Can't fully delete AKS Arc cluster with PodDisruptionBudget (PDB) resources

> Applies to: Azure Local, version 23H2, AKS Edge Essentials

When you delete an AKS Arc cluster that has PodDisruptionBudget (PDB) resources, the deletion might fail to remove the PDB resources. By default, PDB is installed in the workload identity-enabled AKS Arc cluster.


Before you delete the AKS Arc cluster, access the AKS Arc cluster's kubeconfig and delete all PDBs:

  1. Access the AKS Arc cluster:

    az connectedk8s proxy -n $aks_cluster_name -g $resource_group_name 
  2. Verify PDB:

    kubectl get pdb -A 
  3. Delete all PDBs. Here's an example of deleting a PDB generated from workload identity enablement:

    kubectl delete pdb azure-wi-webhook-controller-manager -n arc-workload-identity 
  1. Delete the AKS Arc cluster:

    az aksarc delete -n $aks_cluster_name -g $resource_group_name

Next steps

Known issues in AKS enabled by Azure Arc