File Inventory for the Business Process Management Solution

This section lists subdirectories and source files for the Business Process Management solution. The default installation directory for the Business Process Management solution source files is \Program Files (x86)\Microsoft BizTalk Server <VERSION>SDK\Scenarios\BPM. Descriptions before the following tables replace this path with <Install Directory>.

Files in <Install Directory>

File Description
Microsoft.Samples.BizTalk.SouthridgeVideo.sln Visual Studio solution file.
readme.html Readme file for the solution.
ReplacePKToken.vbs VBScript to fix public key tokens in solution files when solution is built.
ReplacePKToken.wsf Windows Script File for the ReplacePKToken VBScript.
SetupBPM.bat Creates a public key, updates references to the public key, and compiles the solution. For information about deploying the solution, see Deploying the Business Process Management Solution.

Files in <Install Directory>\BAM

File Description
BAMServiceOrder.xls Excel spreadsheet for the BAM data.
BAMServiceOrder.xml Schema defining the types of the BAM data items.

Files in <Install Directory>\Bindings

File Description
CableOrderAppBindings-test.xml Binding file for the test version of the CableOrderApp application.
CableOrderAppBindings.xml Binding file for the CableOrderAPP application.
MessagingAppBindings-test.xml Binding file for the test version of the MessagingApp application.
MessagingAppBindings.xml Binding file for the MessagingApp application.
OrderBrokerAppBindings-test.xml Binding file for the test version of the OrderBrokerApp application.
OrderBrokerAppBindings.xml Binding file for the OrderBrokerApp application.

Files in <Install Directory>\CableProvisioningSystemClient

File Description
AssemblyInfo.cs Assembly file for the client side of the components simulating the order system.
CableProvisioningSystemClient.csproj C# project file.
CPSClient.cs Source for the client. Includes the OrderHandlerWrapper class code.
OrderException.cs C# file for the class defining the OrderException.

Files in <Install Directory>\CableProvisioningSystemServer

File Description
AssemblyInfo.cs Assembly file for the server side of the components simulating the order system.
CableProvisioningSystemServer.csproj C# project file.
CableProvisioningSystemServer.csproj.user Visual Studio Project User Options file
CPSServer.cs Source for the server.

Files in <Install Directory>\CSRWebApp

File Description
CSRMainForm.aspx Customer service input ASP form.
CSRMainForm.aspx.cs C# code behind form.
Web.Config Configuration file for the form.

Files in <Install Directory>\CSRWebApp\App_WebReferences\SouthridgeVideo_OrderBroker

File Description
orderbrokerorch_orderport.disco Disco file for the OrderBroker presented as a web service.
orderbrokerorch_orderport.discomap Generated file.
orderbrokerorch_orderport.wsdl WSDL file for the OrderBroker presented as a web service.

Files in <Install Directory>\FacilitiesSimulator

File Description
FacilitiesSimulator.csproj C# project file for the facilities simulator.
FacilitiesSimulator.csproj.user Visual Studio Project User Options file
FacilitiesSimulatorForm.cs C# code for the facilities simulator.
FacilitiesSimulatorForm.resx Resource file.

Files in <Install Directory>\HistoryDB

File Description
CreateDatabase.cmd File to drive the SQL file that creates the history database.
SouthridgeVideoHistory.sql SQL commands to create the history database.

Files in <Install Directory>\IOperationsSystem

File Description
IOperationsSystem.cs Interface definition for the operations system.
IOperationsSystem.csproj C# project file.
IOperationsSystem.csproj.user Visual Studio Project User Options file

Files in <Install Directory>\IOrderHandler

File Description
AssemblyInfo.cs Assembly information file.
IOrderHandler.cs Interface definition for the OrderHandler.
IOrderHandler.csproj C# project file.

Files in <Install Directory>\Maps

File Description
Maps.btproj BizTalk project file.
Order_To_SQLUpdateStatus.btm Map to convert an order to message to update status.

Files in <Install Directory>\MessagingSchemas

File Description
ErrorEnvelope.xsd Schema defining the envelope for the error message.
MessagingSchemas.btproj BizTalk project file.
OrderEnvelope.xsd Schema defining the envelope for an order.
OrderStatusEnvelope.xsd Schema defining the envelope for an order status message.
SQLUpdateStatus.xsd Schema defining the envelope for a SQL status update message.

Files in <Install Directory>\OperationsClient

File Description
AssemblyInfo.cs Assembly information file.
OperationsClient.csproj C# project for the operations client.
OpsClient.cs C# code for the operations client.
OpsExceptions.cs C# code defining the operations exception.

Files in <Install Directory>\OperationsHandler

File Description
OperationsHandler.csproj C# project file for the operations handler.
OpsHandler.cs C# code for the OpsHandler. Used by the OpsClient to make requests of the operations system.

Files in <Install Directory>\OperationsServer

File Description
AssemblyInfo.cs Assembly information file.
OperationsServer.csproj C# project file for the operations server.
OpsServer.cs C# code for the operations server that provides instances of the OpsHandler object.

Files in <Install Directory>\OpsAdapter

File Description
OpsAdapter.sln Visual Studio solution for the Ops adapter.
Register_Ops_Adapter.vbs VBScript to register the Ops adapter.
SetupOpsAdapter.bat Batch file to setup the Ops adapter.

Files in <Install Directory>\OpsAdapter\IOpsAIC

File Description
IOpsAIC.cs C# code file for the interface defining the Initialize and Execute methods called by the Ops adapter.
IOpsAIC.csproj C# project file.

Files in <Install Directory>\OpsAdapter\OpsAdapterMgmt

File Description
AdapterManagement.cs C# source file for the Ops adapter.
AssemblyInfo.cs Assembly information file.
OpsAdapterMgmt.csproj C# source file for the Ops adapter.
TransmitHandler.xsd C# source file for the Ops adapter.
TransmitLocation.xsd C# source file for the Ops adapter.

