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Get to Know Windows Sidebar

I got this tip from Sidebar Geek: Columnist Scott Lowe has a fairly extensive run-down on Vista’s Windows Sidebar and Sidebar Gadgets on the Windows Vista Website -- check it out.

Look for even more coverage of Windows Sidebar and Gadget-related topics here on the blog as we gear up toward RC1.


  • Anonymous
    August 15, 2006
    Sidebar is a nice addition to Windows Vista, but there is one thing that I find anoying. At least in the latest build (5472 I think). I cannot add my own RSS feeds to the sidebar. I can only choose between a few, predefined, feeds. So I was wondering, RC1 will let me add other RSS feeds?
  • Anonymous
    August 16, 2006
    Yes, I too want what dirtchamber said. Plus, it was better when MS kepts the sidebar gadgets separate from the Live Gallery. Also, has a very nice collection of gadgets. Also, why dont you make it so that all gadgets from all builds work in the RC1 and final releases?
  • Anonymous
    August 17, 2006
    The comment has been removed
  • Anonymous
    August 17, 2006
    Sorry for the lack of spell check.  The sentence should have read

    "The current time table is pathognomonic of the illness that will be exhibited when RC1 branches drop in early September, and then RTM is rushed one month later."

  • Anonymous
    August 23, 2006
    Hey dirtchamber and someone:  Sidebar has not been the most consistent aspect of Windows Vista as we've been progressing thru our various builds.  I know that the build I'm currently running (5520.X) allows the RSS gadget to pull feeds from the Outlook/IE7 RSS feed list -- so that should be encouraging.

    It's my hope that many more people from outside MS will devise and deploy gadgets once we pass the RC1 and RTM milestones, and these will not necessarily be posted to Windows Live -- that's simply the highest-profile place to get gadgets at the moment, but I'm sure it'll be eclipsed by a community site in due time :)