Step 2: Create Messages for BizTalk Orchestrations

Step 2 of 2

Time to complete: 5 minutes

Objective: In this step, you add an orchestration to the BizTalk project and create messages for the schemas you generated in Step 1: Generate Schema for Operations.


You must have completed Step 1: Generate Schema for Operations.

To create messages in an orchestration

  1. Add a BizTalk orchestration to the BizTalk project in Visual Studio:

    1. From Solution Explorer, right-click the BizTalk project name, point to Add, and then click New Item.

    2. In the Add New Item dialog box, from the Categories box, click Orchestration Files. From the Templates box, click BizTalk Orchestration.

    3. Type a name for the BizTalk orchestration, and then click Add. For this tutorial, enter the name EmployeeOrch.odx.

  2. Open the Orchestration View window of the BizTalk project, if it is not already open. To do so, click View, point to Other Windows, and then click Orchestration View.

  3. Add messages to the orchestration.

    1. In the Orchestration View, right-click Messages, and then click New Message.

    2. Right-click the newly created message, and then select Properties Window.

    3. In the Properties pane for Message_1, do the following:

      Use this To do this
      Identifier Type NotifyReceive.
      Message Type From the drop-down list, expand Schemas, and select Employee_PurchaseOrder.Notification, where Employee_PurchaseOrder is the name of your BizTalk project. Notification is the schema generated for the Notification operation.
    4. Repeat the previous step to add four new messages—a request-response message set for invoking the UPDATE_EMPLOYEE stored procedure and another request-response message set for performing the Insert operation on Purchase_Order table.

      Set Identifier to Set Message Type to
      UpdateEmployee Employee_PurchaseOrder.TypedProcedure_dbo.UPDATE_EMPLOYEE, where TypedProcedure_dbo.UPDATE_EMPLOYEE is the schema for the UPDATE_EMPLOYEE stored procedure.
      UpdateEmployeeResponse Employee_PurchaseOrder.TypedProcedure_dbo.UPDATE_EMPLOYEEResponse
      InsertPO Employee_PurchaseOrder.TableOperation_dbo_Purchase_Order.Insert, where TableOperation_dbo_Purchase_Order.Insert is the schema for the Insert operation on the Purchase_Order table.
      InsertPOResponse Employee_PurchaseOrder.TableOperation_dbo_Purchase_Order.InsertResponse
    5. Save the orchestration file and the BizTalk project.

What did I just do?

In this step, you created messages for invoking performing inbound and outbound operations on SQL Server using the SQL adapter.

Next Steps

You add orchestration shapes to receive notification from SQL Server and filter notifications for Insert operation, as described in Lesson 2: Receive and Filter Notifications.

See Also

Lesson 1: Generate Schemas and Create Messages
Step 1: Generate Schema for Operations