How to Configure a Windows SharePoint Services Send Port

This topic describes how to create and configure a Windows SharePoint Services send port by using the BizTalk Server Administration Console.

To create and configure a Windows SharePoint Services send port

  1. In the BizTalk Server Administration Console, create a new send port or double-click an existing send port to modify it. For more information,see How to Create a Send Port. Configure all of the send port options and specify Windows SharePoint Services Transport Properties for the Type option in the Transport section of the General tab.

  2. On the General tab, in the Transport section, next to Type, click Configure.

  3. In the Windows SharePoint Services Transport Properties dialog box, do the following:

    Use this To do this
    Adapter Web Service Port The HTTP port of the IIS Web site where the Windows SharePoint Services adapter Web service is installed. By default, this is the Default Web Site configured on port 80. If you have configured the Windows SharePoint Services Web service on any other IIS Web site than the Default Web Site, you will have to update this value.
    Timeout The time-out, in milliseconds, for the adapter runtime Web service calls made to the Windows SharePoint Services adapter Web service. You may need to increase this value if the message or batch size is higher than the average that is expected by the adapter.
    Destination Folder URL The Windows SharePoint Services destination folder URL, relative to the SharePoint site. For example, Shared Documents, Shared Documents/Purchase Orders/, or Lists/Tasks. You can send messages to a SharePoint list by specifying the URL of the list, for example, Lists/Tasks. If you specify a list as a destination, the message body will not be saved with the list item but the values extracted from the message will still be promoted into the SharePoint columns. Note: Sometimes the SharePoint document library, list, or folder URL is different from the name of that item. Check the address bar in Internet Explorer to find the correct URL.
    Filename (Optional) The Windows SharePoint Services filename. You can type in a literal value like 'PurchaseOrder0001.xml' or an expression. Expressions can include any mix of literals, macros and XPATH queries, ex: "PurchOrd-%XPATH=//po:PurchaseOrderId%-%MessageID%.xml". When no file name is supplied, the file name will be the name of the original file, the value supplied by the orchestration, or 'Msg-%MessageID%.xml' if the orchestration does not define the file name. Note: When sending messages to a list, the value specified in the Filename property is ignored and will not be saved in any SharePoint column. SharePoint lists do not have a Filename column. Instead, update the 'Title' column using one of the 16 columns available.

    For more information about expressions, see Windows SharePoint Services Adapter Expressions.
    Namespaces Aliases (Optional) A comma or semicolon-delimited list of namespace aliases definitions. Use this field to define the namespace aliases that are used by the XPATH queries introduced in fields like 'Filename' or 'Column Value'. For example, po='http://OrderProcess/POrder', conf='http://OrderProcess/Confirmation' xmlns=""; ipsol='{D8217CF1-4EF7-4bb5-A30D-765ECB09E0D9}'. Note: This property does not override the WSS.ConfigNamespacesAliases message context property defined by the orchestration. The two values are merged instead.
    Overwrite Determines whether an existing file is overwritten. Select 'Yes' to overwrite existing files. Select 'No' to raise an error and suspend the message when a file with the same name already exists. Select 'Rename' to rename the file. Select 'Orchestration' to use the value defined by the orchestration. Caution: Sending a large number of messages with the same name while the Overwrite property is set to 'Yes' could result in SharePoint errors being logged in the Event Viewer. These errors do not affect the functionality of the adapter. Any message that fails will be retried.
    SharePoint Site URL The complete URL of the Windows SharePoint Services Web site. For example, http://BizTalkServer/sites/TestSite. Note: The URI for a send port or receive location cannot exceed 256 characters.
    Microsoft Office Integration 'Optional' to change the document so that it automatically opens in an Office application like InfoPath or to save the document as-is if no InfoPath solution is found. 'Yes' to change the document so that it automatically opens in an Office application like InfoPath or suspend the message if no InfoPath solution is found. 'Yes (InfoPath Form Library)' to change the document to automatically open in an Office application such as InfoPath using the InfoPath solution found in the form library if the message is sent to a Windows SharePoint Services InfoPath form library. If the form library does not have an InfoPath solution, the message will be suspended. 'No' to save the document 'as-is' without any changes. 'Orchestration' to use the value defined by the orchestration. For binary messages, No or Optional values must be used. Note: At least one of the property pairs Templates Document Library and Templates Namespace Column or Templates Fallback Document Library and Templates Fallback Namespace Column is required when Microsoft Office Integration is set to Yes.
    Templates Document Library Enter the name of a SharePoint document library where the InfoPath solutions are stored. For example, My Solutions. This is the first place where the adapter will look for a matching InfoPath solution. If a solution is not found, the adapter will look in the Templates fallback document library. Note: This field is required when the Templates Namespace Column field is not empty. Note: The document library must have at least one SharePoint column of type 'Single line of text' which is populated with the namespace and the root node of the XML documents that can be opened with this InfoPath solution, or just the root node. For more information, see Walkthrough: Module 2 - Integrating Office with the Windows SharePoint Services Adapter.
    Templates Fallback Document Library Enter the name of a SharePoint document library where the InfoPath solutions are stored. For example, Templates. The adapter will only search this document library for a matching InfoPath solution if a solution is not found in the templates document library. The 'Templates Fallback Document Library' and 'Templates Document Library' fields can be used with two sets of InfoPath solutions. There are generic InfoPath solutions that work for all general purposes, and specialized InfoPath solutions that are used only for a particular partner. The 'Templates Fallback Document Library' field should point to the generic solutions, and the 'Templates Document Library' should point to the specialized solutions for that particular partner. Note: This field is required when the Templates Fallback Namespace Column field is not empty. Note: The document library must have at least one SharePoint column of type 'Single line of text' which is populated with the namespace and the root node of the XML documents that can be opened with this InfoPath solution, or just the root node. For more information, see Walkthrough: Module 2 - Integrating Office with the Windows SharePoint Services Adapter.
    Templates Fallback Namespace Column This is the name of the Templates Fallback Document Library SharePoint column that stores the namespace of the InfoPath solution. For example, Namespace. Note: This field is required when the Templates Fallback Document Library field is not empty. Note: This field is case-sensitive.
    Templates Namespace Column This is the name of the Templates Document Library SharePoint column that stores the namespace of the InfoPath solution. For example, Namespace. Note: This field is required when the Templates Document Library field is not empty. Note: This field is case-sensitive.
    Column n This is the name of the Windows SharePoint Services column that exists in the destination document library. This is the column that should be updated with the value extracted from the message or specified in the 'Column value' field. Note: You can specify up to 16 columns. Note: This field is case-sensitive.
    Column n Value Enter the column value to be set for this message. You can type in a literal value like 'Purchase Order' or an expression. Expressions can include any mix of literals, macros, and XPATH queries. For example, "%XPATH=//po:POAmount%", "%SendingOrchestrationID%". Note: You can specify up to 16 column values.
  4. Click OK and OK again to save settings.

See Also

How to Configure a Windows SharePoint Services Receive Location
How to Configure a Windows SharePoint Services Send Handler
How to Create a Send Port
Windows SharePoint Services Adapter Properties Reference
Windows SharePoint Services Adapter Expressions
Supported Windows SharePoint Services Column Types