Disable key-based authentication with Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL


Diagram of the current location ('Prepare') in the sequence of the deployment guide.

Diagram of the sequence of the deployment guide including these locations, in order: Overview, Concepts, Prepare, Role-based access control, Network, and Reference. The 'Prepare' location is currently highlighted.

This article covers the process of disabling key-based authorization (or resource owner password credential auth) for an Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL account.

Disabling key-based authorization prevents your account from being used without the more secure Microsoft Entra authentication method. This procedure is a step that should be performed on new accounts in secure workloads. Alternatively, perform this procedure on existing accounts being migrated to a secure workload pattern.


Disable key-based authentication

First, disable key-based authentication to your existing account so that applications are required to use Microsoft Entra authentication. Use az resource update to modify properties.disableLocalAuth of the existing account.

az resource update \
    --resource-group "<name-of-existing-resource-group>" \
    --name "<name-of-existing-account>" \
    --resource-type "Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts" \
    --set properties.disableLocalAuth=true

First, create a new account with key-based authentication disabled so that applications are required to use Microsoft Entra authentication.

  1. Create a new Bicep file to deploy your new account with key-based authentication disabled. Name the file deploy-new-account.bicep.

    metadata description = 'Deploys a new Azure Cosmos DB account with key-based auth disabled.'
    @description('Name of the Azure Cosmos DB account.')
    param name string = 'csms-${uniqueString(resourceGroup().id)}'
    @description('Primary location for the Azure Cosmos DB account.')
    param location string = resourceGroup().location
    resource account 'Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts@2024-05-15' = {
      name: name
      location: location
      kind: 'GlobalDocumentDB'
      properties: {
        databaseAccountOfferType: 'Standard'
        locations: [
            locationName: location
        disableLocalAuth: true
  2. Use az deployment group create to deploy the Bicep file with the new account.

    az deployment group create \
        --resource-group "<name-of-existing-resource-group>" \
        --template-file deploy-new-account.bicep

First, disable key-based authentication to your existing account so that applications are required to use Microsoft Entra authentication. Use Get-AzResource and Set-AzResource to respectively read and update the existing account.

$parameters = @{
    ResourceGroupName = "<name-of-existing-resource-group>"
    ResourceName = "<name-of-existing-account>"
    ResourceType = "Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts"
$resource = Get-AzResource @parameters

$resource.Properties.DisableLocalAuth = $true

$resource | Set-AzResource -Force

Validate that authentication is disabled

Attempt to use the Azure SDK to connect to Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL using a resource-owner password credential (ROPC). This attempt should fail. If necessary, code samples for common programming languages are provided here.

using Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos;

string connectionString = "AccountEndpoint=<nosql-endpoint>;AccountKey=<key>;";

CosmosClient client = new(connectionString);


This code sample uses the Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos library from NuGet.

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