Create and manage Azure Database for PostgreSQL - Flexible Server with data encrypted by Customer Managed Keys (CMK) using the Azure CLI
APPLIES TO: Azure Database for PostgreSQL - Flexible Server
CLI examples below are based on 2.45.0 version of Azure Database for PostgreSQL flexible server CLI libraries
In this article, you learn how to create and manage Azure Database for PostgreSQL flexible server with data encrypted by customer managed keys using the Azure CLI. To learn more about the customer managed keys (CMK) feature with Azure Database for PostgreSQL flexible server, see the overview.
Set up customer managed key during server creation
- You must have an Azure subscription and be an administrator on that subscription.
Follow the steps below to enable CMK while creating an Azure Database for PostgreSQL flexible server instance using Azure CLI.
- Create a key vault and a key to use for a customer-managed key. Also enable purge protection and soft delete on the key vault.
az keyvault create -g <resource_group> -n <vault_name> --location <azure_region> --enable-purge-protection true
- In the created Azure Key Vault, create the key that will be used for the data encryption of the Azure Database for PostgreSQL flexible server instance.
keyIdentifier=$(az keyvault key create --name <key_name> -p software --vault-name <vault_name> --query key.kid -o tsv)
- Create Managed Identity which will be used to retrieve key from Azure Key Vault.
identityPrincipalId=$(az identity create -g <resource_group> --name <identity_name> --location <azure_region> --query principalId -o tsv)
- Add access policy with key permissions of wrapKey,unwrapKey, get, list in Azure KeyVault to the managed identity you created above.
az keyvault set-policy -g <resource_group> -n <vault_name> --object-id $identityPrincipalId --key-permissions wrapKey unwrapKey get list
- Finally, create an Azure Database for PostgreSQL flexible server instance with CMK based encryption enabled.
az postgres flexible-server create -g <resource_group> -n <postgres_server_name> --location <azure_region> --key $keyIdentifier --identity <identity_name>
Update customer managed key on the CMK enabled Azure Database for PostgreSQL flexible server instance
- You must have an Azure subscription and be an administrator on that subscription.
- Key Vault with key in region where the Azure Database for PostgreSQL flexible server instance will be created. Follow this tutorial to create Key Vault and generate key.
Follow the steps below to change\rotate key or identity after creation of server with data encryption.
- Change key/identity for data encryption for existing server. First the get new key identifier:
newKeyIdentifier=$(az keyvault key show --vault-name <vault_name> --name <key_name> --query key.kid -o tsv)
- Update server with new key and\or identity.
az postgres flexible-server update --resource-group <resource_group> --name <server_name> --key $newKeyIdentifier --identity <identity_name>
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