCenter PC's, an XBOX360, 2 Linksys MCE Extenders, 4 Windows Mobile Devices (Treo Pro, HTC s710, htc s630, Samsung Omnia), and Zune120/Zune16/Zune4.. and I would like to see a convergence of your ecosystem so that all of these devices work together. Zune Social is great and so is the Zune Marketplace, but it currently seems limited to the Zune platform only.  Add both of these to Media Center and Windows Mobile. I believe that the Zune software should replace WMP on WindowsMobile.  When you plug your WindowsMobile device into the PC, it should show up as a device in the Zune software similar to my 3 Zune devices.. and the Zune software should include the SyncCenter options for Calendar/Contacts/Tasks, etc..  and allow Picture importing similar to when I currently have picture son my mobilephone. For those that don't don't have Zune Hardware, thats ok, microsoft is a software company.. and revenues will be generate through the zune marketplace..  you should still be able to sync your phone with Zune software (even if only 2GB of storage) and put the Zune experience on the phone and play and purchase music. Also, Windows Media Center should use the playlists of the Zune software, or better yet even integrate Zune software into Windows Media Center (ie. Zune Marketplace, Zune Social).. There needs to a ecosystem for personal digital information (music/pictures/videos/dvr-ms) and allow distribution on the clients (Zune/WindowsMobile,etc..) and integrate XBOX marketplace, Zune Marketplace, Zune Social, Windows Live, etc..   and simply enable options as devices are added. Hope that helps. You can contact me if you want any more input. Cheers!

  • Anonymous
    November 28, 2008
    Oh yeah, one more thing.. put the XBOX marketplace inside Media Center.. On my main Media Center, I want to rent a movie using Microsoft Points.. then I should be able to watch it on either my other Media Center (if linked properly), any of the extenders (XBOX or Linksys), or transfer it to my Zune or Windows Mobile device to watch. Apple can do this in iTunes, but I don't want iTunes and have uninstalled it and plan on using Zune exclusively.   Integration is the key here, I think someone needs to sit down, draw up a chart of platforms that Microsoft supports and start linking 1 to another and start integrating products.. without this, I believe apple will take over in the consumer space even though they restrict what you can do with their products.. Microsoft has the advantage of hardware and software partners and an openness not seen with Apple products, but without this convergence for the consumer space, people will continue to drift away from Microsoft products. thx for listening.

  • Anonymous
    November 30, 2008
    I personally love both windows mobile and the Zune.  But i agree with everyone there should be a zune app for windows mobile to replace the moble media player. support for all the gestures and stuff for the zune software along with all the fun of windows mobile. a little something for windows mobile i would suggest using the drag to scroll feature as an update because just for browsing certain things it is a pain to have to use the stylus to scroll on that little sidebar. and for zune one of the only things that i still like about ipods is the cover flow. if zune could make a form of that but better that would be awesome, it is really cool but the scroll wheel is really confusing and the same idea on the squircle would be sweet! another thing is maybe a landscape mode, not just for movies but for everything. and maybe incorporate a cover flow (cover flip, cd rack whatever) as the landscape album sort.

  • Anonymous
    December 04, 2008
    Get Zunepad / Zune software on a Windows Mobile! It's not a stretch, given that Samsung's new WM phones already have touchpads ("finger mouse.")

  • Anonymous
    December 10, 2008
    I actually like the Zune 3.0 software a lot and was wondering if I could get it installed on my windows mobile phone. -Dharni

  • Anonymous
    December 12, 2008
    You need to make all these services streamlined and integrated. I really dont want 2 microsoft media players on my pc,  and have to buy a seperate one for my winmo phone (WMP mobile is aweful) and have none of it work together.. Itunes/ipod/iphone are popular because they all work together, Apple doesnt have a seperate markeplace for each device and then make the content u purchase on one not playable on anyother. Its a closed system that i dont really like, but i have to respect how easy and integrated it all is. i think windows/zune/winmo is a superior product but its lack of integration is a serious issue.

  • Anonymous
    January 09, 2009
    I would like a portable Zune app for Windows Mobile.  Perhaps a Zune lite with as much functionality as possible.  Why not?  I can sync my Tilt with Windows and my Zune with Windows...  They even look about the same!

  • Anonymous
    January 17, 2009
    i think a great thing will be a zune that has windows mobile something kind of like the ipod touch where you can aces the internet watch your recorded tv all the things you can do with windows mobile but in the zune in that way more people will feel attracted to zune as they wher attracted to ipod touch and it doesn't have o be a zune touh but something like that i will definitely buy

  • Anonymous
    February 11, 2009
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  • Anonymous
    February 18, 2009

  1. Like the suggestions above I'd like to see the Zune software running on my WinMo.
  2. Licensing - I think this will become a point of will I keep my 3 zunes and my WinMo phone under the Zune Subscription which only allows 3 devices?
  • Anonymous
    February 18, 2009
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    March 14, 2009
    I to would like to see direct HDD access to my zune to add data and music. In fact Ide be real happy to see Zune Meta functionality as a plugin to Windows media player and have zune marketplace as a online store addon for WMP and Vista/Windows 7 Media Center addon. Ide also like it if the Zune player could read the FOLD 5.1 audio to STEREO so that 720x480 could be played natively just scaled to the correct resolution on the zune. It just takes way to long to sync tv shows and dvd rips to my zune 120. now if there was a new zune with perhaps 256 gigs with a HDMI port on it. Ide be in heaven.

