Azure Data Lake Storage key considerations

Learn about key storage considerations for your Azure data lakes.

Lifecycle management

Azure Storage offers different access tiers, which allows you to store blob object data in the most cost-effective manner possible. The available access tiers include:

  • Hot: Optimized for storing data that's accessed frequently.
  • Cool: Optimized for storing data that's infrequently accessed. Data is stored for at least 30 days.
  • Cold tier: Optimized for storing data that is infrequently accessed or modified. Data is stored for at least 90 days. The cold tier has lower storage costs and higher access costs compared to the cool tier.
  • Archive: Optimized for storing data that's rarely accessed. The data is stored for at least 180 days with flexible latency requirements, on the order of hours.


There are no reliability, security, operational excellence, or performance efficiency tradeoffs between the various online access tiers, which leaves the choice of an online tier to be a financial decision, per blob, based on workload access data size, operational interactions, and time before the blob is deleted. Select the correct tier, per blob, based on a calculation of the preceding factors. For more information, see Plan and manage costs for Azure Blob Storage .

Consider the following information when using access tiers:

  • Only the Hot and Cool access tiers can be set at the account level. The Archive access tier isn't available at the account level.

  • Hot, Cool, and Archive tiers can all be set at the blob level during upload or after upload.

  • Data in the Cool and Cold tiers have slightly lower availability, but offer the same high durability, retrieval latency, and throughput characteristics as the Hot tier data. For data in the Cool or Cold tiers, slightly lower availability and higher access costs can be acceptable trade-offs for lower overall storage costs compared to the Hot tier.

  • Archive storage stores data offline and offers the lowest storage costs. However, it also carries the highest data rehydration and access costs.

For more information, see Access tiers for blob data.


For cloud-scale analytics, we recommend that you implement lifecycle management using a custom microservice and carefully consider the impact of moving user discoverable data to cool storage.

You should only move sections of your data lake to cool tier for well understood workloads.

Data lakes connectivity

Each of your data lakes should use private endpoints injected into the virtual network of your data landing zone. To provide access across landing zones, connect your data landing zones through virtual network peering. This connection provides an optimal solution from both a cost and access control perspective.

For more information, see Private endpoints and Data management landing zone to data landing zone.


Data from a data landing zone can be accessed from another data landing zone over virtual network peering between the zones. This is done using the private endpoints associated with each data lake account. We recommend turning off all public access to your lakes and using private endpoints. Your platform operations team should control network connectivity across your data landing zones.

Soft delete for containers

Soft delete for containers protects your data from accidental or malicious deletion. If you enable container soft delete for your storage account, deleted containers and their contents are retained in Azure Storage for a length of time you choose. During the data retention period, you can restore previously deleted containers. Restoring a container also restores any blobs that were within that container when it was deleted.

Enable the following data protection features to achieve end-to-end blob data protection:


Deleting a storage account can't be undone. Container soft delete does not protect against storage account deletion, only against the deletion of containers within an account. To protect a storage account from deletion, configure a lock on the storage account resource. For more information about locking Azure Resource Manager resources, see Lock resources to prevent unexpected changes.


In a data landing zone, all monitoring should be sent to your Azure Landing Zone management subscription for analysis.

To learn about the monitoring data Azure Storage uses, see Monitoring Azure resources with Azure Monitor. For more information on the logs and metrics Azure Storage creates, see Monitoring Azure Blob Storage.

Log entries are only created if requests are made against the service endpoint. The types of authenticated requests logged are:

  • Successful requests
  • Failed requests, including timeout, throttling, network, authorization, and other errors
  • Requests that use a shared access signature (SAS) or OAuth, including failed and successful requests
  • Requests to analytics data, like classic log data in the $logs container and class metric data in the $metric tables

Requests made by the storage service itself, like log creation or deletion, aren't logged. The types of anonymous requests logged are:

  • Successful requests
  • Server errors
  • Time out errors for both client and server
  • Failed HTTP GET requests with the error code 304 (Not Modified)

All other failed anonymous requests aren't logged.


Set your default monitoring policy to audit storage and send logs to your enterprise-scale management subscription.

The following usages are the recommended security patterns for each of the data lake zones:

  • Raw usage allows access to data only by using security principal names (SPNs) - preferably using managed identities.
  • Enriched usage allows access to data only by using security principal names (SPNs) - preferably using managed identities.
  • Curated usage enables access to both security principal names (SPNs) and user principal names (UPNs).

For more information, see Access control model in Azure Data Lake Storage.

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