Microsoft Partner Agreement cost and usage details file schema

This article applies to cost and usage details file schema for Microsoft Partner Agreement where the CSP partner has selected any of the billing scopes - Billing Account, Billing Profile or Customer scope.

Version 2023-12-01-preview

Column order Fields Description
1 invoiceId The unique document ID listed on the invoice PDF.
2 previousInvoiceId Reference to an original invoice if the line item is a refund.
3 billingAccountId Unique identifier for the root billing account.
4 billingAccountName Name of the billing account.
5 billingProfileId Unique identifier of the EA enrollment, pay-as-you-go subscription, MCA billing profile, or AWS consolidated account.
6 billingProfileName Name of the EA enrollment, pay-as-you-go subscription, MCA billing profile, or AWS consolidated account.
7 invoiceSectionId Unique identifier for the EA department or MCA invoice section.
8 invoiceSectionName Name of the EA department or MCA invoice section.
9 partnerTenantId Identifier for the partner's Microsoft Entra directory tenant.
10 partnerName Name of the partner Microsoft Entra directory tenant.
11 resellerName The name of the reseller associated with the subscription.
12 resellerMpnId ID for the reseller associated with the subscription.
13 customerTenantId Identifier of the Microsoft Entra directory tenant of the customer's subscription.
14 customerName Name of the Microsoft Entra directory tenant for the customer's subscription.
15 costCenter The cost center defined for the subscription for tracking costs (only available in open billing periods for MCA accounts).
16 billingPeriodEndDate The end date of the billing period.
17 billingPeriodStartDate The start date of the billing period.
18 servicePeriodEndDate The end date of the rating period that defined and locked pricing for the consumed or purchased service.
19 servicePeriodStartDate The start date of the rating period that defined and locked pricing for the consumed or purchased service.
20 date The usage or purchase date of the charge.
21 serviceFamily Service family that the service belongs to.
22 productOrderId Unique identifier for the product order.
23 productOrderName Unique name for the product order.
24 consumedService Name of the service the charge is associated with.
25 meterId The unique identifier for the meter.
26 meterName The name of the meter.
27 meterCategory Name of the classification category for the meter. For example, Cloud services and Networking.
28 meterSubCategory Name of the meter subclassification category.
29 meterRegion Name of the datacenter location for services priced based on location. See Location.
30 ProductId Unique identifier for the product.
31 ProductName Name of the product.
32 SubscriptionId Unique identifier for the Azure subscription.
33 subscriptionName Name of the Azure subscription.
34 publisherType Supported values: Microsoft, Azure, AWS, Marketplace. Values are microsoft for MCA accounts and Azure for EA and pay-as-you-go accounts.
35 publisherId The ID of the publisher. It's only available after the invoice is generated.
36 publisherName Publisher for Marketplace services.