  • Anonymous
    March 25, 2009
    One of the biggest feature add I would love to see is the ability to sort by any and every column in the Zune Player window.  Especially when trying to build a playlist; being able to sort by "sync status" would be a WONDERFUL addtion.

  • Anonymous
    March 28, 2009
    I simply love the Zune player for Windows, and my phone has a decent player on it courtesy Samsung.  I really wish that I could sync my library in Zune with my WinMo phone though.  Yes, I can sync my phone with WMP.  But WMP is definitely inferior to the zune software.  Why not just ditch WMP, stick with the Zune player and make it so that all the windows products can speak to eachother? I know it's a pie-in-the-sky idea but if you guys out there can make it happen, I think you'll see an increase in interest in Microsoft again.

  • Anonymous
    March 29, 2009
    I have read most of the comments from Zune and Windows Mobile users. It is a painful elaboration of the obvious - and while I know there is a fear of cannibalizing Zune device sales - tell ur cloud-in-the-heads  strategy guys to take a hike. Just listen to your customers.

  • Anonymous
    April 06, 2009
    I have been a long time WinMobile user and proponent.  Each time I buy a new phone (Fuze recently) I buy a bigger memory card to store my music, video and pics on.  For this reason I haven't always needed my zune.   I started riding the bus more often recently and as such have gone back to my Zune to listen to my favorite Podcasts; and so a couple friends and I can mess around with the Zune Social. I have held off on the iPhone cause I just cannot bring myself to leave the MS Mobile platform as it is so user friendly and open for me to do just about whatever I want/need to do.  the new iPhone 3.0 software is bringing in some of the features that have been lacking, but I still se the MS platform as a sounder platform more compatible with my needs.  A Zune phone would only solidify this in my opinion.

  • Anonymous
    April 09, 2009
    I love my Zune, and live off of my Windows Mobile phone. I wish that the primary mobile player on the phone was Zune so it would automatically play my whole Zune library on my phone. Windows media player is a good system, but I would really like to see the two work together.

  • Anonymous
    April 16, 2009
    Not sure if my suggestinos has already been left as I am not reading through them all. However a Zune application that will allow us to buy music from the phone, listen to podcasts, and even a player for music on the device would be great. Also have social options as well. Even though I have the 80 GB Zune and it is almost full, i would not want that much music on the mobile. But a streaming service from PC to Mobile would be great. Or wireless sync over your mobile data connection, like with the wireless on the Zune but using the mobile data connection. I have ideas for days since this issue affects me first hard. I utterly refuse to buy any Apple made product for any purpose. So get on it Microsoft.

  • Anonymous
    April 16, 2009
    Also, what about a XBOX application integrated. I have a windows live id stuck with everything I have Microsoft so it would be nice to have access to all my Microsoft products (PC included) from my mobile. Sending mesages to XBOX friends, or scheduling games for future dates. Checking my scores, stats, etc. Like I said, got ideas for days.

  • Anonymous
    April 16, 2009
    Blam another one!! if you have the XBOX app, you will also have to allow us to purchase game content from the mobile using our already purchased points. Or renewing subscriptions from mobile and buying points for both XBOX and Zune. With that, need higher security to protect credit card information saved to the phone for repeat buying. Remote device wiping through My Phone??

  • Anonymous
    April 16, 2009
    No point in having two players, somehow integrate Windows Player with the Zune software on the mobile, so they operate as 1?

  • Anonymous
    April 25, 2009
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    April 25, 2009
    yeah, the same guy.  Scrap windows media player and replace it with the zune software, much better

  • Anonymous
    May 15, 2009
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  • Anonymous
    May 25, 2009
    any other content from web that I could get on my Zune would be sweet weather email

  • Anonymous
    June 01, 2009
    I'd love the ability to access and stream my PC's media (audio/video) over Live Mesh via WiFi to my Zune. No matter where I am. If my player is out of storage and I'd still like to play some newer purchases to it, I'd like the ability to stream directly from my PC over the air.

  • Anonymous
    June 01, 2009
    Oh wait, the question was about Zune to Mobile integration.  Let's see...

  1. Taking pictures on my phone and having the option to immediately crop/resize for and transfer to my zune as a wallpaper, photo gallery, or even as a replacement for my default album art icon (for music that doesn't have an image assigned). 2a) Getting a call on my cellphone notifies me on my zune and allows me to pause my music. 2b)  If I were listening with a wireless headset, I could combine the feature in (2a) with an ability to auto-share the headset between the two devices.  Pause music and answer phone call, auto switch back to my music once I hang up my call.
  2. Use my phone as a remote control for my Zune for when I have my zune setup through its dock to play stuff to my TV.
  • Anonymous
    June 15, 2009
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    June 20, 2009
    The Zune phone is what I want!!!1!

  • Anonymous
    June 22, 2009
    I think we just need a ZunePhone or a zune shell replacement for Window Mobile... I really don't want 2 device that have the same capabilities... I WANT A ZUNE PHONE #@$@#%@##$@

  • Anonymous
    June 22, 2009
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    June 28, 2009
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    July 01, 2009
    I have a Windows Mobile phone.  I want a Zune Pass but don't get one because there is no zune app on my phone.  I will not carry around an mp3 player when winmo is as functional as it is (even though the ui blows).  My Touch Pro came with Windows Media Player which is now very old and outdated.  I'm surprised MS hasn't stepped up with either a new version of Media Player or a Zune app for WinMo.  I'm pretty sure users have been beggin for these for a while now.

  • Anonymous
    July 14, 2009
    The comment has been removed