ReceiveHandler (ReceiveLocation Node)

The ReceiveHandler node of the ReceiveLocation node of a binding file contains specific information about the receive handler associated with a transport that is exported with the binding file.

Nodes in the ReceiveHandler node

The following table lists the properties that can be set for this node of a binding file:

Name Node Type Data Type Description Restrictions Comments
Name Attribute xs:string Specifies the name of the receive handler associated with the transport. Not required Default value: empty
HostTrusted Attribute xs:boolean Specifies whether the host associated with the receive handler is trusted. Required Default value: none

Set to true if host is trusted, otherwise set to false.
TransportType (ReceiveHandler Node) Record ProtocolType (ComplexType) Specifies the transport type, which is also the name of the adapter used with this receive handler. Required Default value: none