Enable the Kubernetes Extension for AKS Arc Operators (preview)

Applies to: AKS enabled by Azure Arc on VMware (preview)

To use the AKS Arc on VMware preview, you must first onboard Arc-enabled VMware vSphere by connecting vCenter to Azure through the Arc Resource Bridge There are two scenarios available for accessing this preview:

Before you begin

Before you begin, install the Azure CLI.

Step 1. Register feature/provider for the first time user

If your subscription is deploying the Kubernetes Extension for AKS Arc Operators (preview) for the first time, you must register the preview features.

  1. Prepare your Azure account:

     az login --use-device-code
     az account set -s '<$subscriptionID>'
  2. Perform a one-time feature registration:

    ### Register your subscription ID with the feature
    az feature register --namespace Microsoft.HybridConnectivity --name hiddenPreviewAccess
    ### Check feature registrationState -o tsv == Registered
    az feature show --name hiddenPreviewAccess --namespace Microsoft.HybridConnectivity
  3. Perform a one-time provider registration:

    ### Register your subscription ID with the provider
    az provider register --namespace "Microsoft.HybridContainerService" 
    az provider register --namespace "Microsoft.HybridConnectivity"
    ### Check provider registrationState -o tsv == Registered
    az provider show -n Microsoft.HybridContainerService --query registrationState
    az provider show -n Microsoft.HybridConnectivity --query registrationState

Step 2. Install the aksarc CLI extension

Install the CLI extension. Use the az extension add command:

az extension add -n aksarc --version 1.0.0b1
az extension add -n connectedk8s
az extension add -n k8s-extension
az extension add -n arcappliance
az extension add -n customlocation

Step 3. Install the Kubernetes Extension for AKS Arc Operators

  1. Specify the version of the Kubernetes extension for AKS Arc operators:

    $extension_name = 'hybridaksopext'
    $extension_version = '0.4.5'
    $extension_release_train = 'preview'
    export extension_name='hybridaksopext'
    export extension_version='0.4.5'
    export extension_release_train='preview'
  2. Specify the $resource_group and $appliance_name:

    $resource_group = '$resourceGroup from Arc Resource Bridge deployment'
    $appliance_name = '$applianceName from Arc Resource Bridge deployment'
  3. Install the Kubernetes extension for AKS Arc operators:

    az k8s-extension create -g $resource_group -c $appliance_name --cluster-type appliances --name $extension_name --extension-type Microsoft.HybridAKSOperator --version $extension_version --release-train $extension_release_train --config Microsoft.CustomLocation.ServiceAccount="default" --auto-upgrade false 

Step 4. Prepare your custom location

The custom location was created during the Arc Resource Bridge deployment.

  1. Get the IDs to configure the custom location:

    ### $extension_name = 'hybridaksopext'
    $ArcApplianceResourceId = (az arcappliance show -g $resource_group -n $appliance_name --query id -o tsv)
    $ClusteraksExtensionId = (az k8s-extension show -g $resource_group -c $appliance_name --cluster-type appliances --name $extension_name --query id -o tsv)
  2. Specify the $customLocationResourceGroupName and $customLocationName, which you created during the Arc Resource Bridge deployment:

    $customLocationResourceGroupName = '$resourceGroup from Arc Resource Bridge deployment'
    $customLocationName = '$customLocationName from Arc Resource Bridge deployment'
  3. Patch the custom location: ProvisioningState: "Patching".

    ### Use the same custom location information from the Arc Resource Bridge deployment
    az customlocation patch -g $customLocationResourceGroupName -n $customLocationName --cluster-extension-ids $clusteraksExtensionId
  4. Verify the custom location provisioning state is successful: ProvisioningState: "Succeeded":

    az customlocation show -g $customLocationResourceGroupName -n $customLocationName 

Now that you successfully enabled the Kubernetes Extension for AKS Arc Operators (preview), you can proceed to the next steps to create a Kubernetes cluster.

Clean up environment from deployments of AKS Arc on VMware

Once you complete the evaluation of the AKS Arc on VMware preview, you can follow these steps to clean up your environment:

  1. Delete the AKS cluster. To delete the workload cluster, use the az aksarc delete command, or go to the Azure portal:

    az aksarc delete -n '<cluster name>' -g $applianceResourceGroupName
  2. Uninstall the Kubernetes Extension. You can uninstall the Kubernetes Extension for AKS Arc Operators by using the az extension remove command:

    az extension remove -n aksarc
    az extension remove -n connectedk8s

Next steps

  • If you're beginning to evaluate the AKS Arc on VMware preview and finished enabling the Kubernetes Extension for AKS Arc Operators, you can create a Kubernetes cluster by following the instructions in the Quickstart: Deploy an AKS cluster using Azure CLI.
  • If you completed the evaluation of AKS Arc on VMware, you can share your feedback with us through GitHub.