37 resourceGroupName Name of the resource group the resource is in. Not all charges come from resources deployed to resource groups. Charges that don't have a resource group are shown as null or empty, Others, or Not applicable.
38 ResourceId Unique identifier of the Azure Resource Manager resource.
39 resourceLocation Datacenter location where the resource is running. See Location.
40 location Normalized location of the resource, if different resource locations are configured for the same regions.
41 effectivePrice Blended unit price for the period. Blended prices average out any fluctuations in the unit price, like graduated tiering, which lowers the price as quantity increases over time.
42 quantity The number of units purchased or consumed.
43 unitOfMeasure The unit of measure for billing for the service. For example, compute services are billed per hour.
44 chargeType Indicates whether the charge represents usage (Usage), a purchase (Purchase), or a refund (Refund).
45 billingCurrency Currency associated with the billing account.
46 pricingCurrency Currency used when rating based on negotiated prices.
47 costInBillingCurrency Cost of the charge in the billing currency before credits or taxes.
48 costInPricingCurrency Cost of the charge in the pricing currency before credits or taxes.
49 costInUsd
50 paygCostInBillingCurrency
51 paygCostInUsd
52 exchangeRatePricingToBilling Exchange rate used to convert the cost in the pricing currency to the billing currency.
53 exchangeRateDate Date the exchange rate was established.
54 isAzureCreditEligible Indicates if the charge is eligible to be paid for using Azure credits (Values: True or False).
55 serviceInfo1 Service-specific metadata.
56 serviceInfo2 Legacy field with optional service-specific metadata.
57 additionalInfo Service-specific metadata. For example, an image type for a virtual machine.
58 tags Tags assigned to the resource. Doesn't include resource group tags. Can be used to group or distribute costs for internal chargeback. For more information, see Organize your Azure resources with tags.
59 partnerEarnedCreditRate Rate of discount applied if there's a partner earned credit (PEC), based on partner admin link access.
60 partnerEarnedCreditApplied Indicates whether the partner earned credit was applied.
61 PayGPrice Retail price for the resource.
62 frequency Indicates whether a charge is expected to repeat. Charges can either happen once (OneTime), repeat on a monthly or yearly basis (Recurring), or be based on usage (UsageBased).
63 term Displays the term for the validity of the offer. For example: For reserved instances, it displays 12 months as the Term. For one-time purchases or recurring purchases, Term is one month (SaaS, Marketplace Support). Not applicable for Azure consumption.
64 reservationId Unique identifier for the purchased reservation instance.
65 reservationName Name of the purchased reservation instance.
66 pricingModel Identifier that indicates how the meter is priced. (Values: On Demand, Reservation, and Spot)
67 unitPrice The price per unit for the charge.
68 benefitId
69 benefitName
70 provider Identifier for product category or Line of Business. For example, Azure, Microsoft 365, and AWS.

