Upload tasks to project collection

Azure DevOps Services

Learn how to upload tasks to organization for custom tasks or in-the-box tasks in Azure DevOps using the Node CLI for Azure DevOps (tfx-cli).

For example, this guideline can help to update in-the-box tasks on Azure DevOps Server.


For the case of in-the-box tasks being uploaded to on-prem instance, there could be some task capabilities not supported due to the old agent version/lack of support on Azure DevOps Server side.

For more information about tfx-cli, see the Node CLI for Azure DevOps on GitHub.


To upload tasks to project collection, you need prerequisites:

  • The latest version of Node.js.

  • The Node CLI for Azure DevOps to upload tasks.

    • Install tfx-cli using npm, a component of Node.js by running:
      npm install -g tfx-cli
  • Permissions to update required project collection, PAT generated with scope Environment (Read & Write) to be able to upload tasks to the project collection.

Tfx-cli sign in with personal access token

You need to login to Azure DevOps with tfx-cli - to be able to upload pipeline tasks to the project collection.


A personal access token is required by default for authentication to project collection in Azure DevOps. You need to create personal access token (PAT) with scope Environment (Read & manage).


You can use other ways to authorize with tfx-cli - see Authenticate in Cross-platform CLI for Azure DevOps for more details.

To login - you should specify the path to project collection as URL. The default name of the project collection is DefaultCollection.

For Azure DevOps Services, path to project collection would have the following format: https://{Azure DevOps organization name}.visualstudio.com/DefaultCollection

For Azure DevOps Server default project collection URL will depend on the url where the server is located and its template will be: http://{Azure DevOps Server url}/DefaultCollection

Enter the following command and provide requested information:

~$ tfx login

Uploading tasks to the project collection


If you need to update in-the-box pipeline tasks, you can clone azure-pipelines-tasks repository, and build required tasks following the guideline - how to build tasks.

Now you can start to upload task using tfx-cli.

Enter the following command:

tfx build tasks upload --task-path <PATH_TO_TASK>


PATH_TO_TASK is the path to the folder with the compiled task. For more information about using tfx-cli, see Node CLI for Azure DevOps documentation.