Enable QR code generation for TOTP authenticator apps in an ASP.NET Core Blazor Web App

This article explains how to configure an ASP.NET Core Blazor Web App with QR code generation for TOTP authenticator apps.

For an introduction to two-factor authentication (2FA) with authenticator apps using a Time-based One-time Password Algorithm (TOTP), see Enable QR code generation for TOTP authenticator apps in ASP.NET Core.


An ASP.NET Core TOTP code should be kept secret because it can be used to authenticate successfully multiple times before it expires.

Scaffold the Enable Authenticator component into the app

Follow the guidance in Scaffold Identity in ASP.NET Core projects to scaffold Pages\Manage\EnableAuthenticator into the app.


Although only the EnableAuthenticator component is selected for scaffolding in this example, scaffolding currently adds all of the Identity components to the app. Additionally, exceptions may be thrown during the process of scaffolding into the app. If exceptions occur when database migrations occur, stop the app and restart the app on each exception. For more information, see Scaffolding exceptions for Blazor Web App (dotnet/Scaffolding #2694).

Be patient while migrations are executed. Depending on the speed of the system, it can take up to a minute or two for database migrations to finish.

For more information, see Scaffold Identity in ASP.NET Core projects. For guidance on using the .NET CLI instead of Visual Studio, see ASP.NET Core code generator tool (`aspnet-codegenerator`).

Adding QR codes to the 2FA configuration page

These instructions use Shim Sangmin's qrcode.js: Cross-browser QRCode generator for JavaScript (davidshimjs/qrcodejs GitHub repository).

Download the qrcode.min.js library to the wwwroot folder of the solution's server project. The library has no dependencies.

In the App component (Components/App.razor), place a library script reference after Blazor's <script> tag:

<script src="qrcode.min.js"></script>

The EnableAuthenticator component, which is part of the QR code system in the app and displays the QR code to users, adopts static server-side rendering (static SSR) with enhanced navigation. Therefore, normal scripts can't execute when the component loads or updates under enhanced navigation. Extra steps are required to trigger the QR code to load in the UI when the page is loaded. To accomplish loading the QR code, the approach explained in ASP.NET Core Blazor JavaScript with static server-side rendering (static SSR) is adopted.

Add the following JavaScript initializer to the server project's wwwroot folder. The {NAME} placeholder must be the name of the app's assembly in order for Blazor to locate and load the file automatically. If the server app's assembly name is BlazorSample, the file is named BlazorSample.lib.module.js.


const pageScriptInfoBySrc = new Map();

function registerPageScriptElement(src) {
  if (!src) {
    throw new Error('Must provide a non-empty value for the "src" attribute.');

  let pageScriptInfo = pageScriptInfoBySrc.get(src);

  if (pageScriptInfo) {
  } else {
    pageScriptInfo = { referenceCount: 1, module: null };
    pageScriptInfoBySrc.set(src, pageScriptInfo);
    initializePageScriptModule(src, pageScriptInfo);

function unregisterPageScriptElement(src) {
  if (!src) {

  const pageScriptInfo = pageScriptInfoBySrc.get(src);
  if (!pageScriptInfo) {


async function initializePageScriptModule(src, pageScriptInfo) {
  if (src.startsWith("./")) {
    src = new URL(src.substr(2), document.baseURI).toString();

  const module = await import(src);

  if (pageScriptInfo.referenceCount <= 0) {

  pageScriptInfo.module = module;

function onEnhancedLoad() {
  for (const [src, { module, referenceCount }] of pageScriptInfoBySrc) {
    if (referenceCount <= 0) {

  for (const { module } of pageScriptInfoBySrc.values()) {

export function afterWebStarted(blazor) {
  customElements.define('page-script', class extends HTMLElement {
    static observedAttributes = ['src'];

    attributeChangedCallback(name, oldValue, newValue) {
      if (name !== 'src') {

      this.src = newValue;

    disconnectedCallback() {

  blazor.addEventListener('enhancedload', onEnhancedLoad);

Add the following shared PageScript component to the server app.


<page-script src="@Src"></page-script>

@code {
    public string Src { get; set; } = default!;

Add the following collocated JS file for the EnableAuthenticator component, which is located at Components/Account/Pages/Manage/EnableAuthenticator.razor. The onLoad function creates the QR code with Sangmin's qrcode.js library using the QR code URI produced by the GenerateQrCodeUri method in the component's @code block.


export function onLoad() {
  const uri = document.getElementById('qrCodeData').getAttribute('data-url');
  new QRCode(document.getElementById('qrCode'), uri);

Under the <PageTitle> component in the EnableAuthenticator component, add the PageScript component with the path to the collocated JS file:

<PageScript Src="./Components/Account/Pages/Manage/EnableAuthenticator.razor.js" />


An alternative to using the approach with the PageScript component is to use an event listener (blazor.addEventListener("enhancedload", {CALLBACK})) registered in an afterWebStarted JS initializer to listen for page updates caused by enhanced navigation. The callback ({CALLBACK} placeholder) performs the QR code initialization logic.

Using the callback approach with enhancedload, the code executes for every enhanced navigation, even when the QR code <div> isn't rendered. Therefore, additional code must be added to check for the presence of the <div> before executing the code that adds a QR code.

Delete the <div> element that contains the QR code instructions:

- <div class="alert alert-info">
-     Learn how to <a href="https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?Linkid=852423">enable 
-     QR code generation</a>.
- </div>

Locate the two <div> elements where the QR code should appear and where the QR code data is stored in the page.

Make the following changes:

  • For the empty <div>, give the element an id of qrCode.
  • For the <div> with the data-url attribute, give the element an id of qrCodeData.
- <div></div>
- <div data-url="@authenticatorUri"></div>
+ <div id="qrCode"></div>
+ <div id="qrCodeData" data-url="@authenticatorUri"></div>

Change the site name in the GenerateQrCodeUri method of the EnableAuthenticator component. The default value is Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.UI. Change the value to a meaningful site name that users can identify easily in their authenticator app. Developers usually set a site name that matches the company's name. Examples: Yahoo, Amazon, Etsy, Microsoft, Zoho. We recommend limiting the site name length to 30 characters or less to allow the site name to display on narrow mobile device screens.

In the following example, the default value Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.UI is changed to the company name Weyland-Yutani Corporation (©1986 20th Century Studios Aliens).

In the GenerateQrCodeUri method:

- UrlEncoder.Encode("Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.UI"),
+ UrlEncoder.Encode("Weyland-Yutani Corporation"),

Run the app and ensure that the QR code is scannable and that the code validates.


An ASP.NET Core TOTP code should be kept secret because it can be used to authenticate successfully multiple times before it expires.

EnableAuthenticator component in reference source

The EnableAuthenticator component can be inspected in reference source:

EnableAuthenticator component in reference source


Documentation links to .NET reference source usually load the repository's default branch, which represents the current development for the next release of .NET. To select a tag for a specific release, use the Switch branches or tags dropdown list. For more information, see How to select a version tag of ASP.NET Core source code (dotnet/AspNetCore.Docs #26205).

Additional resources