Version 2021-10-01

Column order Fields Description
1 invoiceId The unique document ID listed on the invoice PDF.
2 previousInvoiceId Reference to an original invoice if the line item is a refund.
3 billingAccountId Unique identifier for the root billing account.
4 billingAccountName Name of the billing account.
5 billingProfileId Unique identifier of the EA enrollment, pay-as-you-go subscription, MCA billing profile, or AWS consolidated account.
6 billingProfileName Name of the EA enrollment, pay-as-you-go subscription, MCA billing profile, or AWS consolidated account.
7 invoiceSectionId Unique identifier for the EA department or MCA invoice section.
8 invoiceSectionName Name of the EA department or MCA invoice section.
9 partnerTenantId Identifier for the partner's Microsoft Entra directory tenant.
10 partnerName Name of the partner Microsoft Entra directory tenant.
11 resellerName The name of the reseller associated with the subscription.
12 resellerMpnId ID for the reseller associated with the subscription.
13 customerTenantId Identifier of the Microsoft Entra directory tenant of the customer's subscription.
14 customerName Name of the Microsoft Entra directory tenant for the customer's subscription.
15 costCenter The cost center defined for the subscription for tracking costs (only available in open billing periods for MCA accounts).
16 billingPeriodEndDate The end date of the billing period.
17 billingPeriodStartDate The start date of the billing period.
18 servicePeriodEndDate The end date of the rating period that defined and locked pricing for the consumed or purchased service.
19 servicePeriodStartDate The start date of the rating period that defined and locked pricing for the consumed or purchased service.
20 date The usage or purchase date of the charge.
21 serviceFamily Service family that the service belongs to.
22 productOrderId Unique identifier for the product order.
23 productOrderName Unique name for the product order.
24 consumedService Name of the service the charge is associated with.
25 meterId The unique identifier for the meter.
26 meterName The name of the meter.
27 meterCategory Name of the classification category for the meter. For example, Cloud services and Networking.
28 meterSubCategory Name of the meter subclassification category.
29 meterRegion Name of the datacenter location for services priced based on location. See Location.
30 ProductId Unique identifier for the product.
31 ProductName Name of the product.
32 SubscriptionId Unique identifier for the Azure subscription.
33 subscriptionName Name of the Azure subscription.
34 publisherType Supported values: Microsoft, Azure, AWS, Marketplace. Values are microsoft for MCA accounts and Azure for EA and pay-as-you-go accounts.
35 publisherId The ID of the publisher. It's only available after the invoice is generated.
36 publisherName Publisher for Marketplace services.
37 resourceGroupName Name of the resource group the resource is in. Not all charges come from resources deployed to resource groups. Charges that don't have a resource group are shown as null or empty, Others, or Not applicable.
38 ResourceId Unique identifier of the Azure Resource Manager resource.
39 resourceLocation Datacenter location where the resource is running. See Location.
40 location Normalized location of the resource, if different resource locations are configured for the same regions.
41 effectivePrice Blended unit price for the period. Blended prices average out any fluctuations in the unit price, like graduated tiering, which lowers the price as quantity increases over time.
42 quantity The number of units purchased or consumed.
43 unitOfMeasure The unit of measure for billing for the service. For example, compute services are billed per hour.
44 chargeType Indicates whether the charge represents usage (Usage), a purchase (Purchase), or a refund (Refund).
45 billingCurrency Currency associated with the billing account.
46 pricingCurrency Currency used when rating based on negotiated prices.
47 costInBillingCurrency Cost of the charge in the billing currency before credits or taxes.
48 costInPricingCurrency Cost of the charge in the pricing currency before credits or taxes.
49 costInUsd
50 paygCostInBillingCurrency
51 paygCostInUsd
52 exchangeRatePricingToBilling Exchange rate used to convert the cost in the pricing currency to the billing currency.
53 exchangeRateDate Date the exchange rate was established.
54 isAzureCreditEligible Indicates if the charge is eligible to be paid for using Azure credits (Values: True or False).
55 serviceInfo1 Service-specific metadata.
56 serviceInfo2 Legacy field with optional service-specific metadata.
57 additionalInfo Service-specific metadata. For example, an image type for a virtual machine.
58 tags Tags assigned to the resource. Doesn't include resource group tags. Can be used to group or distribute costs for internal chargeback. For more information, see Organize your Azure resources with tags.
59 partnerEarnedCreditRate Rate of discount applied if there's a partner earned credit (PEC), based on partner admin link access.
60 partnerEarnedCreditApplied Indicates whether the partner earned credit was applied.
61 PayGPrice Retail price for the resource.
62 frequency Indicates whether a charge is expected to repeat. Charges can either happen once (OneTime), repeat on a monthly or yearly basis (Recurring), or be based on usage (UsageBased).
63 term Displays the term for the validity of the offer. For example: For reserved instances, it displays 12 months as the Term. For one-time purchases or recurring purchases, Term is one month (SaaS, Marketplace Support). Not applicable for Azure consumption.
64 reservationId Unique identifier for the purchased reservation instance.
65 reservationName Name of the purchased reservation instance.
66 pricingModel Identifier that indicates how the meter is priced. (Values: On Demand, Reservation, and Spot)
67 unitPrice The price per unit for the charge.
68 benefitId
69 benefitName
70 provider Identifier for product category or Line of Business. For example, Azure, Microsoft 365, and AWS.

