Start the Static Web Apps CLI emulator

Static Web Apps is a cloud-based platform that hosts and runs your web apps. When you run your app locally, you need special tools to help you approximate how your app would run in the cloud.

The Static Web Apps CLI (SWA CLI) includes an emulator that mimics how your app would run on Azure, but instead runs exclusively on your machine.

The swa start command launches the emulator with default settings. By default, the emulator uses port 4280.

For more information about individual commands, see the CLI reference.

Serve static files from your filesystem

The SWA CLI allows you to directly serve your static content from your filesystem with no other required tools. You can either serve the static content from your current directory or a specific folder.

Serve from... Command Notes
Current folder swa start By default, the CLI starts and serves static content (HTML, image, script, and CSS files) from the current working directory.
Specific folder swa start ./my-dist You can override the behavior to start the emulator with a different static assets folder.

Use development server

As you develop your app's front-end, you might want to use the framework's default development server. Using a framework's server allows you to take advantage of benefits like live reload and hot module replacement (HMR).

For example, Angular developers often use ng serve or npm start to run the development server.

You can set up the Static Web Apps SWA CLI to proxy requests to the dev server, which gives you the benefits of both your framework's CLI while simultaneously working with Static Web Apps CLI.

There are two steps to using a framework's dev server along with the SWA CLI:

  1. Start your framework's local dev server as usual. Make sure to note the URL (including the port) used by the framework.

  2. Start the SWA CLI in a new terminal, passing in the dev server URL.

    swa start <DEV_SERVER_URL>


Make sure to replace the <DEV_SERVER_URL> placeholder with your own value.

Launch dev server

You can simplify your workflow further by having the SWA CLI launch the dev server for you.

You can pass a custom command to the --run parameter to the swa start command.


Here's some examples of starting the emulator with a few different frameworks:

Framework Command
React swa start http://localhost:3000 --run "npm start"
Blazor swa start http://localhost:5000 --run "dotnet watch run"
Jekyll swa start http://localhost:4000 --run "jekyll serve"

You can also use the --run parameter if you want to run a custom script as you launch the dev server.

swa start http://localhost:4200 --run "./"

Using the above command, you can access the application with the emulated services from http://localhost:4280

Next steps