Virtual machine scale sets with instance mix frequently asked questions and troubleshooting

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use Spot and Standard VMs with instance mix?

Yes, you can use both Spot and Standard VMs in your scale set deployments using instance mix. To do so, use Spot Priority Mix to define a percentage split of Spot and Standard VMs.


Error Code Error Message Troubleshooting options
SkuProfileAllocationStrategyInvalid Sku Profile’s Allocation Strategy is invalid. Ensure that you're using CapacityOptimized, Prioritized, or LowestPrice as the allocationStrategy
SkuProfileVMSizesCannotBeNullOrEmpty Sku Profile VM Sizes cannot be null or empty. Please provide a valid list of VM Sizes and retry. Provide at least one VM size in the skuProfile.
SkuProfileHasTooManyVMSizesInRequest Too many VM Sizes were specified in the request. Please provide no more than 5 VM Sizes. At this time, you can specify up to five VM sizes with instance mix.
SkuProfileVMSizesCannotHaveDuplicates Sku Profile contains duplicate VM Size: {duplicateVmSize}. Please remove any duplicates and retry. Check the VM SKUs listed in the skuProfile and remove the duplicate VM size.
SkuProfileScenarioNotSupported {propertyName} is not supported on Virtual Machine Scale Sets with Sku Profile. Instance mix doesn’t support certain scenarios today, like Azure Dedicated Host (properties.hostGroup), Capacity Reservations (properties.virtualMachineProfile.capacityReservation), and StandbyPools (properties.standbyPoolProfile). Adjust the template to ensure you’re not using unsupported properties.
SkuNameMustBeMixIfSkuProfileIsSpecified Sku name is {skuNameValue}. Virtual Machine Scale Sets with Sku Profile must have the Sku name property set to "Mix". Ensure that the property is set to "Mix".
SkuTierMustNotBeSetIfSkuProfileIsSpecified Sku tier is {skuTierValue}. Virtual Machine Scale Sets with Sku Profile must not have the Sku tier property set. sku.tier is an optional property for scale sets. With instance mix, sku.tier must be set to null or not specified.
InvalidParameter The value of parameter skuProfile is invalid. Your subscription isn't registered for the instance mix feature. Follow the enrollment instructions to register for the Preview.