Version 2021-01-01

Column order Fields Description
1 invoiceId The unique document ID listed on the invoice PDF.
2 previousInvoiceId Reference to an original invoice if the line item is a refund.
3 billingAccountId Unique identifier for the root billing account.
4 billingAccountName Name of the billing account.
5 billingProfileId Unique identifier of the EA enrollment, pay-as-you-go subscription, MCA billing profile, or AWS consolidated account.
6 billingProfileName Name of the EA enrollment, pay-as-you-go subscription, MCA billing profile, or AWS consolidated account.
7 invoiceSectionId Unique identifier for the EA department or MCA invoice section.
8 invoiceSectionName Name of the EA department or MCA invoice section.
9 partnerTenantId Identifier for the partner's Microsoft Entra directory tenant.
10 partnerName Name of the partner Microsoft Entra directory tenant.
11 resellerName The name of the reseller associated with the subscription.
12 resellerMpnId ID for the reseller associated with the subscription.
13 customerTenantId Identifier of the Microsoft Entra directory tenant of the customer's subscription.
14 customerName Name of the Microsoft Entra directory tenant for the customer's subscription.
15 costCenter The cost center defined for the subscription for tracking costs (only available in open billing periods for MCA accounts).
16 billingPeriodEndDate The end date of the billing period.
17 billingPeriodStartDate The start date of the billing period.
18 servicePeriodEndDate The end date of the rating period that defined and locked pricing for the consumed or purchased service.
19 servicePeriodStartDate The start date of the rating period that defined and locked pricing for the consumed or purchased service.
20 date The usage or purchase date of the charge.
21 serviceFamily Service family that the service belongs to.
22 productOrderId Unique identifier for the product order.
23 productOrderName Unique name for the product order.
24 consumedService Name of the service the charge is associated with.
25 meterId The unique identifier for the meter.
26 meterName The name of the meter.
27 meterCategory Name of the classification category for the meter. For example, Cloud services and Networking.
28 meterSubCategory Name of the meter subclassification category.
29 meterRegion Name of the datacenter location for services priced based on location. See Location.
30 ProductId Unique identifier for the product.
31 ProductName Name of the product.
32 SubscriptionId Unique identifier for the Azure subscription.
33 subscriptionName Name of the Azure subscription.
34 publisherType Supported values: Microsoft, Azure, AWS, Marketplace. Values are microsoft for MCA accounts and Azure for EA and pay-as-you-go accounts.
35 publisherId The ID of the publisher. It's only available after the invoice is generated.
36 publisherName Publisher for Marketplace services.
37 resourceGroupName Name of the resource group the resource is in. Not all charges come from resources deployed to resource groups. Charges that don't have a resource group are shown as null or empty, Others, or Not applicable.
38 ResourceId Unique identifier of the Azure Resource Manager resource.
39 resourceLocation Datacenter location where the resource is running. See Location.
40 location Normalized location of the resource, if different resource locations are configured for the same regions.
41 effectivePrice Blended unit price for the period. Blended prices average out any fluctuations in the unit price, like graduated tiering, which lowers the price as quantity increases over time.
42 quantity The number of units purchased or consumed.
43 unitOfMeasure The unit of measure for billing for the service. For example, compute services are billed per hour.
44 chargeType Indicates whether the charge represents usage (Usage), a purchase (Purchase), or a refund (Refund).
45 billingCurrency Currency associated with the billing account.
46 pricingCurrency Currency used when rating based on negotiated prices.
47 costInBillingCurrency Cost of the charge in the billing currency before credits or taxes.
48 costInPricingCurrency Cost of the charge in the pricing currency before credits or taxes.
49 costInUsd
50 paygCostInBillingCurrency
51 paygCostInUsd
52 exchangeRatePricingToBilling Exchange rate used to convert the cost in the pricing currency to the billing currency.
53 exchangeRateDate Date the exchange rate was established.
54 isAzureCreditEligible Indicates if the charge is eligible to be paid for using Azure credits (Values: True or False).
55 serviceInfo1 Service-specific metadata.
56 serviceInfo2 Legacy field with optional service-specific metadata.
57 additionalInfo Service-specific metadata. For example, an image type for a virtual machine.
58 tags Tags assigned to the resource. Doesn't include resource group tags. Can be used to group or distribute costs for internal chargeback. For more information, see Organize your Azure resources with tags.
59 partnerEarnedCreditRate Rate of discount applied if there's a partner earned credit (PEC), based on partner admin link access.
60 partnerEarnedCreditApplied Indicates whether the partner earned credit was applied.
61 PayGPrice Retail price for the resource.
62 frequency Indicates whether a charge is expected to repeat. Charges can either happen once (OneTime), repeat on a monthly or yearly basis (Recurring), or be based on usage (UsageBased).
63 term Displays the term for the validity of the offer. For example: For reserved instances, it displays 12 months as the Term. For one-time purchases or recurring purchases, Term is one month (SaaS, Marketplace Support). Not applicable for Azure consumption.
64 reservationId Unique identifier for the purchased reservation instance.
65 reservationName Name of the purchased reservation instance.
66 pricingModel Identifier that indicates how the meter is priced. (Values: On Demand, Reservation, and Spot)
67 unitPrice The price per unit for the charge.

