Supported metrics for Microsoft.DocumentDB/garnetClusters
The following table lists the metrics available for the Microsoft.DocumentDB/garnetClusters resource type.
Table headings
Metric - The metric display name as it appears in the Azure portal.
Name in Rest API - Metric name as referred to in the REST API.
Unit - Unit of measure.
Aggregation - The default aggregation type. Valid values: Average, Minimum, Maximum, Total, Count.
Dimensions - Dimensions available for the metric.
Time Grains - Intervals at which the metric is sampled. For example, PT1M
indicates that the metric is sampled every minute, PT30M
every 30 minutes, PT1H
every hour, and so on.
DS Export- Whether the metric is exportable to Azure Monitor Logs via Diagnostic Settings.
For information on exporting metrics, see - Metrics export using data collection rules and Create diagnostic settings in Azure Monitor.
For information on metric retention, see Azure Monitor Metrics overview.
Category | Metric | Name in REST API | Unit | Aggregation | Dimensions | Time Grains | DS Export |
System | CPU usage active CPU usage (active). |
cpu |
Percent | Average | ClusterResourceName , DataCenterResourceName , Address , Kind , CPU |
PT1M | Yes |
System | network received bytes Cumulative network received bytes. |
ethtool_rx_bytes |
Bytes | Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count | ClusterResourceName , DataCenterResourceName , Address , Kind |
PT1M | No |
System | network received packets Cumulative network received packets. |
ethtool_rx_packets |
Count | Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count | ClusterResourceName , DataCenterResourceName , Address , Kind |
PT1M | No |
System | network transmitted bytes Cumulative network transmitted bytes. |
ethtool_tx_bytes |
Bytes | Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count | ClusterResourceName , DataCenterResourceName , Address , Kind |
PT1M | No |
System | network transmitted packets Cumulative network transmitted packets. |
ethtool_tx_packets |
Count | Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count | ClusterResourceName , DataCenterResourceName , Address , Kind |
PT1M | No |
Garnet Client | connected clients Number of connected clients. |
garnet_connected_clients |
Count | Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count | datacenter , node , Kind |
PT1M | No |
Garnet Store | index size Size of the index in the main store |
garnet_index_size |
Bytes | Average, Minimum, Maximum | datacenter , node , Kind |
PT1M | No |
Query Performance | mean query latency (microseconds) mean latency of processing in microseconds, per network receive call (server side), considering only non-admin requests |
garnet_latency_mean |
Unspecified | Average, Minimum, Maximum | datacenter , node , Kind |
PT1M | No |
Query Performance | p99 query latency (microseconds) p99 latency of processing in microseconds, per network receive call (server side), considering only non-admin requests |
garnet_latency_p99 |
Unspecified | Average, Minimum, Maximum | datacenter , node , Kind |
PT1M | No |
Garnet Store | log size Size of the log in the main store |
garnet_log_size |
Bytes | Average, Minimum, Maximum | datacenter , node , Kind |
PT1M | No |
Garnet Store | main store size size of the main garnet store (index + log + overflow) |
garnet_main_store_size |
Bytes | Average, Minimum, Maximum | datacenter , node , Kind |
PT1M | No |
Garnet Store | read cache size Size of the read cache in the main store |
garnet_read_cache_size |
Bytes | Average, Minimum, Maximum | datacenter , node , Kind |
PT1M | No |
Query Performance | command process rate (commands/second) The number of commands, per second, processed |
garnet_total_commands_processed_rate |
Count | Average, Minimum, Maximum | datacenter , node , Kind |
PT1M | No |
Query Performance | read command process rate (commands/second) The number of read commands, per second, processed |
garnet_total_read_commands_processed_rate |
Count | Average, Minimum, Maximum | datacenter , node , Kind |
PT1M | No |
Query Performance | write command process rate (commands/second) The number of write commands, per second, processed |
garnet_total_write_commands_processed_rate |
Count | Average, Minimum, Maximum | datacenter , node , Kind |
PT1M | No |
System | memory utilization Memory utilization rate. |
percent_mem |
Percent | Average | ClusterResourceName , DataCenterResourceName , Address |
PT1M | Yes |
System | average CPU usage active Average CPU usage (active) across all the CPUs. |
total_cpu |
Percent | Average | ClusterResourceName , DataCenterResourceName , Address , Kind |
PT1M | Yes |