Files in <Install Directory>\OpsAdapter\OpsTxAdapter

File Description
AssemblyInfo.cs Assembly information file.
OpsAdapterExceptions.cs C# source file for the Ops adapter.
OpsAdapterProperties.cs C# source file for the Ops adapter.
OpsTransmitAdapterBatch.cs C# source file for the Ops adapter.
OpsTransmitter.cs C# source file for the Ops adapter.
OpsTxAdapter.csproj C# project file.

Files in <Install Directory>\Orchestrations\CableOrderActions

File Description
Activate.odx The Activate orchestration used by the order processing stages.
Analyze.odx The Analyze orchestration used by the order processing stages.
CableOrderActions.btproj BizTalk project file.
Cancel.odx The Cancel orchestration used by the order processing stages.
Change.odx The Change orchestration used by the order processing stages.
Complete.odx The Complete orchestration used by the order processing stages.
Validate.odx The Validate orchestration used by the order processing stages.

Files in <Install Directory>\Orchestrations\CableOrderStage1

File Description
CableOrder1.odx Orchestration for the first order processing stage.
CableOrderStage1.btproj BizTalk project file.

Files in <Install Directory>\Orchestrations\CableOrderStage2

File Description
CableOrder2.odx Orchestration for the second order processing stage.
CableOrderStage2.btproj BizTalk project file.

Files in <Install Directory>\Orchestrations\OrderBroker

File Description
OrderBroker.btproj BizTalk project file.
OrderBroker.odx The OrderBroker orchestration.

Files in <Install Directory>\Orchestrations\OrderManager

File Description
CheckInterrupt.odx The CheckInterrupt orchestration.
ErrorHandler.odx The ErrorHandler orchestration.
ExceptionHandler.odx The ExceptionHandler orchestration.
Interrupter.odx The Interrupter orchestration.
OrderManager.btproj BizTalk project file.
OrderManager.odx The OrderManager orchestration.

Files in <Install Directory>\OrderBrokerMaps

File Description
CSR_OrderRequest_To_Order.btm Map to convert a customer service order request to an order message.
CSR_OrderRequest_To_Servicing_OrderRequest.btm Map to convert a customer service order request to a message to the servicing
CSR_OrderRequest_To_SQLHistoryInsert.btm Map to convert a customer service order request to a history update message.
OrderBrokerMaps.btproj BizTalk project file.
Order_To_CSR_OrderRequest.btm Map to convert an order message to a customer service order request.

Files in <Install Directory>\OrderBrokerSchemas

File Description
CSR_OrderRequest.xsd Schema for the customer service request.
OrderBrokerSchemas.btproj BizTalk project file.
Servicing_OrderRequest.xsd Schema defining the message sent to the servicing system.
SQLHistoryInsert.xsd Schema for the SQL history message.

Files in <Install Directory>\OrderBroker_Proxy

File Description
Global.asax Generated file.
Index.htm Generated file.
OrderBrokerOrch_OrderPort.asmx Generated file.
Web.config Generated file.

Files in <Install Directory>\OrderBroker_Proxy\App_Code

File Description
DataTypes.cs Generated file.
OrderBrokerOrch_OrderPort.asmx.cs Generated file.

Files in <Install Directory>\OrderHandler

File Description
OrderHandler.cs C# code for the OrderHandler object.
OrderHandler.csproj C# project file.

Files in <Install Directory>\Rules

File Description
DecodeAndValidateOrderRules.xml Rules file for the Business Rules Engine.

Files in <Install Directory>\SampleMessages

File Description
CSR_OrderRequest.xml Sample customer service order request.
OrderEnvelope.xml Sample order envelope.

Files in <Install Directory>\SchemaClasses

File Description
AssemblyInfo.cs Assembly information file.
InternalMessages.cs C# code for classes defining messages used to communicate among components of the solution.
SchemaClasses.csproj C# project file.

Files in <Install Directory>\Schemas

File Description
Order.xsd Schema for the order message.
OrderPropertySchema.xsd Promoted properties schema for the order message.
Schemas.btproj BizTalk project file.

Files in <Install Directory>\Scripts

File Description
CleanDirs.cmd Command file to delete directories used with files only exercising of the test version of the solution.
CreateAppReferences.vbs VBScript to create application references.
CreateQueues.vbs VBScript to create MSMQ queues.
CreateSouthridgeVideoApplication.cmd Command file to create the configuration values in the SSO configuration store.
CreateTestDirectories.cmd Command file to create directories for the test version of the solution.
DeployBPM.cmd Command file to deploy the solution.
regac.bat Batch file to register assemblies in the global assembly cache (GAC).
SouthridgeVideoSSOConfiguration.xml File containing the initial SSO configuration values.

Files in <Install Directory>\ServiceLevelTracking

File Description
Activity_CustomerOrderRequest.cs C# code to define the customer order request BAM activities.
Activity_OrderManager.cs C# code to define the order manager BAM activities.
Activity_ServiceOrderRequest.cs C# code to define the service order request BAM activities.
ServiceLevelTracking.cs C# code to define the abstract base class for activities.
ServiceLevelTracking.csproj C# project file.

Files in <Install Directory>\Utilities

File Description
AssemblyInfo.cs Assembly information file.
CableOrderException.cs C# code defining the cable order exception class.
Helper.cs C# code for various helper classes and methods.
Recaller.cs C# code for the Recaller object.
SSOConfigHelper.cs C# code for the SSO configuration helper objects and methods.
Utilities.csproj C# project file.

See Also

Business Process Management Solution Reference
Components of the Business Process Management Solution