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System .NET features and future

As many of you may already know, the release of Visual Studio .NET 2005 is right around the corner… hooray! As we put the final touches on “Whidbey” for the November 7th launch we are starting a parallel effort focused on planning for our next major release of Visual Studio, codenamed “Orcas”.

As we switch hats from ”Whidbey” release to “Orcas” planning, the System.Net team would like to hear directly from networking application developers on what they would like to see from System.Net in the future.

Some questions that we have been asking ourselves that you may also want to consider …

  • What features would you like to see enhanced in the System.Net namespace?
  • What functionality would you like to see from the Visual Studio .Net IDE as it relates to creating rich networking applications?
  • Do you find yourself always writing the same lines of code to accomplish a networking-related task that we should consider simplifying? An example of this is the work that we did with the WebClient class that allows applications to easily send/receive data to an URI with just a few lines of code.
  • Is there anything that you believe we have missed the mark on with System .Net?
  • Have you went down the path designing and/or developing an application with System .Net that you later could not finish due to a limitation with the classes?
  • Are there features in other platforms that you would to see in System.Net?
  • How would you rate the overall experience of creating network applications in .Net?
  • Are you using the HttpListener classes? And if so, what type of functionality would you like to see added?
  • Are there any HTTP-based protocols that you would like see added or expanded-on in the System.Net classes?

Beyond the features and functionality of the classes, we also would like to learn about network applications, past, present and future that are being built by .NET developers! So please let us know about the applications that you have created or are in the process of creating by replying to this post in the .NET Framework and Communication forum, as a comment to this post on our WNDP team blog, or simply by sending the System.NET team an email.

The System.Net classes are about enabling developers to write robust, secure networking applications for the client and the server. And as we begin planning for the future of the networking classes we want to be sure that we hear about what you would like to see. We look forward to hearing from you.



Billy Anders
Group Program Manager
Windows Networking Developer Platform


This has been cross-posted on the WNDP blog and the System .Net forum.


  • Anonymous
    September 08, 2005
    Now that we are winding down version 2.0 of the Framework and moving towards the release of Whidbey,...
  • Anonymous
    September 11, 2005
    Now that we are winding down version 2.0 of the Framework and moving towards the release of Whidbey,...