Version 2019-11-01

Column order Fields Description
1 invoiceId The unique document ID listed on the invoice PDF.
2 previousInvoiceId Reference to an original invoice if the line item is a refund.
3 billingAccountId Unique identifier for the root billing account.
4 billingAccountName Name of the billing account.
5 billingProfileId Unique identifier of the EA enrollment, pay-as-you-go subscription, MCA billing profile, or AWS consolidated account.
6 billingProfileName Name of the EA enrollment, pay-as-you-go subscription, MCA billing profile, or AWS consolidated account.
7 invoiceSectionId Unique identifier for the EA department or MCA invoice section.
8 invoiceSectionName Name of the EA department or MCA invoice section.
9 partnerTenantId Identifier for the partner's Microsoft Entra tenant.
10 partnerName Name of the partner Microsoft Entra tenant.
11 resellerName The name of the reseller associated with the subscription.
12 resellerMpnId ID for the reseller associated with the subscription.
13 customerTenantId Identifier of the Microsoft Entra tenant of the customer's subscription.
14 customerName Name of the Microsoft Entra tenant for the customer's subscription.
15 costCenter The cost center defined for the subscription for tracking costs (only available in open billing periods for MCA accounts).
16 billingPeriodEndDate The end date of the billing period.
17 billingPeriodStartDate The start date of the billing period.
18 servicePeriodEndDate The end date of the rating period that defined and locked pricing for the consumed or purchased service.
19 servicePeriodStartDate The start date of the rating period that defined and locked pricing for the consumed or purchased service.
20 date The usage or purchase date of the charge.
21 serviceFamily Service family that the service belongs to.
22 productOrderId Unique identifier for the product order.
23 productOrderName Unique name for the product order.
24 consumedService Name of the service the charge is associated with.
25 meterId The unique identifier for the meter.
26 meterName The name of the meter.
27 meterCategory Name of the classification category for the meter. For example, Cloud services and Networking.
28 meterSubCategory Name of the meter subclassification category.
29 meterRegion Name of the datacenter location for services priced based on location. See Location.
30 ProductId Unique identifier for the product.
31 product Name of the product.
32 subscriptionId Unique identifier for the Azure subscription.
33 subscriptionName Name of the Azure subscription.
34 publisherType Supported values: Microsoft, Azure, AWS, Marketplace. Values are microsoft for MCA accounts and Azure for EA and pay-as-you-go accounts.
35 publisherId The ID of the publisher. It's only available after the invoice is generated.
36 publisherName Publisher for Marketplace services.
37 resourceGroupName Name of the resource group the resource is in. Not all charges come from resources deployed to resource groups. Charges that don't have a resource group are shown as null or empty, Others, or Not applicable.
38 InstanceName Unique identifier of the Azure Resource Manager resource.
39 resourceLocation Datacenter location where the resource is running. See Location.
40 Location Normalized location of the resource, if different resource locations are configured for the same regions.
41 effectivePrice Blended unit price for the period. Blended prices average out any fluctuations in the unit price, like graduated tiering, which lowers the price as quantity increases over time.
42 quantity The number of units purchased or consumed.
43 unitOfMeasure The unit of measure for billing for the service. For example, compute services are billed per hour.
44 chargeType Indicates whether the charge represents usage (Usage), a purchase (Purchase), or a refund (Refund).
45 billingCurrency Currency associated with the billing account.
46 pricingCurrency Currency used when rating based on negotiated prices.
47 costInBillingCurrency Cost of the charge in the billing currency before credits or taxes.
48 costInPricingCurrency Cost of the charge in the pricing currency before credits or taxes.
49 costInUsd
50 paygCostInBillingCurrency
51 paygCostInUsd
52 exchangeRatePricingToBilling Exchange rate used to convert the cost in the pricing currency to the billing currency.
53 exchangeRateDate Date the exchange rate was established.
54 isAzureCreditEligible Indicates if the charge is eligible to be paid for using Azure credits (Values: True or False).
55 serviceInfo1 Service-specific metadata.
56 serviceInfo2 Legacy field with optional service-specific metadata.
57 additionalInfo Service-specific metadata. For example, an image type for a virtual machine.
58 tags Tags assigned to the resource. Doesn't include resource group tags. Can be used to group or distribute costs for internal chargeback. For more information, see Organize your Azure resources with tags.
59 partnerEarnedCreditRate Rate of discount applied if there's a partner earned credit (PEC), based on partner admin link access.
60 partnerEarnedCreditApplied Indicates whether the partner earned credit was applied.
61 payGPrice Retail price for the resource.
62 frequency Indicates whether a charge is expected to repeat. Charges can either happen once (OneTime), repeat on a monthly or yearly basis (Recurring), or be based on usage (UsageBased).
63 term Displays the term for the validity of the offer. For example: For reserved instances, it displays 12 months as the Term. For one-time purchases or recurring purchases, Term is one month (SaaS, Marketplace Support). Not applicable for Azure consumption.
64 reservationId Unique identifier for the purchased reservation instance.
65 reservationName Name of the purchased reservation instance.
66 unitPrice The price per unit for the charge.