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usql.stats (U-SQL)


Contains a row for each statistics object that exists for the tables in the current database context.

The catalog view usql.stats_columns provides statistics information for each column in the database. For more information about statistics, see U-SQL Statistics.

Column name Data type Description
object_id_guid Guid Identifier of the object on which the statistics is defined
name string Name of the statistics, unique for the object on which the statistics is defined
stats_id_guid Guid Identifier of the statistics (unique within the object)
create_date DateTime? Date of creation of the statistics. Some older statistics may have a value of null if they were created before the date was being recorded.
update_date DateTime? Last update date of the statistics. Some older statistics may have a value of null if they were updated before the date was being recorded.
stat_data_byte byte[] Content of the statistics. CAUTION: This column may be subject to change in a future refresh!


The examples can be executed in Visual Studio with the Azure Data Lake Tools plug-in.

Query the usql.stats view

USE TestReferenceDB;

OUTPUT usql.stats 
TO "/ReferenceGuide/CatalogViews/stats.txt"
USING Outputters.Tsv(outputHeader:true);

Query the usql.stats view with usql.objects view

@stats =
    SELECT AS objectName,
    FROM usql.stats AS s
    JOIN usql.objects AS o
    ON s.object_id_guid == o.object_id_guid;

OUTPUT @stats
TO "/ReferenceGuide/CatalogViews/stats_objects.txt"
USING Outputters.Tsv(outputHeader:true);  

See Also